Free butterfly friendly perennials
By drc726
Gardeners’ World Mag – July 2014 edition.
For every reader 48 butterfly friendly perennials worth over £35 for £5.65 postage.
12 Echinacea ‘Deep Rose’
12 Nepta ‘Mussinii’
12 Achilllea millefolium ‘Cassie’
12 Salvia ‘Blue Queen’
12 Geum ’Lady Stratheden
29 Jun, 2014
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Dont think I will buy there free plants again, to small and to many... I used to before when you only got 12 plants a good size a better offer.
30 Jun, 2014
Thanks drc ordered these plants for a new border in the planning stages. After ordering I noticed that these plants will not be despatched until the end of August! Bit of a cheek taking money for plants that have probably not even been germinated yet!
30 Jun, 2014
They have good offers. Nice if you have the room for them :)
30 Jun, 2014
Thanks for the reminder drc.
Simbad, you can order direct from the Gardeners World website rather than posting the form from the magazine. They always post all the offers online. I've done it a few times now, far less hassle than remembering to post the form (and remember where I hid the cheque book lol).
8 Jul, 2014
They also take phone calls for orders.
9 Jul, 2014
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Thanks for that drc :-)I rarely buy Gardeners World Mag these days takes me all month to get through the RHS one, but worth it for this offer!!!
30 Jun, 2014