Garden on return from holiday
By bornagain
This is what I found when I returned from holiday on the 4th June…everything ok:0) The wisteria is amethyst falls. A smaller non invasive plant which unfortunately has stubbier flowers and not very pleasant scent. I’ve got two:0) There are many gaps still, but next year will be better.
This is trollius alabaster, it’s been lovely this year.
I wonder what this magnificent weed was?
This is my little rescued acer tree, wonder what it is?
I’m just putting Mortimer Sackler on I photographed it today though…I bought it bare roo David Austin…what a beauty:0)
13 Jun, 2011
what a beautiful garden, so pretty and so many flowers ~ i wish i could find that when i come back from holiday; i particularly like the poppies against the dark background.
by the weed ~ did you mean that tall plant in the foreground? i think it is aconitum ~ bit like a delphinium??
13 Jun, 2011
You truly have a lovely garden a real welcome back off your holiday - hope you had a fab time away.
13 Jun, 2011
BA ... you have some lovely planting in the borders..
garden coming on nicely :o)))
13 Jun, 2011
Thats a lovely welcome home sight Ba, your garden is smashing and a credit to you.
Lovely photo`s as well...
13 Jun, 2011
A beautiful garden maturing nicely.The Mortimer Sackler is lovely isn`t it, I`ve got it growing up the front arch and it smells lovely as you come out of the front door.
13 Jun, 2011
gawjuss garden .............. the acer is stuning ............. and sticki i was gon say that tooo lol
13 Jun, 2011
It all looks beautiful, lush and abundant. I certainly can't see many gaps. But like you I always start thinking about next year and what I might add...
13 Jun, 2011
What a lovely sight to be greeted by when coming home BA. It's all looking very pretty and tidy and your rescued Acer is looking very happy and healthy. No idea what the weed is.
13 Jun, 2011
A beautiful display,Ba..I love your garden..makes you glad to get home..:o)
13 Jun, 2011
Goodness Ba, I dont know why you raved over my garden, yours is bally fantastic!! I love the rose and the Acer is the garden mystery and its a lovely colour. I am soooo impressed!
13 Jun, 2011
What splendid borders - full of lovely plants blossoming out and showing us their gorgeous flowers.
I like how you have tapered the wall - much more interesting than just a wall which is the same height all the way along.
You have certainly worked hard to make it the beautiful garden it is now. Well done.
14 Jun, 2011
Thanks Mad, I saw Mortimer on Strollers blog last year and fell in love, lovely perfume too:-)
14 Jun, 2011
Hi Sticki \0/ my 'poppies' are geum Mrs Bradshaw, amazing plant. Only put in last year after makeover. The cotinus is quite old and was cut right back, it's looking lovely this year with the geum. I hope it isn't aconitum...I pulled it out lol:-)
14 Jun, 2011
Thanks Kfun, holiday ok, caravan park Dawlish. Not somewhere I'd go again, but grandchildren quite liked it:-)
14 Jun, 2011
thanks Terra, so much is in the wrong place I often feel tempted to move them now! I know by autumn I'll probably forget what to move where lol. Could do with you here:-)
14 Jun, 2011
Thanks Lincslass, so many lovely gardens on here to inspire me, hence my makeover last year:-)
14 Jun, 2011
Stroller, it's your fault I've got Mortimer. If you look at your blog about him, you'll see how enthusiastic I was. I'm thrilled with him, thanks:-)
14 Jun, 2011
Thanks Cristina, it was nice to get back to:-)
14 Jun, 2011
Hi Marshmallow, I tried not to show too many gaps in my pics, but they're there, and so many plants in the wrong place....ah year:-)
14 Jun, 2011
Hi lily, thanks. I must be getting better at photography if it looks tidy. I just move things out of the way when taking pics lol. It did look nice though when I got back and I was so relieved:-)
14 Jun, 2011
\0/ Hello Bloomer, thanks, I was rather happy to be home...worried about my plants lol and my holiday companions all live near me so no tearful goodbyes:-)
14 Jun, 2011
Tet, compared to yours, mine is very messy and not co-ordinated, just doesn't show on pics....and as to the view!!!! I'm a little over looked to say the least:-)
14 Jun, 2011
\O/..good morning,Ba..up early ,like me..:o)..I always feel the same,especially about going away at this time of year..our gardens need us ! :o)
14 Jun, 2011
Hi Mariek, thanks. it's so different from last year before the makeover! If you are interested, there is a before and after blog on from last year:-)
14 Jun, 2011
It's all looking lovely Ba and that rose is perfect
14 Jun, 2011
\0/ hi Annella, it is lovely isn't it:-)
14 Jun, 2011
your garden is so beautiful, just love the little acer tree
15 Jun, 2011
Well I like your geum poppies!
15 Jun, 2011
Thank you Pondlady, I wish my pond was as lovely as yours:-)
16 Jun, 2011
They were far away Sticki...I bought loads of geums last them. Maybe next year I'll do a geum blog, very ambitious lol:-)
16 Jun, 2011
i shall look forward to that!
