Gardening Scotland 2010 - Part 1
By david
Our largest gardening event has been taking place this weekend, and the children and I just made it for the last 3 hours this afternoon. Friday and yesterday’s weather was terrific, but today was rainy.
First stop, and not because of the rain, was the Floral Hall, to meet Vicky1 and husband, Richard, and to see how they fared after their Gold Medal win at Chelsea……
YES!, Another well-deserved Gold for them!!!!!
My pics don’t do their stunning display any credit at all.
A few months ago, Vicky had, in one of her Heuchera blogs, mentioned a new variety called “Blood Red”. I had said that, with this name and its crimson flowers, it would be great for our “Pirates” themed garden, and a superb addition to our small Heuchera collection. Vicky said that she would bring one with her to Edinburgh and, true to her word, she did…………….
Heuchera “Blood Red”, now in our own garden
We have nicknamed our Heucheras "Hook"eras, by the way, lol!
Bless you, Vicky, for remembering us, despite your very busy schedule! :-))
Vicky and Richard will be at “Gardeners’ World Live” at the NEC, Birmingham, If you are going to that show, take a look at their wonderful display of heucheras, heucherellas and tiarellas – Jubilee Cottage Nursery, website
Then, it was time to run round to the other side of the Floral Hall to see how GOYers Bulbaholic and Moon grower fared with the Scottish Rock Garden Club stand…………..
I can always rely on them to display those wonderful blue Himalayan poppies!
Another Gold! Didn’t the GOYers do well? :-))
Had a chat with Bulbaholic, before venturing outdoors to look at the “Pallet Gardens”, a very popular section with schools, colleges and community groups, who create some amazing miniature gardens within the confines of a 1mx1m frame.
Well, Shiver me Timbers! The very first one had, as its theme – PIRATES!!
As it was James’ and Eilidh’s first visit to this show, it was amazing for them to see this.
This themed miniature garden was created by Glasgow Nautical College.
There was a lot of fantastic detail in this display. We loved the chocolate “doubloons”, the parrot, and the plant growing out of the skull’s eye socket!
We really liked another pallet garden with a “nautical” theme……..
“Old Cove”
This one was beautiful, and we loved the miniature boat, with its planting.
With, as always, about 50 of these pallet gardens to look at, it is always difficult not to take pics of them all, for their wonderful ideas, and detail. Here are 2 of our favourites………..
“Goldilocks and the Three Bears” (except that one bear seems to have fallen asleep, haha)
And, of course, the good old, endearing “Wizard of Oz” :-D)
We were just buying ice creams when a heavy downpour started. I paid for them, and turned round to find the kids missing. I had a moment of “panic” before I spotted them waving to me – from a shelter in one of the large show gardens!!! (OMG, I don’t think they should have been in there!)
But, I had to laugh; they looked like real garden show veterans in British “summertime”. Fleecy jackets and licking ice creams, lol!!
In Part 2, will log the pics of our favourite show gardens, etc.
Hope you had better weather today? :-))
6 Jun, 2010
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Lovely blog David love the last pic of the crew at ease in a show setting!
Well done to the Goyers super "Hook" eras and Himalayan Poppies :o)
I love the little pallet gardens especially the Pirate garden.... home from home for the Cap'n and crew :o)
Thanks for sharing
6 Jun, 2010
~I too loved the pallett gardens~equivalent to the wheel barrow ones at Cardiff and so much fun for the schools involved~
you seem to have had a great time!~also loved the blood red!
6 Jun, 2010
the kids looked like they were haveing a great day,love the pics and the plants,might try the blue poppys next year
7 Jun, 2010
Great pics David. :o)
7 Jun, 2010
Great bolog and photo's .The kid's look so happy munching ice creams lol
Love the blood red will be looking up their web tonight ..:o)))
7 Jun, 2010
Nice of her to bring you the blood red love the bears cottage and lovely photo of your children lovely blog.
7 Jun, 2010
Great day out by the looks and well done to the GoYers for thei deserved GOLDS!
Nice of Vicky to remember you as well:o))
7 Jun, 2010
A great day out for all of you, I love those pallet gardens so much detail and thought in them. Well done on the 'Blood Red' heuchera too. : o ) ) )
7 Jun, 2010
Pleased you had a nice day..
7 Jun, 2010
Good to meet James and Eilidh; hope that ther next generation enjoyed the show, David.
7 Jun, 2010
Sorry I missed you David. I actually went about all day with my badge on and csarina found me in the pallet garden, AKA Scottish Gardeners Forum tent, right by the pirate pallet. You would have laughed to see how loved those coins were.The children got down to see them and stroked them but I don't think any were taken away. You will need to encourage your childrens school to enter next year. They can either enter a pallet, the surrounding apron supplied by the forum and it is in place when you arrive or they can dip their toe in and try it with a planted container. It has to be a group effort not an individual one. I could not find Bb and Mg at first and I spotted her later on another stand among her favourite plants.Woodland plants which reminded me of insect eating flowers. Anyway as I was coming away to come home I met Bb taking some of said plants to the car. Well done to all those people who put on such a grand show and made it a day out to remember.
7 Jun, 2010
Another great blog, David. :-) Thanks for showing us some of the exhibits there & congratulations to the Goyers who won Gold medals! :-)
7 Jun, 2010
Many Thanks, all !
Yes, Bulbaholic, the children talked about things they saw all the way home, so they must have been impressed! Afterwards, I did wonder where Moon grower was - possibly on a well-earned teabreak, or off looking at plants? :-)
We must have just missed you, Scotsgran! Will see you on 4th July at the Suntrap plant sale (in my diary). :-)
8 Jun, 2010
Thanks, David - that was interesting! It's great to know that Scotland has a Gardening Show as well. We enjoyed Malvern, as you'll probably remember - and met up with GOY-ers there, too.
We met Vicky and Richard at their stand, and I got my Heuchera 'Berrie Smoothie' from her, which pleased me immensely!
8 Jun, 2010
Thanks for sharing your day David, the photo`s are lovely, I`d love to visit one of the shows but cannot drive and hubby not interested so really appreciate seeing other members photo`s.
Had a chuckle at your childrens photo.......
10 Jun, 2010
I remember you getting your "Berry Smoothie" (what a great name!), Spritz. :-)
Aw, Lincslass, glad you liked reading this. If we were closer, we'd gladly take you to a show. :-)
10 Jun, 2010
Lovely blog David, I didn't know Mg and Bah were also exhibitors, what a lovely exhibit they had too, no wonder they got Gold:-) So pleased Vicky and Richard won another Gold too. I got some lovely heuchera from them and heucherella sweet tea which is absolutely gorgeous. Lovely pic of your kids too:-)
11 Jun, 2010
They are members of the Scottish Rock Garden Club, Bornagain, and very pro-active ones, too!
I saw that you got some of Vicky and Richard's plants - aren't they wonderful? I also think that "Sweet Tea" is amazing, and lives up to its name. Many Thanks! :-))
11 Jun, 2010
great blog david so enjoyed the tour, how lovely to meet the GOYer members to,, lucky you ;o))
27 Jun, 2010
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lovely blog and nice to see Vicky and ba & mg efforts they do work hard. love 'blood red' too.
look forward to the next part.
6 Jun, 2010