By bornagain
Hope you’ll enjoy seeing my garden as much as I do. I trot out every day and survey my (tiny) domain, every bit like the Lady of the Manor:-) I find it so exciting at the moment though some of you may find it a little garish. I do try colour co-ordinating, but something pretty pops up and I can’t bear to remove it…I also makes loads of mistakes, forgetting how tall things grow etc.
Wild corn poppies adding grace
Colutea arborescens hung with pretty pale lanterns which will later turn mahogany. It flowered very well this year
This is the lovely ammi, such pure white. This is the first year I’ve grown it, it should self seed. I do hope so.
This was a bad idea, they looked lovely on the packet… short nasturtiums. I’ve spent ages removing obscuring leaves. Idea was, lavender at the front, nasturtiums behind then ammi and verbena bonariensis…tasteful lol:-)
This alstroemeria has just appeared from nowhere:-)
Here are some of my roses, gone a bit rose mad this year, must be fragrant though. Can’t find the name of this one.
This is a Flower Carpet rose, it really does spread.
This one changes colour from an orange gold to a reddy pink and all colours in between. Having looked at Michaelas rose blog, I now know it’s Irish Eyes:-)
This is Nice Days, a miniature climber to about 2 meters. I planted it on glorious Sunday 26th after digging up Wisteria Amethyst Falls which was planted last year.
Here it is in a pot and looking none the worse for its trauma. It was so tightly woven round its supports when I bought it that it hadn’t reached out to the arch. Not sure what to do with it now lol:-)
Another new rose Fragrant Cloud. This and Nice Days are my new acquisitions from Apuldram Roses. Very impressed by their quality, service and prices. I bought 3 altogether, the other is Mamma Mia.
Sweet cover. (no smell:-()
This is Polemonium Northern Lights. It is a most beautiful blue, I’m impressed.
Another surprise…I thought I’d lost this a few years ago, but I’m sure this is Alstroemaria of my favourites.
This is the bird bath on the little quarry tile patio. I love the way the campanula has taken over. I don’t mind this plant at all as it’s easy to pull out if it gets too much.
This massive hosta is very old. It edges the quarry tile patio and is not too bothered by slugs and snails. I have a large division in a pot too.
Here is the baby in a corner shaded by a giant Fatsia which was a little pot plant when I bought it. Must like it here:-)
A Tangutica on a trellis…not sure how I feel about this, didn’t know what it was when I planted it:-(
What a beauty, appeared by magic Papaver Somniferum
Just random riotous pics:-)
28 Jun, 2011
Previous post: Garden on return from holiday
Next post: THE GOING DOWN OF THE SUN Thursday June 30th
I love this and think it works beautifully. I have given up on colour coordination as my yellow bed is now yellow and blue and the pink bed has orange and purple in it!
28 Jun, 2011
What a beautiful garden! I love the huge hosta and the area where the birdbath is is really cute. Well done on such a lovely garden!
28 Jun, 2011
I have really enjoyed a stroll around your garden, I dont think it loks garish at all absoloutly adore the Polemonium Northern Lights such lovely delicate colours and your birdbath with the Campanula looks so pretty and natural. Im pleased your Alstroemaria has returned to you, thanks for sharing your excitingly pretty garden;0))
28 Jun, 2011
This is my type of garden a glorious mix of lot's of lovely plant's it look's really nice.
28 Jun, 2011
I don't think your garden is garish I think it is beautiful full of character and interesting plants:)
28 Jun, 2011
What a delight BA.... garish !!! I am having none of that it is a riot of beautiful colour..... I love all your combos well done you that Alstro is so lovely too.
28 Jun, 2011
Your garden is fantastic, BA! an absolute explosion of colour! It's like a floral 'Where's Wally?' but without looking for Wally! If you see what I mean, I've not had any lunch today, think I'm running on empty! Well, anyway, I think it's really pretty, and I'm putting this on my favourites, so I can look at it and smile! :0)
28 Jun, 2011
Its delightful Ba, not garish at all, just beautiful,
I had a go at colour go-ordination in a sandstone trough-- all pretty pastels... 'til the rabbits excavated it..... I emptied a couple of packets of seeds over the mess ( with the chilli ) and its a riot now, and you know I think I prefer it!
28 Jun, 2011
Beautiful garden, beautiful plants, love them all. I am the same with my garden at the moment :))))
28 Jun, 2011
Gorgeous! My kind of garden. And it's only with this sort of garden that you're rewarded with the odd suprise!
28 Jun, 2011
Beautiful garden Bornagain, not garish in the least .....
28 Jun, 2011
Love your garden and all your colours Ba. I especially like that Polemonium, I wish mine would flower but had it about 5 years and no flowers yet:o( I can't manage colour coordination either so I've given up and just let it all happen!
