Chip buttie?
By bloomer
Well,not actually a chip one,more of a seed buttie..As we are trying to keep the birds well fed at the moment..I was wondering if it would be suitable to use the solidified type of vegetable oil from my chip pan,when it needs replacing..and add other things to it,for them..Yes ,I know we are told to get rid of the chip pan,but we prefer what we call ‘proper’ chips,in addition to to the oven type ones,on occasion..:o)….and why do these thoughts always come to mind when you are either just trying to get off to sleep,or when you wake up ?? Your advice will be most welcome…no salt ,vinegar,or sauces would be added :o))
It seems a shame to dispose of it,if it would be suitable…
18 Jan, 2013
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Thanks Sticki ,that sounds good...I never throw mine down the drain either,as I wash out and keep most of my tin cans,to use for the same purpose.or left over food....
18 Jan, 2013
Problem is keeping the snow off the food today!
18 Jan, 2013
Just seen the jay visiting the bird table [which has a roof so no snow on the food] but normally he doesnt go there at all ~ prefers the open dish!
18 Jan, 2013
I know a guy who gets 'old' oil from a chinese take-away & chip shop and he produces his own bio fuel for his van!! In fact he took our old shed away so he could use it for storing this oil!! I would use it B. a little wont hurt surely?
18 Jan, 2013
yes never tip oil down drain - saw a help house is falling down and it clogged it all up - it was revolting
I am not very good at making bird fat balls - I put bacon rind out - can't stand bacon anyway or ham , so they get that
18 Jan, 2013
Sandra, I just found this advice from the RSPB site:
Fat from cooking is bad for birds. The problem with cooked fat from roasting tins & dishes is that the meat juices have blended with fat & when allowed to set, this consistency makes it prone to smearing, not good for birds' feathers. It is a breeding ground for bacteria, so potentially bad for birds' health. Salt levels depend on what meat is used & if any salt is added during cooking.
Lard & beef suet on their own are fine as they re-solidify after warming & as they are pure fat, it is not as suitable for bacteria to breed on.
These are unsuitable for birds. Unlike humans, birds need high levels of saturated fat, such as raw suet & lard. They need the high energy content to keep warm in the worst of the winter weather, since their body reserves are quickly used up, particularly on cold winter nights. The soft fats can easily be smeared onto the feathers, destroying the water-proofing & insulation qualities.
I hope this helps! We are currently watching the snow falling (10.30am) and covering the crumbs we put on the patio ... a beautiful Thrush came in for them and was chased off by a very aggressive Blackbird ... survival of the fittest out there!
18 Jan, 2013
Thank you so much for all your helpful comments..and now I have read your info from the RSPB,Shirley..I think it best not to use it..but I am glad I asked first.I would hate to cause them any harm..I do have some Commercial fat balls in one feeder,but I will buy some cheap lard or suet instead,and add my own ingredients..mainly for a container on the ground for Blackbirds and robin...and anything else that decides to visit..:o) OH has just been out to defrost the bird bath..again ! Cheers everyone xx
18 Jan, 2013
Another thought, Sandra, type in 'fat balls' in the search box on here and you'll see some recipes using suet and/or lard ... we currently have a Great Tit and a Robin pecking away at the peanuts and fat balls ... snow falling heavily now ... :o(
18 Jan, 2013
Ok Shirley,will do..thanks..We only have a light covering here,which fell last night..around mid afternoon is supposed to be our heaviest snowfall..the roads and paths aren't at all icy,so I can cope with that..:o)
18 Jan, 2013
I sometimes buy a pack of lard, melt it and make a bird 'cake', it works well because it solidifies quickly. Snow quite heavy here now, 2.30pm.
18 Jan, 2013
which bit of london are you in GM?
18 Jan, 2013
I made them using Bird Seed and Lard but it was too sticky. Needs bread or oatmeal to improve.
18 Jan, 2013
Have to admit i still have and still use the old chip pan, i think i dont eat chips very often but when i do i like to eat proper chips as i call them, i dont worry about leaving the chip pan on or anything as if i've got it on i never answer door or phone, and when i've finished cooking my chips i put the dripping in a dish as i think when its been used a few times your chips are even better,) and i wash my chip pan every time i use it.
18 Jan, 2013
SE Sticki, not far from Greenwich & the O2. !
18 Jan, 2013
ah, thank you ~ son and family are in south london ~ east dulwich ~ wondered how the snow was around that area ?
18 Jan, 2013
Reckon it would be the same Sticki, about 4" deep and still falling :(
18 Jan, 2013
are the trains running?
18 Jan, 2013
Well funny you should hubb has been to an exhibition today and text me to say the Sidcup line is cancelled and he is on the bus!!
18 Jan, 2013
oh no! son wont be happy if he has to use a bus!!!
18 Jan, 2013
I knew there was a reason for cooking with lard :o)
I do use the solid fat from meat but dont mix in the meat juices nor use salt in cooking it.
I make bird cakes with bread crusts, seed, dried fruit, a spoonful of sugar and suet. they keep well too.
18 Jan, 2013
Just what I will be doing,Sbg..I wouldn't have thought of adding sugar that for extra energy ?
18 Jan, 2013
yes just a small amount Bloomer . I put a huge mix out this morning its nearly all gone, mainly starlings a few blackbirds, several pigeons and a little boy chaffinch.
