Balmy summer evenings..:o)
By bloomer
It’s 9 PM,and so lovely to be able to be outside in the warmth..just pottering here and there..still listening to the Blackbirds singing,and feeling the calm stillness of the evening….just a few photo’s of flowers finally coming into their own..and looking forward to their full doesn’t get better than this, and I want it to go on for ever..
Surfinias in a trough with Fuchsias ,still to flower yet..
Shady bed,with Heucheras..kindly gifted from Cinderella…which have grown so much this year..thanks my friend:o)
My Avatar pic,a white Delphinium opened today,and the other one next to it,also a white one,but with a different centre,is almost a smaller blue one,not visible yet..
all in all,it looks like we are having a summer at last..enjoy,everyone .xxx
8 Jul, 2013
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Your garden is lovely your shady border is looking good think I should put my heucheras in the shade , bloomer what is the name of the tall yellow flowers in the last picture I have them but have no idea what they are ?
8 Jul, 2013
Im not long in myself Bloomer....wonderful weather...:>)
8 Jul, 2013
Isn't it great! I'm at work but still outdoors enjoying the heat and the tranquillity, when there are no lorries that is :) The air just feels like summer doesn't it. Long may it last.
8 Jul, 2013
Lovely garden pics Bloomer and I agree entirely - don't want it to end either! I was out til late watering and listening to the Blackbird singing away the most beautiful sound - makes your heart sing :o)
8 Jul, 2013
Looking Good out there Sandra! Did your new things for your Delps help? I had to resort to canes again, mine were completly wrong for the job Aw well you can;t get right all the time!! Pots look great
9 Jul, 2013
Thanks Annie,It looks like we were all out at the same time last night....a virtual watering :o)
Thank you Kidsgran..I might move the purple ones into a sunnier place next year,and get some peachy or paler ones,which prefer it more shaded..I think it needs a bit of a lift..and the tall yellow one is the way it stays upright..a gift from Carole two years ago,and I now have clumps of it in my long front border..great gap filler :o)
Just makes you want to stay there all night,Moti..Blackbird still singing well after 10pm...lovely :o)
Indeed Scottish..great when you aren't stuck indoors working..this is the best we have had for such a long time..and set to be with us a while yet ..yippeee :o)
Thanks's been a long time coming,so we must make the most of it.I can't bear to be inside when it's like this..although we have been moving into the shade under the brolly in the heat of the day.we spend enough time indoors most of the time ...
Thanks Neellan..just looking forward to seeing everything else in full bloom soon,but for now,just happy to see some colour at last,and make the most of the weather :o)
Thanks Val..I am very pleased with the supports for the Delphs..and one has just moved slightly with the weight of the plant and when it was windy..but easily shoved back in the is also fastened to the one next to it,with a plastic tie,so yes,it was well worth the expense I ,if you are lucky enough to get any Garden vouchers given ?? :o)
9 Jul, 2013
Beautiful blackbird song here too......
9 Jul, 2013
Isnt it nice to be out in the garden in the evening, love this weather, but hope it doesnt stay to hot... all looking lovely in your garden..
9 Jul, 2013
I love to be outside on a summer evening too so peaceful with the birds still singing as the sun goes down, Your garden is looking wonderful I love the display of Heucheras they are doing so well and I envy you and your Delphiniums just cant seem to grow them in my garden.
Hope we get similar evenings next week Sandra;0))
9 Jul, 2013
My full respect, love and admiration to all of you who can stand and enjoy the hot sunny weather. It is probably more to do with a good or a bad health and not our taste as such. Myself cannot stand anything above 25 celsius, although I lived all my younger years in the central plains of Cyprus where temperatures in the summer reach the forties celsius. Unfortunately I cannot stand very low temperatures either. Somebody said to me why don't you go to live in the Bermudas where there is a spring like weather all year round. Lets start buying lottery tickets then.
Do all enjoy this nice summer weather as long as it lasts. People like me can keep indoors waiting for the temperatures to drop.
All the best.
9 Jul, 2013
Baby bear syndrome Costas........we like it. "just right". :0))
although at the minute I,m sitting in the shade reading a book.......
How many years since we've been able to do that?
9 Jul, 2013
It is probably due to the difference between London and the place you live Pam. Hot and sunny weather is an unnatural thing in this country. It arrives suddenly, it lasts for a few days only, doesn't happen every year and doesn't give us enough time to acclimatise. We go straight from the central heating to the cooling fans and back. I would say that 25 Celsius here equals 35 Celsius in the hot countries. Our houses are different, our gardens and our plants are different, the whole atmosphere is different.
Do enjoy the remaining warm evenings reading your favourite books. I must admit that the last book I read was 50 years ago at high school, but I am quite knowledgeable I believe. Wife reads tons of them but I never touch them. I hate when she reads in bed.
9 Jul, 2013
Beautiful garden Sandra, and what lovely colour combinations. The lilac and yellow go so well together. I need to stay in the shade in the hottest part of the afternoon - Costas is right, we haven't had time to acclimatise, but who's complaining?