28 Jun, 2011
i LOVE IT dont know which bit i like best ................ its all stuning , i allso gave up on colour cordination lol ,
nature put wot she wonts where she wants it !!! .
28 Jun, 2011
Love all the mixtures of plants and colours, I think it looks wonderful.
28 Jun, 2011
A beautiful garden to stroll round with so much of interest to see, and I love those quarry tiles with the hosta edging over.
28 Jun, 2011
Love it - it's my kinda garden - random planting, every space filled with a plant. Well done.
28 Jun, 2011
Thank you so much everyone for all your lovely comments. I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys surprises. I have just discovered a patch of, what I thought was nigella, to be fabulous cosmos! I did buy a plant or two last year to fill a gap and they've rewarded me with dozens. I didn't know they self seeded...I'll be buying some seed for this autumn of the lovely tall ones to scatter:-)
29 Jun, 2011
Oh Bornagain I'm glad you found the cosmos. I always sow lots and last year was well rewarded, but this year - no. Then I realised that I had been pulling up what I thought were nigella, because there are way too many of them, but in fact it was the lovely cosmos. I can't believe I could be so stupid. Glad you have yours.
29 Jun, 2011
lol i allways grow them in greenhouse then plant them to fill the gaps
29 Jun, 2011
It looks gorgeous - just like a cottage garden should be, with loads of flowers all tumbling into each other. I love all the different colours together as you have them - they all look so natural. Well done !
29 Jun, 2011
I so enjoyed a stroll around your garden today. You've got such terrific colour everywhere. It's lovely!
30 Jun, 2011
What beautiful colours Ba, like an artist palette? Those poppies are gorgeous and I like that ammi - that's the one I didn't know the name of? Are the seeds easy to get hold of and does it grow in the shade?
30 Jun, 2011
I dont think your garden is garish at all,i think you have done some lovely planting so much to look at and take in,thanks for a really lovely blog,loved your bird bath area so sweet :)
30 Jun, 2011
Beautiful, packed full of colourful plants, I'm a fan of the bird bath area too. : o )
1 Jul, 2011
Thanks again everyone for the lovely comments. It does give me great pleasure at the moment, even through the window when washing up:-)) I'm glad I'm not the only one who mistook cosmos for nigella Ginelli lol. Sticki, I bought the seeds off Ebay. They were the ones I thought were dead, dried up wood lice and tossed in the air in shock when I saw what was in my hand lol. I don't think they like shade though I'm afraid, be lovely if they did. They will self seed apparently:-)
2 Jul, 2011
I shall just have to enjoy yours then Ba ~ thanks for putting it on here.
2 Jul, 2011
Its not that Im ignoring you really BA, its just that Ive been busy selling plants to make some money to pay for this lawsuit you hit me with! When I think how much that rose geranium will cost me eventually (its alive and kicking by the bye, still in flower and smells gorgeous), well, never mind I will have to send you a truck of flowers instead to squeeze in your garden...not that it needs it, its truly a joyful sight to behold and particularly love the birdbath being crept upon by the campanula. If you can remember the magic words that make alstroemarias "just appear", do let me know (I can sell them at a fiver a pot which means I can pay you off quicker lol!)
4 Jul, 2011
Magic words soil...bought tons of the stuff last year for makeover. Could also be ones I thought had died years ago which, having seen the light, decided to have another go. I've just remembered, it's probably your fault that I have spent pots of money on roses..well 3 new ones...but I need more...yes.. I'm addicted. Then Michaella goes and puts THAT rose blog on and I'm helpless...sigh. Don't think I've forgotten the law suit either, just cos you're complimentary about my garden:-)
5 Jul, 2011
LOL! I wont make that mistake BA, I know you have the memory of an least they can balance on one foot!!!
This is a wicked site for temptation aint it? Just seeing all those gorgeous plants and gardens and you redouble your efforts and triple your dont blame me for giving into temptation, its a disease known as keeping up with Gardener Jones lol!
I must see who I can inveigle into coming on to this site, dont see why we should be the only sufferers..
5 Jul, 2011
Have you seen lulu's latest blog? About a private garden in Gloucestershire?
5 Jul, 2011
Yep, that is where the Jones' leave us waaay behind! And I must admit Im glad I dont have 10+ borders!!! Just one more decent one would be good.
Im going back to the blog later, as only did a quick look previously (a neighbour called and I had to leave it). There are some stunning gardens in the Cotswolds arent there Sticki, have you been to Snowshill?
5 Jul, 2011
Not recently! Hidcote was good, there are also lavender fields somewhere near there that are well worth seeing.
