By bornagain
I am laid up at the moment with a torn calf muscle, no idea how I did it, I was just walking the dogs when I thought someone had shot me in the calf! I looked around for the culprit … no-one … then I looked for a missile which could have come from a passing car … nothing, then I shuffled and hobbled home as best I could with two disappointed dogs. Luckily it was a Friday so my daughter, son-in-law and Aislinn (8) came over after work and took me to A&E. They gave me a pair of crutches and I have to go back this friday when they hopefully will tell me I can start using my right leg a bit. I crawl, and use a chair, a bit like a walking frame, but with my knee on it, to get about. Crutches are very painful to use and I vary my means of transport:-) These pics were taken early March, just after I have tidied up the bed in my first pic. The rest of my garden is still a mess as you will see.
This lovely Camellia was peeping through the patio window at me. It was this I think which gave me back enough umph to start the garden tidying.
This is to the left of patio window. Everything’s in pots and most are evergreen. Something has been nibbling holes in the rhodo leaves.
What a mess, and you can’t even see the half of it. I’ve no idea when I can start clearing up again, but I do have most of the pruning done. Yesterday, sitting on a chair, I managed to prune some vicious flower carpet roses which are still in pots. I swore at them and cut them right down to get them back for their viciousness.
2011 (I think) at the National Plant Show, Dianthus Memories won the award for the Best New Plant Introduction. Having won the top award at a trade show, it was a deserving runner-up in Chelsea’s Plant of the Year competition also 2011 I think. I’ve copied bits of this:-) I bought quite a few of these as some of the money went to Alzheimers research. They are a fantastic, everblooming, tidy plant and the scent is amazing. This pic was taken 9th March.
I hope you feel sorry for me;-)))
19 Mar, 2014
Previous post: SANDWELL VALLEY COUNTRY PARK (five and a half mile walk)
Yes . . . feeling very sorry for you Ba, but thanks for the reminder about pinks. I bought quite a few last year, but they haven't appeared yet: must go and search when my back gets better, lol!
Hope you can move around in a more dignified manner soon, and get back to your lovely garden :)
19 Mar, 2014
So BA we can both feel fed up together my ankle swelling has gone down but the shingles are still painful.
Perhaps its all your gadding about and all those long walks that are taking their toll on a not so youthful body.lol.
What are you going on about, your garden is still looking good as always so get back on your chair and talk to those roses nicely.
19 Mar, 2014
Oh dear,Ba,that sounds very painful,and you get my sympathy vote too..I hope it gets better soon..Like Stroller says,could it be all that walking you have been doing recently?
I can't see anything wrong with your garden,it looks fine to me..that will be the Paranoia setting in ! Lol..take care,and watch what you are doing with those crutches ! xx
19 Mar, 2014
How awful, I hope it gets better very soon.
19 Mar, 2014
Thanks for the sympathy John,
I'm a manyana person
That I must confess
My garden's untidy
My house is a mess
But when I'm laid up
Not allowed to do work
I can't wait to get going
No job would I shirk
How contrary of me
Oh if only I could
have this great urge to work
When I'm fit ....t'would be good:-))
19 Mar, 2014
Hi Sheila, sorry about your pinks, mine have never disappeared, leaves always visible. I hope yours haven't drowned in all the rain we've had:-(
19 Mar, 2014
Hi Phyl, we're poor old souls aren't we lol. The worse part is looking after OH. Now as to my body not being so youthful how very dare you! My garden is awful, full of weeds and things that need to be dug up or divided and as for the the slabs ....they look as bad as the grass did which they replaced. I do like the look of them when they're clean, but they need doing at least twice a year. I think you can have them sealed, but didn't fancy it:-)
19 Mar, 2014
Hi Sandra, if you saw the people who go on the walks, they put me to shame. When I googled the injury, it was all about athletes, footballers and other young, very active people .....so it follows that I must be young and athletic too .... in fact one of your TYTs:-))
19 Mar, 2014
Thanks Lijemc, I just hope I can catch up on the garden, I have lots of ideas for a little makeover:-)
19 Mar, 2014
Tut tut tut !
I told you! But would you listen?
swinging from the crows nest after your tot or two of grog!!
well what do you expect!!!
its going to put our sailing date back even more
just because that Johnjo said you couldn't do it at your age....humph!
