Easter Blog
Hi All, I've been busy for the last 2 to 3 months involved in our kitchen refurbishment...
Garden At Christmas
I have never known the garden to be like it is at this time of year before. I think...
Fossil Find
Many years ago, when I was in my early 20's, my husband came home from work to say...
Colour in December
Well, the garden is looking pretty dull at the moment but there are a few flowers...
Autumn Woodland
A few photos taken on a walk around the garden this afternoon. The leaves are certainly...
Autumn Borders
It's a sign my work in the garden is calming down as I've been blogging, here I go...
First Autumn Frost
So the first morning after the clock went back we had our first proper frost.
Autumn Hues
The sun shone for a few minutes today after a dull day and off I went to get some...
October Colour 2
Another sunny day today here in the East Midlands and lots of plants still in flower.