5 Jul, 2011
Yes I enjoyed Hidcote, never went to Kiftsgate Court, but the gardens at Snowshill were really pretty when we went in 2006. Havent been since. I remember lots and lots of rambling roses!
5 Jul, 2011
And one of those old wooden gates in a wall?
5 Jul, 2011
Oh yes, and the willow fencing..
5 Jul, 2011
I haven't been there:-( Going to look at Lulu's blog:-)
5 Jul, 2011
It's amazing Ba
5 Jul, 2011
Your garden looks lovely Ba, I want that Polemonium!
8 Jul, 2011
It is a bit special Annella, I've bought lots of nice plants off Ebay. It looked ok last year when I put it in, but this year it really is lovely. It's been a bit battered by hail and rain storms the last few days, but stood up well:-)
8 Jul, 2011
I will check out Ebay, thanks Ba
8 Jul, 2011
I love the unpredictability of your borders, BA....there is a surprise wherever you look :) I'd like to achieve that look one day too...have favourited this blog so I can look back and see your various plants.
The hosta is sure looking healthy....I don't know if it's the wrong time of the year but I've been to about 3 garden centres nearby and there just doesn't seem to be any selection of hostas and ferns....quite boring. I've had a look on eBay for plants but can't seem to locate many sellers....can you recommend any eBay sellers (even via a PM)? Sure would like some good leads :)
Thanks for sharing your lovely garden too, BA.
8 Jul, 2011
Thanks Wl, it's easy to achieve my look...just make lots of mistakes lol:-) Quite a lot of small nurseries etc sell on ebay, I know at least one Goyer who does too. I've pm'd you Wl with what may appear gobbledegook, but seemed to me like helpful advice. I'm not very good at explaining things so feel free to clarify anything I've said:-)
8 Jul, 2011
Garden centres round here have quite a few ferns and hostas, are there no specialists near you? I shall look in my gardeners world live guide to see if there is anything special?
8 Jul, 2011
Thanks BA & Sticki....I couldn't locate the seller you recommended in your PM to me, BA...maybe I am doing my eBay search incorrectly?
Sticki...if you see any specialist garden centres in my neck of the woods I'd be grateful for info. Ta muchly :)
8 Jul, 2011
Ba are you watching 'love your garden' it's from Wolverhampton - it's amazing.
8 Jul, 2011
I'll have to watch it on catch up. Watched Monty Don, innocently thinking they didn't overlap. Didn't notice the time. I'm sure it's AT, them Gardeners World normally, must have got mixed up:-(
8 Jul, 2011
Whistonlass, if you just type say..hostas online into Google search engine you'll find lots of hostas for sale too:-)
8 Jul, 2011
Yes thanks, BA....I did that tonight and found Bowden Hostas. They have a large selection of ferns too and will be exhibiting at Tatton and Southport...maybe I can get to one of the shows and see them "in the flesh"....
Thanks for the info :)
Hubby has taped Gardener's World and Love Your Garden for that'll be my weekend viewing sorted :)
8 Jul, 2011
Found two leaflets of specialist nurseries, plantagogo is in Crewe - mainly heucheras; also harts in oakhanger who are lily specialists.
8 Jul, 2011
I bought most of my hostas and a few other perennials from Plantagogo. Very good service and, of course, Vicky is a GOY member too. Have you seen her blogs Wl? If not, I suggest you do:-) I've never had trouble with buying plants on line except with the BIG companies, and I've vowed never to order from them again. Very tempted when their catalogues arrive though. :-)
9 Jul, 2011
Sticki, i caught up with Alan T on the channel I hour after, can't think of its name. Wasn't it wonderful!! I do wish though that the plants used, and methods, were gone into in more detail. Maybe having the owners describe the processes etc as they went around with AT. It was such a romantic garden:-)
9 Jul, 2011
I think it's called love your garden and yes I did love it, lots of greenery and very varied. I can't quite understand why they seem to rush? Alan T doesn't really need to do anything to these gardens - it's my garden that needs a bit more help!
I didn't realise that plantagogo had a representative on here, I shall look her up, it was a good stand.
9 Jul, 2011
Vicki has been recommended to me previously and they have a very good website which I've just been browsing. I would like to get to the Tatton Flower Show later this month where I could purchase plants directly....will see if I can get there :)
Thanks for your suggestions.
9 Jul, 2011
I'll drop Alan a line Sticki, you never know:-) Wl, if you type Vicky1 into our search box, you can see her blogs etc..very informative:-)
9 Jul, 2011
I will expect a visit then, I know you have all the right connections! I will make a cake, and I'll let you know the date!