9 Jul, 2013
Your garden looks fantastic Sandra, especially your shady boarder, I shall be asking for tips if the dreaded cherry tree isn't loped :)
9 Jul, 2013
Almost 10PM,and only just come in ..again..:o) The Blackbird is still singing,Pam..his throat must be getting a bit tired I think..
Thanks Holly,I could almost sleep out there,after today..very very hot and muggy..just a bit too much today..
Thanks Carole..I hope it is like this next week will be lovely to stroll by the sea,and watch the world go by :o).The Heucheras have done so well,haven't they?
Have you thought of growing Delphs in pots? I'm sure you can spare some of yours for next year:o) Mine started off in pots,before I planted them out..
I know what you mean,Costas..I love the sun,but can't sit in it directly..always under the Umbrella,or in the shade..and always have sun cream on,as soon as I know I'm going out there..the lobster look of old,isn't worth it..!
We had never heard of suncream,when we were kids..we just fried !
Thank you Steragram, I love those combinations fact I like any mish mash of colour in the summer..they still seem to blend together ok :o)
Thanks Waddy..glad you like my little patch..:o) I forgot to mention yesterday,that I haven't forgotten about the'Snow in Summer' I promised you..the ground was too dry to dig some up,and but if I had,it would have been dead before you got home anyway ! :o)..another time,when conditions are better ..
9 Jul, 2013
No problem Bloomer, enjoy your holiday by the sea. Best regards to Carole :)
10 Jul, 2013
Have a lovely time Bloomer, take the sunscreen and floppy hat its due to warm up again at the weekend they say.......
10 Jul, 2013
Thanks Waddy,we are really looking forward to it. I will pass on your regards to Carole :o)
10 Jul, 2013
Thank you Pam..sunscreen is the norm at the moment,but at this rate,I might need extra..Floppy hat at the matches the rest of me Lol x
10 Jul, 2013
I'm with you Costas!! Lets all go to Bermuda. I long for summer and then i moan Lol. It has been a delight to see the gardens in bloom at last and yours is so lovely B. enjoy it is going to be a scorcher by the weekend apparently.
10 Jul, 2013
Thank you G.mage,I'm quite pleased with it this least they aren't drowning..!We are never satisfied are we ? I must admit it was too hot for me yesterday..cloudy sky all day today,but just right..I hope the air conditioning is working ok on the coach on Saturday..I've seen the forecast !!
10 Jul, 2013
Take a fan! One of the old fashioned sort you waft about....
Have a wonderful time all of you xxx
11 Jul, 2013
What,and risk being called Lady Windermere all week?? ...Russell will have to waft me with his hat..or at least that is what he would be pretending to do..:o)..I might just try and open a window!! Lol. Thanks for your good wishes,I'm sure we will all have another good time together xx
11 Jul, 2013
Yes, it's certainly summer here!
Your garden looks colourful but , also, very neat!
11 Jul, 2013
It's looking lovely Sandra, I could get used to this weather too lol. It seems to take hours just watering at the moment though, too many pots as well, but I love it. I too have to keep covered (very pale skinned and freckles) burn very easily, mainly the back of my neck as I'm always bending down out there pulling weeds and fiddling:-))
11 Jul, 2013
Ooh fans are making a come back!
I found some lovely lace ones in Bruge.....
Thereagain if you have someone to fan you.....even better x
11 Jul, 2013
But Pam, waving ones arms about becomes so tiring .... are you offering? :-)))
11 Jul, 2013
Thanks Paul,I'm afraid I'm one of those people who only do neat..:o) but my back garden is so small,it is soon done.My neighbour often asks what what I find to do .a tactful lady who thinks I'm crackers really..not far wrong there :o)
11 Jul, 2013
Thank you Ba..the watering is getting a bit of a chore now..but it has to be seems to take forever,doesn't it? So you have Freckles,do you? also known as sun kisses isn't that a lovely thought?
11 Jul, 2013
Lol,Pam..I haven't time to nip to Bruge,:o) but I remember seeing them when we went a long time ago..I was more interested in the change there then..that reminds me..I must finish my bar in the fridge :o)
11 Jul, 2013
Your Heucheras are looking brilliant, Sandra ... do you ever cut the flowers for indoors? I do and find they last quite some time. Have just come in from a leisurely stroll along the beach ... barely a breeze and not too hot ... perfick! Looks like a good sunny and dry week for your holiday ... have a lovely time ... :o)
12 Jul, 2013
I really don't fancy Strawberries dipped in chocolate,Pam..although they are very popular..I like my chocolate neat :o)
12 Jul, 2013
Thanks,I haven't thought of cutting them for inside..a bit late now,as they are like confetti now..dropping at the least touch..not a good look in my hair..:o) ..glad you had a nice walk on the beach..I hopw we can do the same next week:o) ..I really hope you have a lovely holiday too,Shirley..well deserved for you both :o) xx
12 Jul, 2013
I'll have yours then Sandra:-)
12 Jul, 2013
How lucky are you Shirley .... a beach on your doorstep:-)
12 Jul, 2013
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I've just come in too Bloomer 10pm......Pottering then watering. Your garden is looking pretty :o))
8 Jul, 2013