Storm last evening took its toll of my 'Pink Delight' Buddleja.
By drc726
Storm last evening came over very very windy and dark then the rain which finished off my Buddleja davidii ‘Pink delight’ which was a beauty at over 7ft and so heavy with blooms that the weight of the sudden down pour just took it down to the ground. I have taken cuttings and hope I can get them to take. Buddleja dont have a tap root so sadly the conditions were just right to bring it down.
Before the storm, I have laid it ready for chopping up.
After the storm
19 Jul, 2014
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So do I Wendy, I was gutted when I saw it.
19 Jul, 2014
That is a disaster ,they are resourceful plants and when trimmed will shoot from the bottom
19 Jul, 2014
Hi Drc, it can be very upsetting when something like this happens, but at least it happened at the right time of year for you to take cuttings, just imagine if it had happened in a winter storm, they say every cloud has a silver lining, Derek.
19 Jul, 2014
The whole plant was out of the ground and just not in a condition to replant Bjs but as you say they root well so I am going to all stick a stem in the ground as well as the cuttings and see if it takes.
Thanks Derek.
19 Jul, 2014
Fingers crossed for you x
19 Jul, 2014
Thanks Pam
19 Jul, 2014
Oh dear what a shame all types of weather can cause havoc but I suppose that's nature for us .
19 Jul, 2014
How looked so beautiful.
19 Jul, 2014
that's sad Drc, such a nice plant too.
19 Jul, 2014
So sorry you lost your lovely plant,Denise..I would have been gutted too..I'm bad enough if it is only a couple of flower heads! We were so lucky,and only caught the tail end of the storm,in the early hours,but no strong winds,it was very calm,with torrential rain till mid afternoon..I put my pots of Lilies in the shed last night,as they are all about to open..and no other damage at all,so I breathed a sigh of relief..
At least the Buddleja is an easy one to get cuttings from..but not a lot of comfort just now..good idea to stick a stem in too :o)Good luck..
19 Jul, 2014
I hope your cuttings are successful.
Sorry to hear you had a storm.
It's been hot and sunny here. I hope you don't get any more storms.
19 Jul, 2014
Thanks everyone
19 Jul, 2014
Our area wasn't affected by storms - just a few rumblings. Nothing like you had, obviously, and I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful Buddleia. I hope the cuttings 'take'. x
20 Jul, 2014
Sorry to see that, it was a lovely Buddleai... we had storm but it didnt last long and not a lot of rain.. hope your cuttings take ok... I have started them off by sticking them in ground before so good luck with yours...
20 Jul, 2014
oh it's heartbreaking isn't it when something like this happens and there was nothing we could do to prevent it. Good luck with the cuttings.
20 Jul, 2014
Thanks Hollyeves and Waddy I have cleared it away now and fell better for it being gone hopefully it will return from a cutting.
20 Jul, 2014
I had a wonderfull variety " Low and Behold" which reached a height of just four feet and was a beautiful backdrop to one of my ponds. This past winter was very cold and with plenty of snow to which it succumbed to. It has not come back, no chance for cuttings for me.
20 Jul, 2014
This was such a gorgeous plant, hope your cuttings take OK
20 Jul, 2014
The winters can be cruel to plants we enjoy Loosestrife. Thanks Louisa
20 Jul, 2014
Hello Denise, so sorry to see/hear of the damage to your buddleja, I hope one of your cuttings takes. Such a shame, but hopefully a cutting or planting the old root may give you some results.
20 Jul, 2014
Hi Alan I taken several cuttings and planted a bit of root and also just put a big twig in the ground so hopefully one will take.
20 Jul, 2014
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Oh dear such a beautiful plant totally destroyed. Hope your cuttings take ok.
19 Jul, 2014