Problems on Members Page
By cinderella
Is anyone else having a problem with the Members Page ? Its not been performing all day for me. It comes up with a green page and a few comments but not able to read the blogs or questions, and a job to see any of it. Wondering if it could be my computer or a problem with the site.
6 May, 2013
Previous post: A Few Primula Auricula
Next post: Just a Few more
Ooh er ... green background and not a hope of reading anything clearly ... hope the boys can sort this asap!
6 May, 2013
Will they be around on a Bank Holiday?
6 May, 2013
It's not the same as usual but it is useable.Although you can't read the title of the blogs/questions etc, if you click on where title would be, it still opens it!!
6 May, 2013
Well I'm so pleased its not my computer. Thanks guys, I hope the boys will sort this out.
6 May, 2013
All sorted - back to the usual white background (7.15pm) - hooray!
6 May, 2013
Thanks Shirley.
6 May, 2013
It's happening with me today!
7 May, 2013
Gremlins !! It came back last evening, so expect this will too.
7 May, 2013
I have a green screen this evening ... but if I click on where the blog title would be all returns to normal ... weird!
8 May, 2013
Weird indeed.
8 May, 2013
Recent posts by cinderella
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- Shoo fly plant.
11 Jun, 2017
It's not working for me either, must be a problem with the site (or both of our computers are on the blink!)
6 May, 2013