my big birthday on monday
By cristina
well its my birthday tomorrow ………….. have been a little depressed but it i must say, 60 god cant believe i am that old !!! any way have booked the week off , was supposed to be going away , but the car died so had to get another as need 4 work etc .
went for a run out today even tho it was freezing lol ………. had fish and chips in ryle , rosie had a run on the beach …………. then on way back called at Arly hall,
bought some plants lol cud not resist !!!
got another helianthus and a gunara , going to put in a pot as paul surgests lol ……………… friend coming from essex and others calling with cards as well . so feeling a bit better bt it all now haha .
weather bin horrid but i got my plants in !!! so can’t wait to see them flower !!!
happy gardening every one chat soon ;0))))
15 May, 2011
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Happy 60th birthday Cristina for 16th May ...
your garden looks lovely ...
... and you look only 30 in your photos... :o)
15 May, 2011
Great pictures - love that dragon too :):):):)
Hope you have a great day and week off
15 May, 2011
Happy birthday from me too Cristina..60 yrs young I say...:)))) Hope you have a fab day :)))
15 May, 2011
Happy Birthday for 16th, Cristina - 60 isn't too bad - think of all the freebies you can get and OAP deduction cards that GC's offer - there's always a silver lining. I was 60 last year and it's been quite a reasonable year so far.
Happy Birthday to You ! Happy Birthday to You !
15 May, 2011
Time speeds on its way too quickly;
Every day slips soon away;
And before the heart can grasp it
Night has blossomed into day.
Grasp each moment – live it fully
For the day so briefly lingers.
There is gold in all the moments
That we let slip through our fingers.
Sending you Birthday joy on your 60th tomorrow.
15 May, 2011
Refuse to give in Cristina. 60 for me was 6 long years ago..Ive since been to Australia, New Zealand, Malta, France (3 times), Spain, Italy, Scotland (first time) and all over England! Prague later this year.
Im hoping for Rome, Vienna and Germany before I hang up my passport!!
I stubbornly refuse to mentally age beyond 35 no matter what my body tells me. Long live the spirit of fun and laughter, friends and family and GOY!
15 May, 2011
Cristina...60 is just a have a lively, happy outlook on life and I reckon you'll enjoy yourself. No moping
Your garden is beautiful...I especially liked your photo of the pond and all your lovely pretty and I know other sections of your garden are very "natural" in appearance and it must all look wonderful. Enjoy planting your new additions. And your heucheras in your photo are really growing into really bushy, pretty plants too :)
Enjoy your special day and the visits, pressies and cards :)
16 May, 2011
Hallo Cristina, welcome to the 60´s club, happy birthday to you on this special day today. I had my 60th about 6 weeks ago and had a lovely time with the family...thats whats left of it..60 is just realy a number, just as 70, 80 and 90 will be, you are only as old as you they say, have a good time today and I hope that you have loads and loads of pressies.
16 May, 2011
Well Tomorrow is here now, so - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! :D
It's nice to have been born in May. Mine was at the beginning of the month :o)
16 May, 2011
Happy birthday 60 not so bad ,I dont even remember my 70th.not sure
16 May, 2011
love you all .................... haha thanks so much 4 the birthday messeges . i surpose its not so bad wen you have lovely frends on here and at home .
thankyou all ;0)))))))))))))))))))))) xx
16 May, 2011
Happy Birthday again Cristina, hope you are having a good day so far :)))))
16 May, 2011
La, lalalalah Happy Birthday sweet Sixtee!
16 May, 2011
Happy Birthday to you Cristina, your garden looks fab and so do you :)
16 May, 2011
Happy 60th birthday Christina. As Rogi said, you are only as old as you feel. Love the dragon in your pond.
16 May, 2011
A very happy birthday, Cristina. Have a lovely day.
16 May, 2011
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRISTINA your wearing well my dear :o)) great pics, sorry about your car, enjoy the rest of your day xx
16 May, 2011
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Cristina! The pool looks amazing, and those heucheras are gorgeous. Hope you had a great day. :-)
16 May, 2011
happy birthday cristina lovely garden,you dont look 60
16 May, 2011
Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope you've been having a fantastic day and I love your dragon ;) xxx
16 May, 2011
I thought you were kidding, are you sure you are 60? you certainly do not look it, hope you had a fantastic day, all the best Angela x
16 May, 2011
Hi Cristina, sorry I am a day late but still wish you a very happy birthday. Felt a bit like you- day before my 60th, but now I am well past that being over 60 is just great. You just wait and see, quite a few perks and anyway what's age, it's how you feel and I know you are a cheerful lady so keep on smiling. Enjoyed seeing the pics and I tell you what, you could pass for a much younger girl
Love Margrit x
17 May, 2011
thankyou all 4 my birthday wishes ................... you all crack me up lafing lol , love the poem .............. carnt wait to tavel the world , how do i get my discount cards wen i got no bus pass lol or pension till i 62 haha ............. i need help lol ................. t.t the little didty was sooo funny , you are all such lovely peaple , i wish you cud all come 4 tea and cakes ...............
chat soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
17 May, 2011
Happy belated birthday Cristina, you don't look 60 hun!
