House for sale -want a long garden near York?
By drc726
In today’s paper there is a modest house for sale near York and the garden is 3/4 of a mile long that sounds fantastic!
But the snag is it is only 30 feet wide! It is a disused railway line. Imagine calling the gardener for dinner lol. I can think of 2 good reasons for it, put a hobby shed at the bottom and have peace all day and great for a dog run. Oh and think of the washing line you could have.
24 Jul, 2011
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The more I think about it the more I realize how much fun it could be for an entire family as you say different rooms for all.
24 Jul, 2011
How strange it's in your local paper, or was it a national???? I suppose it was going very cheaply LOL.
24 Jul, 2011
To call gardener in for dinner you'd have to have a PA system installed lol:))
24 Jul, 2011
you could have a country walk before dinner ~ all in your own garden! that would be a mile and a half there and back!!
bit expensive to pave the lot!!!
think i would get a bike!!
24 Jul, 2011
Don't fancy mowing the lawn - or brushing the path - or trimming the hedge - I'll stick to mine thanks and thats more than enough.
24 Jul, 2011
sounds great to me, all that garden even though not wide, so much potential Denise, could use the rail signal to get attention when at botton of garden lol
24 Jul, 2011
That would be my idea of heaven!!!!!!
24 Jul, 2011
Its in the Nationals and there's even a video of it from the air GB. You could have a great miniture railway up and down Sanbaz. Its almost £350,000 if you still want it Millie.
24 Jul, 2011
yes great idea Denise, baz would love that haha, a bit out of our price range i think, we can dream :o)
24 Jul, 2011
Sounds great - can't afford it myself either - would love it though :))))))))
24 Jul, 2011
what was the house like?
my garden is only 30ft deep i think, and about 50 or 60 foot wide. three quarters of a mile would take me into the town virtually ~ or to the nearest garden centre!!
24 Jul, 2011
It was quite a modest detached house and I think the price is a try on.
24 Jul, 2011
bit of a long way for me to travel to work ~ never mind to the bottom of the garden!!
what are those songs:
'there's a worm at the bottom of the garden, and his name is wiggly woo!' ??
24 Jul, 2011
24 Jul, 2011
If i was abit younger, i'd love it....
24 Jul, 2011
The couple who live there have got too old to look after it from what the article said.
24 Jul, 2011
A garden this size would keep you fit, especially if the washing line was out of sight towards the end of the garden! What a fantastic opportunity for someone to open a plant nursery!
24 Jul, 2011
It looked very isolated to me Geraniumda.
24 Jul, 2011
A good challenge for someone :o)
24 Jul, 2011
That's cheap for York and surrounding areas Drc726, just shows the state of the market. There is a detached house opposite us with a third of an acre and they went half a million squids.
24 Jul, 2011
I think I would have to have a swimming pool put in... maybe a covered, heated one though! and Benji would love to have a ball launcher :D
24 Jul, 2011
Be good for a pitch and putt course!
24 Jul, 2011
My OH would love this (and so would I), he'd reinstate the railway line and I'd hardly ever see him! LOL. He's always wanted a garden railway and my reply is that maybe I'll consider it when he's finished constructing the huge one in our loft :o(( Mind you, as our back garden is only 45'x40' I'm not sure where it would go!
24 Jul, 2011
Well perhaps even at that price it will sell well as you all seem to have some good ideas. My OH says it would be good for cricket with the bar pavillion at the other end. My daughter thinks it would make a good landing strip for a private plane.
24 Jul, 2011
Hi Drc, Ive just found it on, googled it and found under 'Is this britain's wierdest garden' and watched the aerial video clip. It's certainly different!
24 Jul, 2011
Looking at the video Daylily it runs between 2 fields, I wonder if its classified as a garden or agricultural land as that could make a difference to what could be done on it?
24 Jul, 2011
what a great challenge, you could have so many little gardens all with a different theme.
24 Jul, 2011
Pink for the girls and blue for the boys Teds
24 Jul, 2011
Your own train after you have set the tracks down, a garden and you have a plaything for the rest of your life.
Much better than buying a railway ticket and just owning the train, this way you have all of it.
Your own station and platform, beats commuting.
Fun with all the identities you can have, from the porter to the engine driver in the same day.
Heaven for train spotters too!!
25 Jul, 2011
would Thomas be there? and the Fat Controller?
25 Jul, 2011
Ah happy days when my children watch that ST.
25 Jul, 2011
Wow thats imense. How much fun could you have with that garden though. It looks like it would be a lovely peacful area to live, lovely looking house. Shame its so far from work (and so far beyond my budget lol).
25 Jul, 2011
yes, such a popular book ~ but more so since the tv programmes came out
too far for me too samjp ~ welcome to GoY
25 Jul, 2011
This house is just a few miles away from where the family live and he has just shown me the article in the paper. The house is a two bed room detached house and would have been built as the level crossing keepers house. Our son would love to buy it but £350K is outside his price bracket. I think that the property is very likely to fetch this price, and worth it.
