Chinese torture?
By drc726
I think I must have been a chinses pheasant in a past life and been totured by a plant? I have just seen a photo of the one plant I can not bear to look at even in a picture let alone grow. For some inexplicable reason it gives me the shudders I feel creepy all over. The plant is Sterculia coccinea its the pips on the petals ugh! Unfortunately its in my Botanica of plants which I refer to quite a bit and it seems to come open at that page on occassions and tonight was one of them. I do not know about this plant as I cannot get past the picture. Please tell me I am not alone that you too have a plant like this. I amagine its tiny a house plant perhaps, dont tell me its large or I will have nightmares!
2 Sep, 2009
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LOL! Just googled the picture and freaked myself out - it looks like its covered in warts! GROSS....
2 Sep, 2009
What a weird and whacky plant. I googled it too.
Can't you stick the pages together in your Botanica Drc?? Or at least paperclip them together. that way you wouldn't have to look at the weird thing.
3 Sep, 2009
am I looking at the wrong one
I think its quite nice, red and black
looks a bit like a ladybird!
x x x
3 Sep, 2009
Very odd looking flower... but I bet you can run faster than the peculiar Sterculia... so it won't catch you. Lol. :o)
3 Sep, 2009
I am glad I am not the only one. As for you Mookins what movies do you watch? I think Gilli's idea will work if I use super glue? Dare I say spot on Terratooonie?
3 Sep, 2009
Hi Denise....
yes, you can even say spot on Terratoooooooonie. Lol.
3 Sep, 2009
x x x
3 Sep, 2009
Just noticed I wrote pheasant instead of peasant! do they have pheasant in china?
3 Sep, 2009
we knew what you meant and I have no idea
x x x
3 Sep, 2009
Sounds like google has been busy, I've just had a look too - YUK - quite agree Fluff, wouldn't want one anywhere near me!
Well Mookins, we all knew you were a bit odd!! :o))
No Fluff I haven't got any real hates plantwise just a few dislikes like Red Hot Pokers and Mahonia.
3 Sep, 2009
I dont like Red hotpokers either but I have 2 as my dad grew them and I think Mahonias can be nice if they have space
3 Sep, 2009
Actually you're right about the Mahonias Drc, they do look OK if they've got the space to do their own thing properly.
3 Sep, 2009
UUUGGGHHHHH !!!! Shudder, shudder, shudder !! Leeches !!!
3 Sep, 2009
Ha ha good one for you Sue?
3 Sep, 2009
Very few plants I don't like Drc ... but that takes the absolute biscuit !!! YUCK !!! :))
3 Sep, 2009
I don't like red hot pokers either. Funny looking things.
I like your comparison Sue......Leeches is "spot" on!!
Mookins.......I think you're "dotty"....hee hee hee.
I think Pheasants came from China in the first place didn't they??? Or at least they have Chinese Pheasants.
3 Sep, 2009
Yes maybe I was once a chinese pheasant probably had a better life than a chinese peasant
3 Sep, 2009
Unless you were in the middle of the table minus yer feathers Drc !! haha
I Like Red Hot Pokers....tried them a couple of times but no joy :(((((
3 Sep, 2009
3 Sep, 2009
tee hee hee !! x
3 Sep, 2009
Sorry but I don't see anything wrong with it.
3 Sep, 2009
So you too like horror movies?
3 Sep, 2009
Me neither Hywel. Can't beat a bit 'o' meat to go with the lovely veg fresh out of the garden ! :)))
3 Sep, 2009
Sorry Sue - I meant I don't see anything wrong with the plants lol
Horror moovies just seem to make me laugh :o)
3 Sep, 2009
SORRY Hywel....crossed wires !! lol
3 Sep, 2009
Oh thats good Sue I thought I was having another senior momment?
3 Sep, 2009
Ive not yet found a pic of it not showing the seeds
anyone got a link to one?
i think its really nice
and I dont watch horror films too scardy cat
x x x
but yes I am an odd bod hehehe
x x x
3 Sep, 2009
I just typed in google 'pics of Sterculia coccinea, its the 3rd and 4th along dont say you havent been warned!
3 Sep, 2009
I was more freaked with this picture
its bigger than the little boy!!
it reminds me of little shop of scary plant
x x x
3 Sep, 2009
3 Sep, 2009
did not like that!
x x x
3 Sep, 2009
What have we started?
3 Sep, 2009
ooh do a blog on scary plants!!
peeps could all put their links to what they think is a scary looking plant (as they cant add pics to someone elses blog)
x xx
3 Sep, 2009
i think its rather nice! certainly unusual.
my least fav plants are the bedding petunia and begonia [the small flowered , bronzed leaf ones.]
4 Sep, 2009
which one do you think is nice SBG the one mentioned in the blog?
x x x
4 Sep, 2009
Wow!! That looks like its about to swallow the little guy. Eeeekkk!!!
4 Sep, 2009
i just looked at pant profiles. so not seen the other ones. :o)
4 Sep, 2009
Following on and with your help I have decided to plant an ugly garden:
For the horror factor - Sterculia coccinea
For colour - Birthworts
For height - Monkey Cups Nepenthes
For ground cover - Vegitable sheep Raoulia eximia
For fright - Amorphophallus paeonifolius jungle night (thanks Moonkins)
For humour - Cows udder
For allure – a Pitcher plant
For Fragrance - Stink horn Clathrus columnatus
For visual impact - Amorphophallus titanum
For the dry patch any suggestions?
Somehow I don’t think this is going to grow on you!
5 Sep, 2009
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O.M.G. I just Googled it and it looks like something that should be on a horror movie.
2 Sep, 2009