By bornagain
Last Sunday Floribunda, Stickitoffee and I met at Tetrarchs lovely house and gardens. I say gardens plural because they have recently madeover their front garden too and very pretty it is. You’ll have to take my word for it as I don’t have any pics but flori Might. I was too badly injured lol:-)
This is the view from Tet’s terrace which is just outside the french windows. My camera’s not brilliant so you can’t really see the lovely views beyond the garden. You can even see the suspension bridge:-)
This is one of the lovely seating areas where we ate our lunch.
View down the garden.
I shan’t say what Raffles did to that lovely pot at the end of Tet’s Garden!
I’m a little disappointed with this pic as it doesn’t show how gorgeous this colour combination is.
This is what I did to my foot..wore my new, low wedge, ankle strap shoes, stupidly tripped over my wide leg trousers….sank gracefully to the floor…that’ll teach me lol:-)
I hoped to get more pics, but I’m sure Flori will have loads more. What’s that?? who is who?? :-)
25 May, 2011
Previous post: Malvern Spring Show, Saturday.
Next post: Garden on return from holiday
Lovely garden, sorry about your foot, i have done this too a couple of times, very painful, hope its better soon.
25 May, 2011
In Picture 3 left to right, Tet, Pippa, Flori, Andy and Ken (Raffi was laying at Ken's feet but he's hidden by flowers, and yes, he christened Mother's ashes, but she wont mind).
Ba, your foot looks awful, hope its better now. You really didnt have to go to those extremes just to show off your toe varnish..you couldve just taken off your shoes!
Thank you for the lovely pics.
25 May, 2011
Ouch!....don't like the look of that ankle :( The garden looks beautiful and it's great to hear of your visit to one of Bristol's best garden attractions...and it's good for lunch and laughter too :)
I bet you're pleased you'd prettied up those toes, ready for piccies...lol
25 May, 2011
Thanks both, Annella..I was so pleased I did my nails before the visit...it's almost as if I knew they'd be on show. Normally I wear socks and jeans and don't bother:-)
It's a lot better now Daylily, I'm just being careful as I'm off on holiday on Saturday:-)
I hope Flori has some better pics as mine don't do the garen justice:-)
25 May, 2011
Gosh Tet and Whistonlass, you shot in quickly!! As you can see Wl from my previous comment, I did do them before I went..probably remembering my mum telling me about clean underclothes etc...and yes they were clean Tet before you ask..ready for all eventualities lol:-))
25 May, 2011
Lol! Where are you going on hols?
25 May, 2011
lovely pics Ba; gold medal award winning garden i think and the nail varnish also gets a silver gilt?
25 May, 2011
Aw gee thanks Sticki:-) Tet's lovely garden has given me ideas too:-)
25 May, 2011
a pergola? seating? roses? so much to choose from!
25 May, 2011
Garden looks lovely, great blog hope your ankle recovers soon
25 May, 2011
lovely garden Tet-- looks just right for entertaining---a lot of hard work as well--pleased the rain held off for you all
your poor foot Ba....... ouch!
25 May, 2011
It was a trifle windy Pamg and I think everyone got a bit chilly at the end, Ba's tiny foot was frozen (something to do with icecubes)..all cept me, Im so well covered I can garden in the winter lol!
Thanks for the compliments on the garden everyone, but the main kudos must be for my OH, I could never have got it to look nice without his hard work.
25 May, 2011
Very, very pretty planting in Tet's lovely garden ... good that you all met up ... not so good about your foot Ba. Hope the swelling isn't too bad now . . . .
25 May, 2011
Great blog~ made me laugh, beautiful tended garden, oh what rotten luck about your foot. Have a great holiday!
25 May, 2011
Have a lovely holiday.
25 May, 2011
Thanks all, I keep looking at the forecasts for Devon... and I'm going to keep looking until I find one that says warm and sunny every day!:-)
26 May, 2011
Well we had two months of snow and two months without rain, I sincerely hope for you that we dont have two months of rain!
26 May, 2011
It's like winter here today, cold, wet and very windy. I hope Devon will be better for you Ba
26 May, 2011
fingers crossed for you Ba xxx
26 May, 2011
I'm sure all your good wishes will do the trick:-)
26 May, 2011
two months of sunshine ~ starting on saturday maybe?
26 May, 2011
That'll do me Sticki, but I fear woollies may be in order, at least for the first half of the week. Rosie and Meg going to kennels at 4 o'clock, OH and I dreading it. They did stay at this place about 4 years ago and they were fine..still....feel as though betraying them lol:-)
27 May, 2011
think of them having a holiday too Ba-- change is as good as a rest they say have a great time xxx
27 May, 2011
They will be fine Ba, they have each other, that is the main thing, and they will swamp you with kisses when you get home. Happy holiday my dear girl!