Or are you 'on the fiddle'
Or 'swinging the lead'
it'll be' cat o' nine tails' for you me gel!
19 Mar, 2014
Oh Cap'n Ba....what are we going to do with you?Get yourself a good book,a box of chocs, stop looking outside, 'cos. you need all your strength to keep your Motley crew(including me) in tow.Your garden looks a picture.... but I know what you mean, when you can't you want to...when you can.... well!!Look after yourself, YtYt... you can create more earrings, while you can't garden!!!!:-))))))))
19 Mar, 2014
Ba your garden is certainly not a mess so you can stop fretting about it, sorry to hear you are in the wars, I have heard that sort of injury is very painful so you take care, you don't want to aggravate it and make it worse..I know how frustrating it is especially when we can see the jobs that need doing, I was the same last year as you know and nearly drove myself barmy, probably my family as well, lol....
19 Mar, 2014
Pam, you know I can't resist a dare:-) At least two weeks resting my leg, I'll see what A&E doc says on Friday. It doesn't hurt unless I move it, so sleeping alright. We'll soon be weighing anchor, have no fear:-))
19 Mar, 2014
Gralew, I hope the earring remark was not a reference to the unfortunate tissue incident on my first walk >:-[ (grumpy face). Now, as to chocs, the weekend before last, I was taken to Aldi by daughter and son-in-law where, with admirable foresight, I stocked up on their marzipan chocolate \o/ yay:-))
19 Mar, 2014
Lincs, it's nice to get some genuine sympathy after those last two comments:-) My garden is awful though and I keep putting plants in my 'basket' on various websites. maybe I could ask them to delay delivery. I'll wait until I've seen the doc again:-))
19 Mar, 2014
Are we sailors having an earring then,
tissue paper ones may get washed away though.......
golds what we need !
any money in the kitty or is it piracy on the highs seas.....
19 Mar, 2014
Ouch BA that sounds really sore. Hope it heals up soon.
As the others have said your garden is a picture as always. But I know its a lot easier to see the bad than the good when its your own. Take it easy.
19 Mar, 2014
Sounds a sore one BA, I do hope that you are able to use your leg soon. Not that there's a good time to do it but now is definitely not ideal is it? Best to take your time before you tackle any more jobs you could end up doing more damage.
Your garden looks good though, despite you not getting much done.
19 Mar, 2014
And I was only thinking today I must be the only walking stick gardener in England.
The secret is to take things slowly.
Doing an hour a day, when the Dr. gives the ok is
the best way.
Just be careful on wet paving slabs, as the walking stick
rubber end piece slips.
Always wear a garment with plenty of pockets to shove
things in.
19 Mar, 2014
Moi.... not sympathetic.... shame on you:-) Aldi's chocolate marzipan...Yummy, Yummy.Love your Camellia by the way.
20 Mar, 2014
Aldi's chocolate bar with Almonds always does it for me..and their mini 'magnum' type choc Ices..you need to try them all Ba ! :o) x
20 Mar, 2014
I don't like chocolate with bits in......I do like Aldi truffles though......
and the mint cream bar
20 Mar, 2014
Not bits,Pam,whole almonds and lots of em :o)
20 Mar, 2014
Even worse!
I don't like nuts!....sultanas maybe or raisins I pick the nuts out of fruit and nut!
20 Mar, 2014
Oh dear,but at least you wouldn't want to be pinching mine ! I love nuts ....
20 Mar, 2014
Me too Sandra.... buy some walnut bits to put on cereal, but finish up sitting eating them!!and Pistachio nuts....can't get enough of them:-)
20 Mar, 2014
They are good for you Val,and I do the same with Walnut pieces..It's not often they make it on the top of a cake for decoration :o) ..not that I don't prefer Chocolate,but if I haven't any left,these are one of my alternatives Lol..
20 Mar, 2014
I'm sitting here munching them now!!!
