By clarice
Yesterday i was wonting it to rain for a while which it did but did’nt fill the water butts, that was almost empty, but in the middle of the night, we had one very big thunderstorms, and this morning all water butts full to brim.
and so was the pond.
1 Jul, 2009
Next post: New Camera.
Good pics, Clarice.
Please send me some of your rain water...:o)
Does your garden look fresher now ?
1 Jul, 2009
MMmmmmmmmmm love Thunder storms Clarice ! The air smells so clean & fresh after heavy down pours :) My water butts are inchs from bottom now so could u send them this way plez ;)
1 Jul, 2009
Don't worry, Jacque, according to the forecast we're all getting them this week sometime!
I just hope I don't get struck by lightning again...or anyone else on GOY! LOL. I suffered without my daily 'fix'....
1 Jul, 2009
OMG U got hit by LIGHTING Spritz ! :/
1 Jul, 2009
yes was bad here clarice , part od our tree fell so ive just been out armed with a saw to take the damaged part off, not sure if it was the lightening or the heavy rain but its a large branch and quite heavy,, also i got the worse headache ive ever had while it was lightening, strange buzzing in my head like the sound you get from a pillon when you pass it,, baz thinks im an alien now lol
1 Jul, 2009
No damage here but dont know about you San i've never seen the rain bounce so high , and yes the garden looks really fresh, but at same time flatted a few plants, but suppose will bounce back.
1 Jul, 2009
yes my poppys took a battering clarice but a couple of buds left to open yet
1 Jul, 2009
Your lucky to get some rain.... although not to keen on the storms its not to bad if they come in the we badly need some rain for the garden here on the south coast....
1 Jul, 2009
You know last year & year before we where all moaning about the rain, as it never stopped, now we all wonting it to rain, tipical britts are'nt we, never happy as the saying goes.
1 Jul, 2009
Just a nice shower would do me lol..... then i wont hav eto get the hose out again tonght....
1 Jul, 2009
Same for me Holly, we've not seen a drop for over a week and my butts are totally drained, I suppose the rain machine will have to come out again tonight.
Just a little bit at night would be grand if you can manage that Clarice???
H & K's...........Ian
1 Jul, 2009
Good rain. Sen some down here please. Preferably night time like yours. Then I can still work in the morning. I want my cake and eat it don't I? Trouble is, if we don't get lots of rain soon, I'll have no gardening work to do because everything will stop growing!
1 Jul, 2009
Ditto Paul..from one gardener to another ! No rain here for ages and so sultry !
1 Jul, 2009
No rain here either for ages and hot, hot hot. The grass is brown everywhere and my poor Sophie is having real trouble breathing - can dogs get hay fever I wonder? Keep thinking we might have a storm, but no sign yet.
1 Jul, 2009
It Hit 31 today but my car was reading 40 while sitting in supermarket car park !!!!! I like it hot but my rain machine is working overtime :~(
1 Jul, 2009
Am I too late to ask for some of your rain, Clarice? Can't remember when it last rained here. I do use my shower water on the garden but that only does a small part, so I try to do a different part each evening. Glad you didn't have too much damage.
1 Jul, 2009
Need some as well please but only at night would be nice,dont want any on Sat,though because going to see Take That at Wembley.( Im still a kid really,lol).....
1 Jul, 2009
It's nice to have a storm sometimes. It freshens the air :o)
2 Jul, 2009
We're not due any until Friday at least !! :~(((
2 Jul, 2009
Oh yeah, thats tomorrow isn't it........
2 Jul, 2009
I've just checked, Ian, and 'yes' it's Friday tomorrow, except when it's tomorrow it will be today, but will still be Friday :)
2 Jul, 2009
eerrr ?
2 Jul, 2009
It's rained here a few times in the last month but it just dries up so quickly with the wind and sun. Rained heavily for a couple of hours last \friday and \saturday
2 Jul, 2009
We've just had rain again here since about 10am till about 2-30pm, so what i used out of water butt yesterday as just been topped up again, and have to say it feels fresher now.
3 Jul, 2009
Guess who left the down pipe out of their Butts while it Poured it down this morning ? Didn't catch a drop :~(((
3 Jul, 2009
Ian what you like, next time, its given rain of & on for most of the weekend, its lovely again here now.
3 Jul, 2009
i got the BBQ out at tea time ,it then chucked it down ,result wet burgers
3 Jul, 2009
I eish it would chuck it down here Detectorist. 20 minutes rain is all we got in the early hours!
3 Jul, 2009
We had 5mm overnight, then just a few drops today. More is forecast, but I shall not hold my breath!
3 Jul, 2009
They keep saying rain or showers in our area but we mostly miss it!
3 Jul, 2009
You do live in a dry corner, don't you! We get the prevailing wind here, so we get more rain as well - usually.
3 Jul, 2009
Yes, Our particular part of Essex seems to be one of the driest parts in the country!
3 Jul, 2009
Not good for gardening! :-(
3 Jul, 2009
No, particularly as it dries the lawns up which then don't grow and then I don't earn much money. Us gardeners, never satisfied!
4 Jul, 2009
We've had heavy rain again this afternoon, lasted about hour or so, i think not to bad as i'm using water out my water butts this last few days, there getting topped up again.
4 Jul, 2009
The clouds have been rolling over us - but not stopping! lol.
4 Jul, 2009
Well thought we'd had are rain for today, but its started pouring it down again.
4 Jul, 2009
The clouds are getting blacker and blacker, Clarice!
4 Jul, 2009
Its funny weather here, its raining with the sun out at the moment. Although there are some big clouds.
4 Jul, 2009
We had some rain today, 17 drops !! :~(((
4 Jul, 2009
No good Ian you'll have to come over on daytrip to seaside, and take some back with you.(lol)
4 Jul, 2009
Shall I fetch a bucket?
4 Jul, 2009
Did you count them Ian??? Not a drop here. Intensly hot (I've got a headache) and heavy cloud for part of the morning but bright sunshine in afternoon/evening!
4 Jul, 2009
Snap Paul, except for the 17 I counted !
4 Jul, 2009
Make sure its a big one, and no holes in it, or you'll be going home saying, there's a hole in my bucket.(LOL)
4 Jul, 2009
Dear Liza...Dear Liza
4 Jul, 2009
Now you making me laugh, Ian(lol).
4 Jul, 2009
We try to please LOL
4 Jul, 2009
Thats what its all about,
4 Jul, 2009
They never shoot the clown.
4 Jul, 2009
They kick him up the bum I allowed to say that :) will I get struck off.....hope not.....was just a joke Ian...honest:)))
I was going to say that we have had lots and lots of rain and the plants have growed and growed... a bit like Topsy. My dahlia plants look like triffids (no I haven't planted those seeds yet)..:))
7 Jul, 2009
Your plants sound like Lampton's Worm :~))
7 Jul, 2009
We had 3 mm overnight, and none today.
7 Jul, 2009
Cracking pics Clarice!
22 Aug, 2009
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No damage, I hope, Clarice? Just useful rain?
1 Jul, 2009