27 May, 2011
That looks painfull BA, Owwwwww..I hope its gone down a bit today for your holiday :) and its sunny sunny sunny..
Tets garden is beautifull, i love the seating area as you come down the stairs, great pics..
28 May, 2011
ooooooooooo poor you , hope its better soon ...........lovely pics , just as gud as flori,s hun ,and yes who is who .......... come on do tell lol . love the garden by the way
28 May, 2011
Hi all \0/ I'm back. Cristina, if you look at the third comment down from top, Tet explains all:-)
Hi Youngdd, thanks for the compliment:-)
Froze first few days, then paddling on Thursday. Dogs home, and yes Tet...got licked to death..luvly:-)
4 Jun, 2011
hellooooooo Ba ~ welcome back!
hope you had a good time!!
any holiday photos?
4 Jun, 2011
Hi Ba, great to have you back! Hope your poor foot didnt give you a problem..didnt get frostbite or anything?
4 Jun, 2011
Sticki there wasn't really much to take pics of. We did catch a bus to Teignmouth and Newton Abbot, but there was not a lot there to interest Goyers, ...lots of so called amusements (gambling) and where we were staying was a place of holiday parks really. A little disappointing, but the site we were on was great for children, very well run, clean and the staff were wonderful. A short walk and we were on the small beach with some dodgems and go carts etc close by. From Thursday, the weather improved and we enjoyed the beach:-)
Tet, frostbite was the order of the day, I had my first proper sleep on Thursday lol. Came back with a cold, poor OH, his rheumatoid arthritis not helped by cold. My foot is nearer its normal shape now thanks, it'll be good as new in a week or two. I've been thinking...if you hadn't plied me with alcohol...the accident wouldn't have happened...that's the line my lawyers are taking. Also suing supplier of wide leg trousers:-)
5 Jun, 2011
lol! (soz)
5 Jun, 2011
Now lookee here Ba, I have five witnesses (including Raffie) who can swear I did not tie you down and force alcohol down your neck! It was probly the caffeine in the coffee cake that made you high anyway!
5 Jun, 2011
Good thought Tet...Sticki will be hearing from my lawyers too! Hello Daylily \0/ :-)
6 Jun, 2011
Sorry Sticki, but needs must lol!
6 Jun, 2011
oooooh! what are you saying while im away in devon looking after my mother!!
no more coffee cake for Ba or Tet
hi daylily ~ glad you are laughing ~ you can have some coffee cake.
6 Jun, 2011
It was the suing of the supplier of wide leg trousers that did it for me!
6 Jun, 2011
Ba is very funny! she would make you laugh! [not when she fell over tho]!!
she claimed the wide leg trousers were from BA fashion [as in Bornagain Fashion!!] ~ which makes it even worse.
you're up late!!
6 Jun, 2011
Thats novel, Ba is suing herself..
7 Jun, 2011
Yes sticki, i was, its the time when i can actually get on the computer when little 'snowdrop' has gone to bed!
7 Jun, 2011
good idea ~ nice to get on the computer [i spend too long on it]
little snowdrop is very good tho!
7 Jun, 2011
I'm afraid you've got it wrong Sticki..if only I was wearing the B A Fashion long legged long sleeved tankini, but no...it was a Per Una...via Oxfam, wide legged trouser (part of suit, nice little jacket, only £8). I feel it would be ungracious of me to sue Oxfam, especially as I could end up paying myself (£10 per month direct debit, may cancel lol) so Per Una it must be:-) If Daylily can have cake for laughing (at my expense I must say) I'm always laughing (manically) so I can have cake too:-) Hello everyone\0/:-)
7 Jun, 2011
Dear god, BA it took me half an hour to untangle that lot, wot are you on??? Can I have some too lol!
7 Jun, 2011
sorry for the mistake Ba ~ didnt realise you were per una's main competitor ~ and no doubt you will now be the winner as they will struggle to survive the law suit!!?
yes, you made us all laugh ~ you can have cake too
7 Jun, 2011
oohhh its THAT sort of cake is it!! now we know why you went 'base over apex'........
7 Jun, 2011
oh, base over apex ~ is that what ba stands for???
7 Jun, 2011
Blimey that was quick!!!! What are YOU on Sticki?? I want some of that too!
7 Jun, 2011
ummmmm, flapjack!!
but i did have half a glass of wine for tea and the pudding was pancakes with cherry conserve served with that new cherry ice cream and cassis poured on top!!
