Garden ER that horror to watch just starting on Ch5
By drc726
Garden ER that horror to watch just starting on Ch5. The budget is £1,500 this week
20 Jul, 2011
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Oh no that poor couple they have painted all the fences a silver grey how awful that will become and the work involved in its up keep. I bet the neighbours are upset as their side must be awful
20 Jul, 2011
I couldn`t believe how dreadful that `beach` garden looked...I would have cried if it had been mine. I don`t think I can watch it again.
20 Jul, 2011
I wondered what that was about but opted for The Corrie Years - sounds like I didn't miss much.
20 Jul, 2011
That is new fencing should last for years and what they have done to it! Paint must have dripped down the other side HB?
20 Jul, 2011
But no money from us LOL
20 Jul, 2011
That programme was just a car crash! We'll never get that time back, I've still got palpitations...
20 Jul, 2011
20 Jul, 2011
I forgot about it. I was hoping it would be better than last week's, but after these comments I won't bother with the iplayer.
21 Jul, 2011
I think you are right Hywel.
21 Jul, 2011
It's the sort of programme you just have to keep watching because you can't believe it can be so bad the next time.........or maybe you can! lol
21 Jul, 2011
Thats what will make me watch again Lily
21 Jul, 2011
I've just watched it on demand... That fence is dreadful! I can't believe they spent £1500 on a bit of turf and a lump of concrete!!! :o
Have to watch it to see what they come up with next. LOL!
23 Jul, 2011
Glad you saw it Smoo, last week the budget was £7,500 which they spent on plastic pictures of a Caribbean beach on all the fences, 4 palm trees, imported sand and a hot tub. I could have wept!
23 Jul, 2011
Oh i know that was even worse wasn't it?! I could get on board with the hot tub but the pictures and the sand? Eugh! Tacky!
23 Jul, 2011
Exactly Smoo.
23 Jul, 2011
24 Jul, 2011
I can't believe I missed this! It sounds wonderfully awful! Ooh, I've just found it on demand... might just take a peek ;)
24 Jul, 2011
Let us know what you think?
24 Jul, 2011
Will do... I've just got to the bit where he says how its a good thing it has to be minimalistic because of the budget...
24 Jul, 2011
Ha Ha
24 Jul, 2011
Yeah... the kind of things us normal people could achieve with just a fraction of that!! Its like some kind of horrific pantomime gardening with larger-than-life presenters...
Although I do quite like what they did with that footballer's wife's raised bed, and the tips for keeping plants hydrated were interesting, if a little impracticle if you've got a greenhouse full.... but you're right... that silver fence paint is hideous... and I can't believe they just used one kind of tree and one kind of plant! As soon as those coreopsis are over they've got nothing! And what about springtime? The people they did it to seemed happy, and I guess thats what matters... but all that money....on just that..... :| :|
24 Jul, 2011
I think the young couples they choose are first time buyers and have not yet learnt about what to put in a garden.
You should see the £7,500 budget beach one they did with imported sand, 4 palm trees, plastic pictures of the Caribbean all round the fencing and a hot tub lol I could have cried.
24 Jul, 2011
Madness! I think I'll save it for when I need a bit of a giggle :P It seems like such a waste though :( and nyurrgh... who would want that?! (hot tub aside)
25 Jul, 2011
25 Jul, 2011
I missed these programmes and the demand replays so dont know what the gardens were like, but I would expect miracles for £7500. My gazebo may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it was a bespoke size and only cost £340 and that included delivery from one side of england to the other!
29 Jul, 2011
I remember your lovely Gazebo with the statue and planting Tetrarch and I think it is really stunning. Just goes to show its not only money that makes a great garden.
29 Jul, 2011
Thank you Drc, and I do agree that gardens evolve and the love and care shine out I reckon..I might ask someone in to do heavy work, but you have to have the ideas yourself, trial and error teaches you. Home grown versions, as opposed to many of these fancy instant gardens have much more charm I reckon..just look how Whistonlass's garden is starting to take shape..the heavy work may have been done by others, but its all from ideas she spent the last 12 months planning and gathering from different sources.
To me, gardens are personal things, for your own pleasure and enjoyment and to share with others.
29 Jul, 2011
I do so agree Tetrarch, I change my garden as I find something's work and some dont but at least I did it myself and can learn from and enjoy. I also know it will not stay that way, after I leave it will be changed and that is how it should be!
30 Jul, 2011
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It's like gardening by numbers? It's all in straight lines!
20 Jul, 2011