Your gardens looking beautiful, I love the Heucheras in pic 2 and your dragon x
17 May, 2011
thankyou annella ................ lol i carnt even get a bus pass haha
18 May, 2011
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!! Sorry it's belated only now catching up. Hope you had a fab day and sun was shining. You look sooooooo... young, just forget the age number thing. lol. My big one is next year. xxxxxxxx
18 May, 2011
thankyou lindalooloo...................... and we carnt even get a bus pass you know lol ................ but hey can get in the pics a bit cheaper .............. o and b/q haha
18 May, 2011
Lol. Hubby was 60 25th April and he's been asking where his bus pass is. haha. Not sure what age your suppose to be. Think he forgot about b/q, unless he has to be older. hehehe :o))
18 May, 2011
10% off on Wednesdays @ B&Q !!! Dont forget, plus other freebies too. Lol, you are as old as you feel my hubbie says and that is 90!!!!!! Grab life and go Cristina and another saying is ' The older the fiddle, the sweeter the tune. Lol. Happy days Cristina. x x x
18 May, 2011
lol thanks madge and lin, you carnt get a bus pass till u get ur penshion ................. they keep moveing the goal post, went o i.t to cke , got to wait nearly 2 years urggg............... lol madge ermmmm yep i def sweet lol xxx
18 May, 2011
Glad to hear it cristina!!! Lol. Sorry you have to wait another two years though, its not right!
18 May, 2011
it isent ..................... but i read that if you were born after 53 then u had to ............. but they keep moveing the goal posts , any way do you get a card from b/q do yoyu have to provide some sort of proof lol , as dont have a bus pass haha
22 May, 2011
I think you just fill in a form and add your birth date then they know you are over 60 !!!!!! So get down there pronto. x
22 May, 2011
haha ............ lol will dooooooooooooo thanks madge , anywhere else !!!!! x
22 May, 2011
Havnt found anywhere, YET, still looking!! x Will let you know.
22 May, 2011
great !!! , maybe we shud do a blog on over 60,s discounts so every knows haha ............. still carnt get my head round it lol x
22 May, 2011
I love it, you can do one and start the ball rolling!! Lol x
22 May, 2011
haha on ly know b/q up to now ................ some one else want to add to it , feel free lol
22 May, 2011
We have our bday same day - only it was my turn to ingress in the 60s Club last year! Got my bus-pass as well, just that it was a couple of months later because of the changes made by the G'ment.
Got discount card at Focus -10% EVERY day of the week! Now I hear they are going to shut the shop down!
Loved your garden! Looks very nice! :-))
22 May, 2011
haha they wont give me anything urgggg ............. luky you lol ............ shame bt focus tho , cud do with every shop doing the same ..................... .
anyway all the best peaple born in may !!! and on the 16th lol , so happy belated to you ;0)))))
and thankyou 4 likeing my garden toooo
22 May, 2011
"anyway all the best peaple born in may !!! and on the 16th lol , so happy belated to you ;0))))) "
I couldn't agree more with you! Thanks for the b'day wishes & belated b'day wishes for you. too!
23 May, 2011
lol ;0))))))
23 May, 2011
It has taken me a whole year to adjust to passing the big 60, it is sinking in now but I still don't feel that old although the body is trying to convince me.
27 May, 2011
Snap Xela!!
27 May, 2011
i just carnt get my head round it either lol ............ o well i did get the card from b/q madge haha , got 20 £ worth of turf for kitchen garden , they were selling of at a £1 a roll ......................... and i saved ( ddrrrrrrr ) £1
haha !!!
27 May, 2011
Well thats a £1 for another plant Cristina. Mind you £1 a roll was cheap.
27 May, 2011
haha madge !!! lol .................. its looking better allraedy ........................
27 May, 2011
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Many happy returns of the day for tomorrow Chris :o) x
Welcome to the next dacade lol
Nice photos of your garden. Have a nice day.
15 May, 2011