21 Mar, 2014
I don't mind ground almonds or ground hazelnuts, in a bakewell for example, and the meringue gateau where you fold in the ground hazelnuts and sandwich together with apricots and whipped cream is lovely, but I pick off the slivered almonds on the top......spoils it :0)
21 Mar, 2014
Thanks Sam and Scottish, I keep looking at the Crocus brochure and they say I can order and postpone the delivery for a couple of weeks .... guess what I'll be doing later:-))
21 Mar, 2014
Thanks for your good advice Diane, I hope you'll be fit again too:-)
21 Mar, 2014
What's all this about chocolate and nuts and other delicacies? I love all nuts and as Sandra says they're good for you. Pam it will be piracy on the high seas or tissue ... take your pic:-)) I just though of a story I heard years ago. A home visitor used to visit an old man to help with his housework etc. One year, he offered her a bag of almonds which she took gratefully. He then explained that his nephew always bought him sugared almonds and he didn't like to tell him he didn't eat nuts .... so he just sucked the sugar casing off ! yuck:-))
21 Mar, 2014
Thats me if you want me to save them ; 0)
I used to give dad the one in the base of my walnut whip.......haven'tseen them for years!
21 Mar, 2014
I used to love them, but the last w.whip didn't taste like they used too, same with wagon wheels and they used to be bigger..... or was I smaller:-)
21 Mar, 2014
Bit of both I think!
We went to Beamish last summer and theres a Proper sweetshop there fruit salasd black jacks, and remember those chocolate toffees, were they called milk maid or something, shiny paper with a girl on.....I was in heaven and the shop was packed solid with customers
the grocers sold broken biscuits.....
22 Mar, 2014
Sorry to hear about your muscle BA wishing you speedy recovery :)
22 Mar, 2014
Thanks Daylily, I'm managing without the crutches now, still hobbling, but life is good without crutches:-))
22 Mar, 2014
When I was Small, there was a sweet shop run by a creepy man, (he used to like to take hold of your hand) but he sold the most exquisite walnut marzipan diamond shaped chocolates. I could only afford a quarter occassionally .... what a treat, I was never keen on black jacks Pam, more of a fruit salad type of girl and anything sharp like acid drops and lemonade crystals and sherbert ... oooh and walkers toffee and palm toffee ...floral gums, cherry lips ... anything fruity, anything sweet except liquorice. When I was very small, Cadburys and Walls were my favourite words:-)
22 Mar, 2014
Glad to hear your on the mend BA :)
22 Mar, 2014
I went to a garden centre today and only bought four plants:-)
22 Mar, 2014
I'm itching to get some too but need to do more tidying etc, what nice plants did you get :)
22 Mar, 2014
I went to tesco and got two houseleeks 1.50 each........
pleased you have ditched the crutches , take it steady though xxx
23 Mar, 2014
I bought two very pretty magenta dwarf pinks with a fantastic scent and a beautiful anemone de caen, I'll put pic on when I have chance. I also bought dahlia Soul Man which is very dark:-)
I also need to get tidying and splitting, but my injury won't allow:-( I do try to take it easy, but occassionally I over-step or move wrongly and it hurts a lot and then I panic in case I've ripped where it has newly healed ... but I haven't lol:-))
24 Mar, 2014
Sound lovely BA I need to do much the same as you clearing cutting back and moving some stuff :))
24 Mar, 2014
Good to hear you are making progress Ba...
24 Mar, 2014
I also need someone strong to remove some shrubs:-)
24 Mar, 2014
Thanks Lincs:-)
24 Mar, 2014
Just remember its still only march!
its a chilly few days to come so give it time xxx
25 Mar, 2014
Will I send Bottler around to move the shrubs?
25 Mar, 2014
Ah you're all right John, very kind of you to offer, and him of course, but I'll manage thank you very much:-))
25 Mar, 2014
Oh dear BA I am so sorry to hear about your accident, I must have missed this blog, how frustrating for you, I do hope your ligaments soon heal and you are able to enjoy all the Spring growth and your again.
Is that Euphorbia Silver Swan? I had one a few years ago and was devastated when I lost it! I love the beautiful Camelia what a stunning color;0)
27 Mar, 2014
It's recovering well now thanks Carole, I have to do exercises too to help it heal properly. The euphorbia is Burrows Silver, looks lovely all year, may be a little hardier that White Swan, no problem with them last winter:-))
27 Mar, 2014
Good to hear you are on the way to recovery;0)
27 Mar, 2014
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Sorry B/A, to hear about you torn calf muscle, I got it a few times in my tennis day and I know how sore it can be. You garden looks great as usual. It will now give you a chance to brush up on your poetry, not saying your poetry was not good, Lol, Get better soon.
19 Mar, 2014