25 Jul, 2011
Hi BB after the enthusiastic comments on here I think it probably will go for that high price.
25 Jul, 2011
Just so long as GoY members dont bid against each other?
I was thinking it could be a good training ground for the 1500 metres ready for 2012 ~ only thing is they need to run bends!
25 Jul, 2011
This is straight from start to finish St. I think if it were mine I would build a canal and have a boat.
25 Jul, 2011
that's what i thought ~ so no room for the bends!!
it would be a very long run up for long jump!!
i like the idea of a boat on the water though
25 Jul, 2011
Party Train, or Party Boat, for weddings etc. not that Im a party animal or anything!
26 Jul, 2011
I'd spend all day sitting in the bit that runs between two farmers fields, shouting 'Oi, GET OFF MY LAND!' . . . lol. ;-))
28 Jul, 2011
Ha Ha Ha - but he may then crop spray you!
28 Jul, 2011
Might make my hair grow! . . lol.
28 Jul, 2011
and get it cut by the combine harvester???
28 Jul, 2011
Lol Sticki, I've had one or two haircuts that looked like that in the dim and distant past. Remember Rod Stewarts hair in the 70's? Say no more! ;-))
28 Jul, 2011
what are you saying muddy? you think im old enough to remember him?
28 Jul, 2011
Whoops! Maybe your Mum told you about him!!! ;-))
28 Jul, 2011
no she would have no idea whatsoever who he is!!! she only ever listens to radio 4 and very little tv.
i will confess ~ i do remember him!!! didnt they all have long hair ~ like the sweet??
28 Jul, 2011
Oh Sticki, don't start me off on a 70's nostalgia trip - I'll have to go and get my vinyl out!!!
28 Jul, 2011
and wind up the gramophone??!!
28 Jul, 2011
Oi! I said vinyl not bakelite - I was VERY young in the 70's . . . lol! ;-))
28 Jul, 2011
so was I ~ i was still at school!!!
28 Jul, 2011
Remember that Alice Cooper record 'Schools Out'? That was no.1 as I left school, the summer of '72 . . . seems like yesterday - NOT! :-))
28 Jul, 2011
i remember that one!! not allowed to play that at home!! think that was the end of the 4th form!!
28 Jul, 2011
Oh no - I think I've just experienced a watershed moment!
When I first started work (1972), I used to laugh to myself when the 'old blokes' used to say "It's not like the old days". Have I become one of them 'old blokes'?
I'm sitting here laughing Sticki, but it ain't funny . . . lol! :-))
28 Jul, 2011
Well it's better to laugh than cry and if you can still laugh that makes you young at heart!!
When was shakin Stevens - 'this ole house' ?
28 Jul, 2011
As an avid golfer, if I could only hit the ball straight I'd have a tee at one end and a green at the other.
It would take me about 35 shots to reach the green ! sadly my name's not Tiger Woods.
29 Jul, 2011
Ha ha ha Hank. You could have your own light aircraft.? My canal would freeze over in December and I could skate down it all winter lol
29 Jul, 2011
Or a ski run drc?
29 Jul, 2011
Oh yes cos you could have an all weather one ST
29 Jul, 2011
Quite fancy that
How about a luge run?!
29 Jul, 2011
Why not Lol
29 Jul, 2011
And you could plant lovely trees along side to admire as you slowly drift past?
30 Jul, 2011
That sounds soooo good
30 Jul, 2011
Yes I quite fancy that now! I don't have enough money though - it's ok to dream tho!
30 Jul, 2011
I still have my dreams too, looks like that is what they will stay now!
30 Jul, 2011
Maybe it could be made to be affordable if it was occasionally open to the public to raise some funds - spring foliage, summer breeze, autumn colours, Santa sleigh ride??
30 Jul, 2011
Just call it Sissinghurst Drc, turn half of it into a car park, print 'timed' tickets and watch the money roll in.
(Oh that has made me so cross/sad!)
Signed, Angry of Birkdale.
30 Jul, 2011
is that what its like?? is that the white garden???
30 Jul, 2011
It is Sticki. After talking to Drc, I searched the interweb thingy and found this -
Shattered my memories :-(
30 Jul, 2011
Sorry MW but it is dreadful place now, Its just about taking money and queuing for everything.
30 Jul, 2011
Alas change isn't always for the better - I shall treasure my memories then Drc. :-)
30 Jul, 2011
I find that is the best way in so many things MW and they do say never go back!
30 Jul, 2011
thanks for the warning, what a shame!!
i went to switzerland once as a child and stayed in a self catering wooden chalet, we woke up in the clouds and as the sun came out watched them raking the hay with those big wooden rakes, i wont ever go back cos it cant be as good as that any more!!!