7 Jun, 2011
Missed this, was busy getting the garden ready for opening, you did go a cropper, hope all is well now. I do love Tet garden she has made an excellent job designing it looks as if a fun time was had by all.....must look for Flori's pics now.
7 Jun, 2011
It more of an oap's garden really DD, designed with old age in mind lol! Still, it pleases us. But I do love the cool green stuff in other people's gardens and the lovely borders. We didnt want to leave England to go to the Med, so this was the next best thing!
7 Jun, 2011
And beautiful it is too.....ours is so labour intensive, we must be mad lol
9 Jun, 2011
As long as you can kneel, make the most of it. I cant, and OH is beginning to struggle now too. He actually uses the gardeners kneeling stool! Wish I could. Still Im lucky with what I have. Somewhere nice to sit, lots of bright flowers, birds and bees and a fab view. And the time to enjoy it.
9 Jun, 2011
somewhere nice to sit? i should think it is one of the nicest places in bristol!! it is somewhere beautiful to sit.
10 Jun, 2011
Aw shucks! Thanks kind friend. But Im off now to watch Monty...he's visiting Monet's Garden tonight...ahhh Givenchy, wonderful lake...wonderful garden..wonderful memories..
10 Jun, 2011
Yes I saw that - looked very lovely but I know I would be cross having so many people there! Now watching Julia Bradbury walking along canal I know really well
10 Jun, 2011
I just realised I put Givenchy (perfume!) instead of Giverny!
Course, they go all the way to Worcester! Beautiful!
10 Jun, 2011
Yes, through alvechurch and tardebigge.
11 Jun, 2011
Oy, you two...stop rambling on my blog...had to laugh though...sounds as if you're sitting in the old home for the bewildered waiting for Rolfie:-)))
11 Jun, 2011
We're only having a gentle blog Ba..{:=((...wouldve done it on Flori's but some wild woman of borneo is trying to sling us off there...
11 Jun, 2011
Ok, you can seek refuge here...always welcome...for a small fee:-)
12 Jun, 2011
I will send you a plant forthwith!
12 Jun, 2011
and a cake from me?
mind you ~ im not sure i am capable of making a cake since you think i am a rambling bewildered old woman
12 Jun, 2011
Never mentioned you being old Sticki...bewildered..yes. All contributions gratefully received:-)
12 Jun, 2011
which 'wild woman' ... I missed that bit, have you been 'tilting at windmills' again!
12 Jun, 2011
I havent had a drop since Ba fell "a" over "t"! Just in case it was that you understand he he he!
12 Jun, 2011
there and I thought that you had a sedate afternoon tea... mind I know we need the rain but its been cold & wet all day so maybe just a little something to warm me up.....
12 Jun, 2011
31 Jul, 2011
Is that in sympathy with BA's fall Pip c, or our slow descent into gaga land? No good asking Pamg, she's probly shot full of t' hard stuff by now lol!
31 Jul, 2011
Thank you for the sympathy Pip, I didn't recognise you...otherwise I would have said yoohoo Pip\0/. Have you been away having a sex change? or has Fran been having a species change?...do tell:-)
31 Jul, 2011
Is there no end to the prying bornagain nose? Dont answer that question Pip..she's a sunday newspaper journalist in disguise..you know the sort of rag....
31 Jul, 2011
Caught bang to rights........and your phone has been hacked too Tet...perhaps you'd like to give your side of the facts concerning your latest scandal? :-) I'm working for that loveable ex antipodean Rupert so you can't touch me:-)
31 Jul, 2011
why whats been happening?
31 Jul, 2011
What? you want to know Tets darkest secrets Sticki? You'll have to read all about in my new Sunday publication B.A. World:-)
31 Jul, 2011
is that the sister publication to BA of the World?
31 Jul, 2011
I thought people would notice a close similarity, so dropped 'of the'. It's all part of our cunning plan to restore the status quo, having apologised humbly for what we didn't know we did. As everyone knows, there are those things we know we know and those things we know we don't know and those things we don't know we don't know as my dear friend Rumsfeld said:-))
31 Jul, 2011
Now I will have to go to that home for the Bewildered!! As long as they gag-gag BA!!
31 Jul, 2011
im sticking with the beano ~ i can understand that.
31 Jul, 2011
I'll get the Dandy and we can swap! If BA comes to visit, we wont be "at home"...one visit could certify us Sticki...
31 Jul, 2011
Pppppppp (closest I can get to raspberry) 8~P
2 Aug, 2011
thats funny Ba!!!
2 Aug, 2011
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Yes who's who Ba? Tet's garden looks lovely and how nice that you could all meet up, was this after Malvern? Your poor foot looks sore but the toe varnish is nice ;O)))))
25 May, 2011