Wind Damage
By clarice
This is what i woke up to this morning, made it look abit tidy, but not sure what to do as these are the only few panels i have in my garden, and its between me and side ally wondering if to take rest down and put a hawthorne hedge or think about some other kind of fencing to put there, untill i do make my mind up,i’m leaving it, anyway my handyman who does these sort of jobs for me is away till after new year, so a few weeks to make my mind up.
23 Nov, 2009
Next post: Starlings
Goodness me! It must've been the same gusts that broke Sandra's fence.
23 Nov, 2009
I've got laurel hedge at at the bottom of my garden then down each side i've got conifer hedge so no replacing fencing there on the side here where the fence as come down there is only me and the folks on the other side of ally that use it, and its not that often they do,anyway a few weeks to think about it,thinking if hawthorne as wildlife like it.Bob it was we only live about 5mins away from each other in a car.
23 Nov, 2009
Sorry to see the damage....
... sensible to take your time about deciding what to have as a replacement fence...
23 Nov, 2009
TT, dont know how folks cope with fence panels all round their gardens must cost a fortune keep having to replace them. mind you have to wait till my handy man comes back in new year as he does these sort of jobs for me free. Just plent of cuppers and home made fruit cake.
23 Nov, 2009
What a shame! Nice to know that your handyman will fix it for nothing ... if you go ahead with a fence.
23 Nov, 2009
same thing has happened to mine...... fences broken either side of the garden....
23 Nov, 2009
Sorry to hear that Holly.... are your plants damaged ?
Are Bill and Ben okay?
23 Nov, 2009
plants are all ok TT..... Bill and ben have gone on holiday in the garage.....isnt it awful.... we had really strong winds last night and still blowing now with heavy rain showers.......
23 Nov, 2009
Sorry to hear Holly you have got same problem. Next door but one as four panels blown down.
23 Nov, 2009
its awful isnt it clarice........lets hope all the winds and rain stop soon.....
23 Nov, 2009
~we have wooden panels all round the garden and my husband has been replacing some of them recently~ he has 9" concrete block pillars in between and has two wooden strips attached to the concrete posts to hold the panels in place~we have had horrendous winds and they usually hold firm but the sort of winds we are getting lately it is a miracle there is not more damage~those poor people in Cockermouth ! I hope the rain and wind eases off!
23 Nov, 2009
So sad for you Clarice, yes a hawthorn hedge as they are quite strong and deter any body comming through them, this is what farmers use to keep their cattle in.
23 Nov, 2009
oh dear clarice sorry to hear both you and san having bad luck at moment we have panels all round garden but no damage as yet fingers crossed ,lucky you have a handy man.
23 Nov, 2009
hi carol finally got here, sorry you were struck by the bad winds lastnight, hope you get something done when your handyman comes back, i hope we dont get the same tonight or i may loose another which has already lost a couple of slats
23 Nov, 2009
what a shame Clarice..wind knocked a panel out of my greehouse
23 Nov, 2009
oh no poor you deida ,hope you dont loose anymore
23 Nov, 2009
Take care yes I believe the wind and rain has been very bad
23 Nov, 2009
I have every sympathy wit all who have suffered during the recent, abnormal weather. I hope you all, soon sort out your problems and would love to think that, where possible, fences are replaced by wildlife friendly hedges.
23 Nov, 2009
i would love a natural hedge toto but my neighbours wouldnt and it wouldnt be kept up on their side so has to be a fence :o(
23 Nov, 2009
It's a shame Sandra but everyones cicumstances are different and decisions have to be taken in light of those circumstances.
23 Nov, 2009
Another one hit . I'm sorry Carole , thats bad luck , Privet grow quite quickly if you can get it a reasonable size to start with , we have one section of it , it's evergreen as well !
23 Nov, 2009
thats true toto, i shall have to live somewhere with no neighbours :o)
23 Nov, 2009
Sorry to see your damage Carol...wretched weather. We have to be thankful for small wasn't a tsunami or a hurricane...but damaging to us none the less.
23 Nov, 2009
Oh dear, Carol! That's such a nuisance for you. I do hope this awful weather cheers up soon - it's depressing as well as damaging, isn't it!
Have you got the room to plant a hedge where the fence is?
23 Nov, 2009
hi carol sorry about the damage to you your fence, looks like we are getting a bit more wind over next few days,then again we are lucky some parts of the north west have had terrible floods
24 Nov, 2009
70 mile an hour winds tonight they say in blackpool, so think my next fence panel will be out :o( i hate this weather and getting so cold to
24 Nov, 2009
Sorry to hear of your damaged fence Carol. I hope you can have it fixed soon
24 Nov, 2009
me too - Carol.
I hate to be a pessimist, but its when the fences are down that the rogues come out to play - we were burgled once cos they could get into the garden and escape easily. Do take care - try to make things secure....even if its only temporary!
24 Nov, 2009
Clarice I hope by now you are sorted. I have taken a long time to catch up on what is happening. Have a look at my first blog it is about gravel drive but we put in a hit and miss fence between us and the road. I have grown a pyracantha through it and it is sturdy. the wind does not hit a solid object and the shrub grew very quickly. I just keep it cut.
5 Dec, 2009
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Oh dear another victim, must have been very strong winds Carol both you and Sandra were hit! I have always fancied a hedge instead of a fence, but they take so long to grow and I do like privacy, we do have a Laurel hedge at the front which is dense and evergreen but you need to keep on top of it as it grows so fast!
23 Nov, 2009