By bornagain
On Wednesday I went with my friend Catherine to Bridgemere and Wollerton Old Hall with Walsall U3A.
I bought a rose called Wild Thing at Bridgemere, I will show you a pic of it at the end. Here is Wollerton.
There were some fantastic cornus’ at Wollerton, so beautiful here are two of them.
Some random pics now:
Here is Catherine in front a fabulous rose ( she’s such a poser) I kept asking her to move while I took the pic, but she wouldn’t:-))
I loved this peaceful area, the irises were so beautiful, I wish I knew what they were. I noticed some very tall pretty pink flowers. I went nearer to see what they were and was amazed to find that they were diascias!! I must try to find out which they were, they were very impressive:-)
This is what I bought at Wollerton. Two basil plants, I think they’re called Red King, I will check. They were so decorative, but the pest part is they are more aromatic than green basil, so I guess they will be more flavoursome. Next is Rosa Wild Thing.
Lastly I’ve included some bits of my garden that please me:-)
Hope I haven’t bored you, I’m such a gadabout now:-))
19 Jun, 2014
Lovely blog Ba....no 'incidents' to report lol!
20 Jun, 2014
Lovely again BA, you are getting a galavant aren't you lol ;))
20 Jun, 2014
Thank you Diane, I'm so glad I joined the U3A:-)
20 Jun, 2014
Not one Gralew lol, I was on my best behavior:-))
20 Jun, 2014
I am Jane, no holding me now:-)
20 Jun, 2014
Don't blame you, its got to be done :))
20 Jun, 2014
Thanks for sharing BA - wonderful gardens and it's scenery must have been a delight to visit.
Your wee pictures are gorgeous too - the clematis is a beauty!
20 Jun, 2014
Glad to hear it! lol
21 Jun, 2014
Thanks Scottish, unfortunately i've noticed some mildew on c.The President, it happened last year too. Before that he never showed signs of it. All that rain too!:-)
21 Jun, 2014
Nice to see you getting out and about BA, this looks a great place to visit. Watch out for `Wildthing` mine is now begining to take over, must do some serious pruning.
21 Jun, 2014
Eeek ...how big is yours? There again, there are worse things to be taken over by:-)) How is your r. Warm Welcome? Mine isn't looking too good at the moment, perhaps I'll move it later on ... and how is your Trachelospermum?:-)
21 Jun, 2014
What a beautiful place to visit :)
22 Jun, 2014
I can't see the Diascia very well, but is it D. personata? I have that and it's tall.
I agree with Hywel - wish I lived nearer, I've heard of Wollerton but never had the chance to visit it. :-(
23 Jun, 2014
Yes Hywel thanks, it was lovely and tranquil:-)
23 Jun, 2014
Hi barbara (clever clogs), I did google after I put the blog on and I think you're right, it must be personata. Now I would like you to identify those iris in the pond please, I fell in love with them:-))
23 Jun, 2014
There's one called 'Pink Haze'.....I've trawled through dozens of images to find a pink one! Now you can have a go.
24 Jun, 2014
I've put another pic on, they are more of a soft pinky blue or a bit lilacy, not really pink ...sorry, but you know how you love a bit of research:-)))
24 Jun, 2014
No, no, no. I spent ages on google images! Your turn. You can 'match' it to the piccies. :-D)
27 Jun, 2014
27 Jun, 2014
This garden is featured in the RHS 'The Garden' magazine this month ... what a fabulous place it is. Glad you had a lovely day out. :o)
27 Jun, 2014
Oooh - I'm behind on my magazine reading - I'll try to catch up now you've told me! :-)) Thanks!
28 Jun, 2014
Thanks Shirly, I cancelled my 'Gardens Illustrated' magazine at the end of last year, may start getting a different one. I'll have a look at 'The Garden' :-))
28 Jun, 2014
It's an interesting and colourful article Barbara, so relax and enjoy reading it!
Are you a member of the RHS Ba? 'The Garden' is the magazine for members and is delivered monthly. Makes for good reading too. :o)
28 Jun, 2014
BA, I`ve just put a picture of `Wildthing` on for you. Trachy is now recovering well after pruning very hard its about half its size but is full of buds. My `Warm Welcome` is not doing very well this year but I did move it out of its pot while it was in bud and planted it into the ground.
28 Jun, 2014
Shirley, I'm not. We don't have a car so I can't get to see many places etc, that's why I'm so pleased to have found the U3A. I may see if I can treat myself to membership though if it's not too expensive:-)
29 Jun, 2014
Glad your trachy is recovering Phyl, mine is doing ok, but last year, after noticing a lot of wasps around it and its companion, an evergreen clem, I found I had the same trouble as you ...flippin' scale insects. I've cut the clem right down as it was in a poor condition and have crossed my fingers. Both are in large pots against south west wall where extension comes out further than patio window, so it's sheltered. I may plant out the clem in the garden and hope for the best:-)
29 Jun, 2014
Ba, RHS website say that Individual membership (for 1 or 2 people) is now £40.50, was £54 and this entitles you to free garden visits, discounted show tickets, a monthly magazine and free personal advice for your gardening problems. Tell the family and ask for it as a Christmas/birthday treat! :o)
29 Jun, 2014
Good idea, thanks Shirley:-)
29 Jun, 2014
The magazine alone is worth it, Ba. :-)
30 Jun, 2014
Ok, I give in, I'll join:-))
30 Jun, 2014
Excellent - and I'm not even on commission for the RHS!
30 Jun, 2014
I know when I'm beaten:-)
30 Jun, 2014
They have 'partner' gardens all over the country, where you can get in for free, not just the main ones. ;-)
2 Jul, 2014
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20 Jun, 2014