16 Jun, 2011
Yes, it's me! I have found my way to your blogs and am endeavouring to catch up on all your news Ba...Gorgeous, gorgeous garden!! I am so envious!!! Have you got acid soil over there, as wondered if that incredible Acer can be grown in alkaline is STUNNING!.. So wish I lived closer, I would be popping in on a permanent basis just to see your pride and joy...\0/Ps, glad you had a good holiday too! lol
4 Sep, 2011
I think acers like it on neutral to acidic side Flori, but mine were in pots for many many years and did very well. They are not deep rooted, so if you dig a big enough hole you could put loads of peat or leafmold in the hole to make it more acidic if you are very alkaline. I've always had acidic soil although my beds may not be so acidic at the moment as I had tons of topsoil for makeover last year. I wish I knew which acer it was as it's always a pretty colour and the leaves are so delicate. Only problem is lichen, it does tend to kill off twiggy branches. You would of course be more than welcome to visit, in fact Yorkie Sticki and Tet are coming here soon and staying overnight in a tent on the drive. It's a little steep so you'll all probably roll together, but it will keep you warm, Autumn can be rather chilly. Tet's arranging it of course, I'd have a word with her if I were you:-)))
5 Sep, 2011
and Ba is doing breakfast!!! i heard!!!?
5 Sep, 2011
Only under duress! :-)
5 Sep, 2011
i heard that too!!
5 Sep, 2011
Duress? Is that a new kind of cooking method that I hadn't heard of before, Sticki?lol
5 Sep, 2011
ummmm, possibly???
but as we are camping its better than 'sous vide' cooking!!!
5 Sep, 2011
Under empty??? 6 months on Linkword not wasted lol:-)
6 Sep, 2011
whats link word?
i dont know why they call it sous vide ~ had to look it up to check! ~ means it is cooked in a sealed pack in a water bath ~ very slowly.
6 Sep, 2011
I've seen them do that with meat and then when it's cooked they brown it in a pan. It's supposed to keep the meat juicy...I didn't know what it was called though clever clogs:-)
Linkword is a language course 4 discs bought it about three years ago and really enjoyed it , but it meant regular use of computer which oH wasn't too keen on. We weren't taught languages at my old rubbish school:-)
6 Sep, 2011
i think you are the clever one ~ i couldnt do all that language ~ i did french at school and hated it.
you are right about the meat ~ i only know cos i watch so many cookery programmes, dont watch much else! great british bake off now on.
6 Sep, 2011
I have never heard of Sous Vide..Numpty that I am..why not just use a slow cooker,wouldn't that have the same effect ?..and as for browning meat after it's cooked,we were always told to brown it first to seal in the juices..Is somebody out there having a laugh,or trying to make a name for themselves? looks like I have been doing it the wrong way round,the past thirty odd years then..oh,dear..
6 Sep, 2011
its the top chefs ~ you have to have a special water bath to do it!!!
i think the idea is that they cook for hours very gently ~ the water keeps the temperature even. i think it also gives a very fresh taste. if i remember rightly heston transformed the forces cooking ~ sous vide means they could have lovely tasting and textured food which takes up much less room in the plane/boat/submarine etc ~ fascinating programme ~ sous vide keeps the goodness in too.
6 Sep, 2011
So the sink is a no no then ? lol.Thanks for explaining,Sticki..:o)
6 Sep, 2011
i dont think so unless you have a heater in your sink!!!
6 Sep, 2011
6 Sep, 2011
6 Sep, 2011
I've missed the GB Bakeoff this week, I love it, must try to catch up. Did you know Hugh F W was going veggie, well mostly? I think he can't bear the suffering of animals...I'm tending towards vegetarianism myself lately too:-)
7 Sep, 2011
OH likes vegetarian food but i like a good steak to get my teeth into!!
not surprised about HFW.
7 Sep, 2011
I find I'm cooking more and more veggie food, Boo and Ade (who you could see on my last blog if you bothered to look) are both vegetarians, Ade has been veggie for ever and Boo has been on and off since teenage too:-)
8 Sep, 2011
sorry i had missed it ~ cos i was away, looks a really good event to go to.
8 Sep, 2011
Take no notice,Sticki..Ba had lots of comments..she is just attention seeking ! Lol :o))
8 Sep, 2011
Bang to rights again know me too well:-))
Sticki, being away at your sons wedding is no excuse, anyway, we need photographic evidence:-))
9 Sep, 2011
I seem to do,Ba..and yes,we are still waiting,Sticki ! :o)
9 Sep, 2011
i have put one on my photos.
9 Sep, 2011
Going to look :-)
10 Sep, 2011
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oh your garden is very pretty and the rose is just georgeous.. will keep variety in mind next time I go shopping for a rose plant...
13 Jun, 2011