A day in the life of Phoebe...
By fluff
They say it’s a dog’s life … but I think cats have it far better … dogs need a supervised walk twice a day … cats can toddle off on their own.
See a cat on it’s own by the road or in a field … nobody bats en eyelid (extraordinary expression!) … see a woofer tho’ & it’s ‘how did he get out … who owns him … shall we take him home?’.
If you don’t feed your dog he suffers … if you can’t get home to feed your cat … she’ll feed herself with a tasty mouse!
(Well strictly speaking that’s not true of Phoebe as she has only ever caught spiders & moths … but you get my point!).
Cats can have a cat flap for easy access but unless you have a chihuahua or similar you’d need a hole big enough to let the burglars in too!
Dogs need you … cats tolerate you.
Dogs live with you in your house … you are allowed to live with the cats in their house!
Now I know there are exceptions to these rules but generally speaking I have found this to be true!
If anyone has any other thoughts on the matter I’d love to hear them!!
But back to the Phoebe diary …
For anyone who hasn’t met me before … this is me … I pose like this quite often as I think I should have been a model …
This is my grumpy face … which I use when she serves up that cat food I don’t like just because it’s on offer!
Oh … & I decide when she can use her laptop …
I was sitting on the new sofa … (which I’m banned from at night as I scratch the **** out of it!) …looking out at the garden to see what was going on …
Thought I could see some movement on the shed roof & so I must investigate …
It’s a good view from up here … I can keep an eye on things …
There’s a weather vane so I know which way the wind is blowing … I don’t like it up my tail!
So I can keep a look out both ways …
Yes … I was right … I did see something moving up here …is it a spider?
Got it! Pesky things … my mum ( sorry … the human I share my house with!) doesn’t like them so I try to catch as many as I can…
I’m just soooo cute eh?! Oh yes!
Morrissey tried to tell me I’m too vain & there are far prettier cats than me … a lot of them on GoY in fact …
But I just ignore him …
And we agree to differ!
All this spider hunting & arguing about my obvious charms takes it’s toll you know …
Time for a well – earned nap methinks …
After all … whose the kitty? ;o)))
17 Jul, 2010
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Well Phoebe, you look just like a cat who used to allow us to share her house. She was called Paddie and woe betide anyone who crossed her. She certainly was the boss of us and the two dogs. She WAS beautiful though, just like you. :o))
17 Jul, 2010
Phoebe is a little star, Fluff, so many different expressions ! If there's re-incarnation I'm coming back as a well loved cat, they sleep for about 16 hours a day, never need to shop for food, let alone cook it, if the weather's poor they get let back indoors. They get to sleep almost anywhere they like, though Megan has been known to be shut in the kitchen at night due to jumping on our bed at 5.30am, with extra force I'm sure ! All in all, we wouldn't be without our cats, would we ? : o )))))
17 Jul, 2010
Lovely pics and captions :o)
17 Jul, 2010
Isn't she a "performer" !!!! a real actress.....just like her mum......lol.....(just joking)....:-)))))))))
17 Jul, 2010
Brilliant Fluff and having 2 narcotic house cats who would be on drugs if they were human, I know where you are coming from. They totally ignore Ali if she shouts to get off the new living room cabinets but if the big man moves.....WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH, don't see their bums for dust! LOL!
Our 2 have certainly taken over since moving in a couple of short months ago and are such a pleasure.....most o the time....to have around:o))
Great blog and pics.....she's a star alright!
17 Jul, 2010
Thanks all ... we love dogs too & both always had them in our lives but not now we both work full time ... cats are quite happy to wave us off in the mornings!
18 Jul, 2010
That's exactly what cats are like lol :o))
You're as pretty as any cat Phoebe, so don't listen to anything else x
18 Jul, 2010
And we wouldn't be without them Hywel!
18 Jul, 2010
No , never :o) lol
18 Jul, 2010
OH YES...she is soooo cute and writes a good blog!!!?? lol:-))
18 Jul, 2010
She says thank you Swanky ... & totally agrees on the cute thing! ;o)
18 Jul, 2010
Phoebe you are a little darling and very cute, great blog and photos, have to agree i love cats.
18 Jul, 2010
Thank you Carole ... I think our pets are sometimes the one thing that are constant in our lives ...
18 Jul, 2010
Love the blog and photographs - made me laugh to see all the different expressions and attitudes of Phoebe. I must admit my favourite photo is of Morrissey and Pheobe 'bums together' - he looks as if he is raising his eyes and saying 'Prima donna - who is she kidding?' :)
18 Jul, 2010
Ha ha ... that's exactly what he's like Gee! They actually don't get on ... well, Morrissey gets on with everyone but madam acts all sulky when he's around!
Thank you Gee!
18 Jul, 2010
What a great blog,Phoebe has so many great expressions they say it all ,I like the ones of her on the roof.My two are not very happy at the minute as we are in the middle of a modernisation programme,all the noise has them running for cover.
19 Jul, 2010
Fantastic blog, Fluff, and beautifully illustrated with fantastic picts too! This made me smile a lot!! :~))
19 Jul, 2010
You have captured the 'essence'of cats in this blog Fluffy !! We are here to serve !! lol
19 Jul, 2010
Fantastic blog there, Fluff. Phoebe is just adorable........ and Morrissey is so cute. I want one, but don't know if my two little horrors would take to it, so maybe not.
19 Jul, 2010
Oh Mavis I know the feeling ... the slightest change to their environment & you'd think the world was ending! Hiding under the bed, refusing to eat except in the bedroom!
Glad I made you smile Flora ... cats & dogs can be so comical ... I'm always trying to catch them up to their antics with the camera but they've got wise to it now & move just at the wrong time!!
You are sooo right B8babe ... in fact today my husband allowed Phoebe to sleep upstairs as it was drizzling when he left for work ... & guess who's side of the bed she spent all day on?! Not his you can be sure!!!
Hi Silverbelle ... Morrissey would be well cool with your 2 but Phoebe would be a drama queen & go into a decline behind the sofa!
Thank you very much for all your lovely comments.xx
20 Jul, 2010
sorry im late told you i wasnt getting my blogs and pics grr, loved reading this about phoebe, she`s such a cute things, casper thinks so to, his tail is spinning hahah
20 Aug, 2010
Sorry I'm late in replying Sandra! Phoebe is in a bit of a snitch lately as we have builders doing the path & she doesn't like strangers!
23 Aug, 2010
Dread to think of where she hides ....... ! :~)
23 Aug, 2010
thats ok fluff, poor phoebe, dont think cats like strangers at the best of times do they ;o((
23 Aug, 2010
Oh all the usual places B8! Greenhouse & bedroom!
She's a regular 'scaredy cat' San!
23 Aug, 2010
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dogs are cute but cats are just purrfect !! really great blog & lovely photos too
17 Jul, 2010