30 Jul, 2011
Its because we are happy when we make those memories. Like we think our school day went on forever.
30 Jul, 2011
i liked school ~ particularly my first senior school, it was in an old house [not a private school] and i think it is the town library now ~ in leighton buzzard??
30 Jul, 2011
My first primary school was new and it has since been demolished to make way for a bigger one.
30 Jul, 2011
my second primary school has been demolished for old peoples homes!!!!
the first was denbeigh road luton, i think it has changed a bit but i know there is a school still there!!
30 Jul, 2011
Mine was in in East Yorkshire but I was only there a year.
30 Jul, 2011
cos you were so clever you didnt need to do any more!!
30 Jul, 2011
I wish
30 Jul, 2011
I ran home - well tried to - from nursery school! Squeezed under the gate!
30 Jul, 2011
Oh my, how far did you get?
30 Jul, 2011
I don't know, I was 4! It would be a social service job these days!!
They asked me why I did it and apparently I said cos that's what Peter rabbit did!!
30 Jul, 2011
Oh how sweet, I like Peter rabbit too.
31 Jul, 2011
i dont remember doing it, but i have nearly all the beatrix potter books and still love them ~ especially the naughty ones!!!
31 Jul, 2011
Oh they were naughty too he he, that innocence is all long gone
31 Jul, 2011
what a shame. squirrel nutkin and the two bad mice as well as tom kitten ~ all my friends i think!
31 Jul, 2011
Happy days lol
31 Jul, 2011
31 Jul, 2011
I used to read Beatrix Potter and selective Enid Blyton to my girls frequently, in addition to 'modern' books and they loved it. They weren't too keen on Mr. McGregor (the baddie!) though. . . lol. Happy days! :-))
31 Jul, 2011
I still think mr mcgregor might appear end the end of the cucumber frame!
Did they like Roald Dahl too? And JK Rowling??
31 Jul, 2011
My children were avid 'The dark is rising' Fans
31 Jul, 2011
Don't know that - is it by philip Pullman?
31 Jul, 2011
No, its a series of 5 books by Susan Cooper
31 Jul, 2011
I shall have to have a look! I used to work in a library not so long ago.
31 Jul, 2011
They are now regarded as classics and a film was made in 2009 but not as good as the books. Look her up on line she lives in New England.
31 Jul, 2011
I will, thank you for that drc
31 Jul, 2011
31 Jul, 2011
We have nearly completed 3/4 of a mile on this blog!!
31 Jul, 2011
and we have to walk home too lol
31 Jul, 2011
Oh no! But look how interesting it is!
31 Jul, 2011
Theres that Lol
31 Jul, 2011
My garden is only 30 deep ~ just like the plot for this garden ~ its surprising how many plants it can take!
this would make a huge allotment! imagine how long the bean rows could be!
a world record row of sweet peas ~ that would be worth seeing!
1 Aug, 2011
I am going to need a chair on wheels with a pulley to get me up and down the row, to tend the Sweet peas ST, as I cut mine off every evening.
1 Aug, 2011
a ski lift ~ but on the straight? or a little motorised mower? i didnt grow any this year ~ i wish i had ~ i love them. i dont have space for a long row.
1 Aug, 2011
I have a wigwam but I find some years they get too much mould.
1 Aug, 2011
wigwam over the garden as opposed to a tub?
1 Aug, 2011
No I have them in a big wicker basket the top ties together and its on the patio.
1 Aug, 2011
i fancy having a go at that, sounds lovely.
1 Aug, 2011
I bought the basket in the GC it came in 3 sizes I got the bigger ones, the basket is lined with plastic and the weaved bit is about 8" high, the spokes go up to about 6ft you gather them at the top and tie together with string after planting. They are not cheap and quite fragile as it becomes quite brittle and the first one only 2 years outdoors in all weathers. The second one I stored in the garage over the winter and it has lasted 4 years but that's it as this year all the up rights are braking off. Next year I am going back to a deep wide pot and make my own wigwam with canes again or an Obilisk . One basket is on page 58 in full bloom and page 43 the following year just planted up, on my photos if you want to have a look? I have not seem them since I bought them, so perhaps because of their short life span they were not that popular?
1 Aug, 2011
i shall, thank you ~ thats very helpful, next year i will look for a pot! i fancy one of those half barrels but they are expensive!
1 Aug, 2011
Yes I think that would work and look great but as you say there are expensive.
1 Aug, 2011
i shall have to wait for the sales!!
1 Aug, 2011
Bet you dont lol
1 Aug, 2011
you know me too well!!
i shall try!!
1 Aug, 2011
Ha Ha Ha
1 Aug, 2011
1 Aug, 2011
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What potential there though. How many different rooms you could make there. What a lovely challenge.
24 Jul, 2011