19 Jan, 2013
Thanks,Sbg..All mine soon went today too,but still hardly any eating from the 4 feeders..just a couple of bluetits..
It is too dicey to go down the steps to a wall where I usually put some food,so put it on another one near the house..Blackbirds didn't seem to mind the change :o)
It's almost dark,but I can still hear them about,so they now have some cut up bacon fat,and seeds for an early supper..I shall make a mix with lard tomorrow..:o)
19 Jan, 2013
Does anyone know if birds drink snow or do I have to keep thawing the bird bath?
19 Jan, 2013
that might do but it's usually recommended to melt the water eAch day!
19 Jan, 2013
Funny you should ask that question Ba .. today we watched a fat Pigeon sitting on the snow covered bird bath pecking/supping the snow! Two of the water dishes are under the snow somewhere ... o(
19 Jan, 2013
Pigeons are the only birds that can drink without tilting their heads back ( good old QI). I did order a new bird table early this week, but it hasn't arrived yet so I have to throw mealworms and suet pellets and seed in the snow. I have suet blocks and balls and peanut cake hanging up too. Paul I did manage to thaw the bird bath even through the terrible flu, I would stagger out with a kettle, then collapse lol, I was just hoping I didn't have to go out 'til the snow melted:-)
19 Jan, 2013
Sorry to hear you have had the flu,Ba..hope you are feeling better now..but glad you got your priorities right..your birds would be very grateful :o) take is very icy here this morning..
20 Jan, 2013
Yes I'm ok now thanks Bloomer. Looking out of the window this morning, I can see the road reflecting the street lights, looks treacherous with frozen compacted snow. The pavements are just snowy although possibly frozen snow beneath innocent looking fluffy stuff.
20 Jan, 2013
I didn't know that fact about Pigeons, Ba ... just been watching a couple of Blackbirds eating crumbs off the patio ... snow just started to fall again down here ... :o(
20 Jan, 2013
That's good takes some shifting..the flu I mean,,as well as the snow ! Very grey and horrible here too..and the same conditions as yours..more of it forecast later,but heavier tomorrow..There are Icicles hanging on the Conservatory..just been preparing some more goodies for the Blackbirds and Thrushes..can't keep up to them..later on they are having mealworms,seeds and some old Spaghetti I found lurking in the cupboard..I cut the latter up small first before cooking,and added a teeny splash of oil to stop it sticking.then mixed it with the rest.
I don't know whether it has much nutrition value,but they ate it with gusto ,last time I tried it..I don't think it will do them any harm..They had cheese,seeds and bacon fat for breakfast..
They will be asking for a" daily specials " menu board next :o))
20 Jan, 2013
Lol, Sandra, 1 Hobnob, 1 Digestive and some Muesli for our birds today ... not much else to give them right now ... and a shallow dish of water which they're all ignoring ... ungrateful so-and-so's!
20 Jan, 2013
I didn't know you could give them oats, do you mean porridge oats dry? It's costing me a fortune feeding, as soon as I put suet pellets amd mealworms and seed out, they vanish lol. I have a packet of Scotts porridge oats in the cupboard, a few weeks out of date, should I just scatter?:-)
20 Jan, 2013
They are fine,Ba.that's what I use..or other stores own brands are suitable..and cheap enough to buy for the birds.. :o)..I usually moisten them a bit first,but I don't know whether it is necessary..I just thought this weather,when they can't find water,it might help them..just mix it with other things,or on it's own if you have nothing left..I've just looked out,and the Blackbird is
tucking in :o)
20 Jan, 2013
i read somewhere that quick oats werent suitable as they were too dry, but the oats you ahve to boil for a while are ok as they are just rolled squished oats. dont use dessicated coconut either as it swells in the gut and causes dehydration problems.
I have been making holes in the pond ice too so the gases can escape, no mean task its 2" thick. the birds are drinking from there. one hardy female balckbird still took her bath. she comes every saturday for a bath. I didnt see her during the weeks i was off except for the saturday.
20 Jan, 2013
I've never bought the quick type,Sue,but thanks for the tip..Should I be boiling the others first then ? I've just been moistening them,and leaving them to stand for a while..I knew about coconut,so won't be using that..I hope they won't swell when they have eaten them ! They seem ok though,and both Blackbirds keep coming do the Pigeons and collared Doves...
20 Jan, 2013
More questions ..... I've been clearing out my cupboards and found four packets of pulses out of date (chickpeas, aduki, orange splitpeas/lentils and pinto beans which I never got around to using despite good intentions) and walnuts. Now, can I feed them to the birds and how if I can?:-)
20 Jan, 2013
I don;t really know about Pulses,Ba..unless you cook them first ? I'm sure walnuts will be ok,if cut up small..maybe google the RSPB site,and see if there is a Questions page or go to the' I spy a bird' forum ?I'm sure someone will know..
sorry I can't be of more help,,but I don't know a lot either..
I go mainly by what I read on here..
21 Jan, 2013
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Somebody in a shop told me recently he never throws the fat away [because he didnt want to block the drain] he pours it over oatmeal and gives it to the birds, he said they love it.
Sounded like a good idea to me.
18 Jan, 2013