9 Jul, 2011
Ooooh will it be coffee cake? any walnuts in there too?:-)
9 Jul, 2011
Can I come too? Wouldnt miss AT for anything, or your garden its a lot better than you lead us to believe
9 Jul, 2011
Well it would take you all of five minutes to look round it so I better do two cakes to make the visit worth while! You bring Alan and I will do the cake - yes you too Tet!
9 Jul, 2011
Tet, can I leave you to arrange that? You're very good at that sort of thing:-)
10 Jul, 2011
BA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You wicked girl lol! I just might do that if Sticki agrees.
10 Jul, 2011
You could both ask Alan - might have a better chance that way??
10 Jul, 2011
Just thought Sticki, do you like Arum lilies..they will grow in the shade and they are white.
10 Jul, 2011
I love them. Bought a calla yesterday - bit similar??
Squished two lily beetles today.
Have you changed your image again Tet?
10 Jul, 2011
Its been all of a month, and I decided to show off my latest pride and joy..Geranium Lambertii Swansdown!
10 Jul, 2011
Was the Calla a coloure done? They are not as hardy as the white. The white will live in water and on ordinary soil that stays (or given lots water) damp.
You are braver than me..not good at squishing anything other than aphids. Dont forget the black sludgy stuff under the petals, thats their babies!
10 Jul, 2011
I got fed up with my white calla. It looked fantastic years ago when I first bought it, full of flower. Put it in my little bog garden and nada, just leaves. Found out last year that they need their roots restrained. I now have one in a pot, paddling on the pond shelf. I have, however, found it impossible to remove it completely from bog garden and have two leaves proudly raising their heads grrrrr. I can now stamp, in a panicky way, on lily beetles and feel no guilt. They fall off plants very easily don't they? Wonder if this is part of their defence, or if they are just rubbish at balancing? :-)
11 Jul, 2011
Oooh, I'd love to achieve "the look" BA. What a gorgeous garden. Where did you start? Have you just planted as randomly as it looks? (I mean this in the nicest possible way).
11 Jul, 2011
It's a White one Tet, but it was with all the others, the yellow was lovely but it only had one bud, would never go for pink and the dark nearly black ones are stunning but wouldn't show up in my garden. Do I need to keep it in the pot? and do I need to take it in for the winter?
I have to have my gardening gloves on to squish the beetles, I'm so cross that they spoil my lilies, didn't get them before this year.
11 Jul, 2011
Ive grown them in the garden and in pots and they have done well for me in both..but as BA says..a bit trial and error..sometimes a plant will sulk in one spot..move it a couple of feet and it goes mad! The white ones have always been hardy for me..and my friend has some currently in a pot..they went all sludgy last winter, but have recovered but not yet bloomed. She has a sheltered garden..
11 Jul, 2011
Ok, thank you, I take it they like the damp??
11 Jul, 2011
Hi Pee, I'm afraid the way to get 'the look' is
1. to forget how big certain plants grow
2. get sudden 'crushes' on a group of plants
3. forget what the plants are I've grown from seed.
4. let pretty wild flowers grow
5. try unsuccessfilly to behead before they seed
6. Get in 'Makeover Trev'
I've also become more ruthless with plants I'm not keen on, took a broom out this summer, only planted last year. Before the makeover my garden had become overgrown, and celandine had taken over my borders. As for the lawn, even the dogs refused to go on it in winter.
11 Jul, 2011
Tet, I've only got leaves on the one in the pond, should it be in flower?
11 Jul, 2011
Yes Ba, ours flowered well in the pond..trouble was roots got so big one of our ghost koi got trapped in them and died. No more pond now and no more fishes!
11 Jul, 2011
Well I'm trying it!! I bought 2 boxes of cottage garden mix seeds which I've just thrown around the garden amongst azaleas, buddlea, hostas, hollyhocks, geraniums etc. etc. Now just got to wait to find out if it was a good move or a mistake. ;-)
12 Jul, 2011
What can go wrong Pee? If nothing else, you've fed the birds;-)
12 Jul, 2011
Your garden in June was such a wonderful riot of colour, just the way that nature intended, Ba..I just love the sound of 'Irish Eyes', must look out for that one...Beautiful, natural, infact, much like you my friend! tee hee hee \0/x
4 Sep, 2011
Aw shucks Flori, but what do you mean by the tee hee hee??...Irish eyes still has some flowers, it really does put on a show:-)
6 Sep, 2011
Will definitely have to keep an eye open for that Rose, Ba.. It sounds like a great one to have in the garden..As to my 'tee hee hee..' is a laughing gentle hug for one of my favourite Goyers...\0/x
12 Sep, 2011
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Love garish, random planting. My way of gardening at the moment. My gardens a bit like me really, must be that gardens and dogs are like their owners. My dogs ever so slightly mad and my cat just does as she pleases. Yes a bit like me.
28 Jun, 2011