Gardeners World Live at N.E.C. Part 1
By bornagain
I went on the last day of this show, Sunday, so nothing was looking quite as good as it would have earlier. I wouldn’t go on the last day of a show again unless there was no option as many of the plants are wilting, as are the exhibitors…they all just wanted to go home, they had many long days here and had to pack up of course before they could leave.
This first pic shows some of the tiny allotment gardens we passed by on the way in.
This was my first exciting glimpse inside the floral marquee…Hardy’s exhibit…loved it! Out came the camera, all the following pics are Hardy’s
I thought you may be wondering how Goy member Vicky’s Plantagogo exhibit fared…..ANOTHER GOLD!!! This is why…
I have lots more to show you if you are interested, but they will go in part 2
21 Jun, 2010
Previous post: WAITING
Next post: Gardeners World Live part 2
Lovely pictures, thank you for sharing... Please post more.. I never get bored looking at plants over and over again. Lol.
21 Jun, 2010
wud have loved to go but nxt best looking at ur pics and yes we are waiting 4 part 2 . did watch it on tv , nice pics .
21 Jun, 2010
It must have been a wonderful experience for you. The displays look good even on the last day
22 Jun, 2010
It is a great day out, we went on Friday but unfortunately had the rain, didnt really spoil it though, i agree the Plant Marquee is the 'piece de resistance', i did a blog too :^)
22 Jun, 2010
Thanks everyone for your kind comments. Bloomer, the exhibitors,'tho very pleasant, were all saying how tired they were and the plants were not at their best, well the ones I bought weren't and looked quite bereft of flowers by the time I got them home lol:-)
22 Jun, 2010
You're welcome Michaella, the bag I took was so large i sometimes couldn't find my little camera. Also I was so last in looking I sometimes forgot to take any lol:-)
22 Jun, 2010
Glad you liked them Cristina:-)
22 Jun, 2010
I did enjoy it very much Hywel, the last time I went was about 13 years ago and it was a much larger show and the floral marquees went on for miles. This year it was combined with the Good Food show which also was much larger the last time I went there. Must be a sign of the times:-)
22 Jun, 2010
Daylily, Im off to look at your blog now:-)
22 Jun, 2010
lovely pics bornagain, looks like you had a great day to ;o)) going to part 2 now lol
22 Jun, 2010
Haven't done it yet sandra, you're very eager lol. Thanks it was lovely, went with my daughter,son-in-law (chauffer) and grandchildren. They stayed mostly at the food show, apparently they ate their own weight in food! I suppose plants are a bit boring for little ones, they tried all the freebies, I had some too and was most tempted by a ( I think it was called) Vitamix blender. It did everything, we tried hot soup, heated by the speed of its blades, yoghurt strawberry ice cream with veg hidden in it, delicious and to top it all, it made a compost with any left overs which you could pour straight away on your plants! Soooo tempted thinking of how healthy we would all be until the marvellous sales woman said we could buy it at the special show price of just over £400 I made a swift exit lol:-)
22 Jun, 2010
Hope you like it, bornagain, cheers !
22 Jun, 2010
Great pics, I was there sunday too. Maybee we should all have badges so we can say hello.
I put up some pics on a blog about the show as my youngest got to meet Carol Klein while we were there.
Waiting for part two.
22 Jun, 2010
lol bornagain, think i would have made a sharp exit to ;o(
also i thought you had already done no2 hhaha but realised after i commented you hadnt ;o))
22 Jun, 2010
When i was there i was thinking i wonder if there are any more GOYers there, and that i should wear a badge!
22 Jun, 2010
i bet there were a few daylily, im going to wear a badge when i go to southport flower festival just incase;
22 Jun, 2010
Im sure there was Sanbaz, hope you have a good day! :^)
22 Jun, 2010
not till august daylily, iv got a couple of other things to go to before which im looking forward to, infact a busy year with one thing and another, nice though ;o))
22 Jun, 2010
Wouldn't it be nice if there was some facility on here featuring shows or even open gardens where Goyers could could find out who was going to an upcoming show or garden. Spritz did it cleverly with her 'Anyone want to borrow my shoehorn' blog so we were able to meet up briefly at Vickys exhibit at Malvern Show. I wonder if someone brave could put the suggestion to Peter or Ajay?
22 Jun, 2010
Thankyou for sharing, I keep hinting for a kind family member to take me to a show but no luck yet so I have to rely on you kind people...
Off to No 2 blog now.....
22 Jun, 2010
Lincslass, I'm the same, but did get to Malvern on a coach which had a local pick up. Have you tried seeing if any coaches pick up by you? Possibly there is some gardeners club locally you could join which has trips, or you could share transport cost with someone who was going there. I make all these suggestions, but I would be too cowardly to do them myself lol (don't mean the coach) so normally have to rely on kind family member (son-in-law) :-)
23 Jun, 2010
it would be a great idea if we could have something like that bornagain, just add your name if your going to be at a certain event, wear a badge to ;o)
23 Jun, 2010
I did wear a badge with my avatar pic on which I flashed at likely people. I got some funny looks;-) Are you brave enough to ask Peter or Anjay Sandra? :-)
23 Jun, 2010
i dont mind, will send a msg and see what happens bornagain ;o))
23 Jun, 2010
ive sent msg so will let you know the outcome bornagain ;o))
23 Jun, 2010
im back bornagain and have heard back from ajay, he is holding the fort alone at moment as peter away but has put it to the list, they are already thinking about the badge idea and ajay thinks its a good idea to, but wont be in the short time as lots of other things to, but at least its being concidered ;o))
23 Jun, 2010
Bornagain I have 2 daughters and a son,my lad is out because he lives quite a distance from me, unfortunately the daughter into gardening is too busy studying for a degree as well as working and bringing up a family at the moment, although she`d love to go , my other unmarried daughter is the one who I go lots of places with, although she enjoyed going to Kew Gardens, I haven`t yet persuaded her to take me to a show.. I am working on it though.Lol.
23 Jun, 2010
It is frustrating sometimes isn't it, and often there are so many arrangements to make just to have a day out, but worth it:-)
24 Jun, 2010
Shame on you Ba,flashing at "likely" people..!! and you a grandmother too..Lol.
24 Jun, 2010
One can but try Bloomer;-))
24 Jun, 2010
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I envy all of you who visited this show.They don't look as though they are wilting to me..lovely displays,Bornagain.glad you had a nice day,and will look forward to part 2.....
21 Jun, 2010