The 12 pics of 2012
By fractal_cat
A look through a year of photographs and a selection box presented with the best (or, least worst) of each month:
The wonder of snow. How glorious it looks. Each tiny flake with a different crystaline structure to any other. Takes the mind back to childhood and the ‘proper’ winters we used to have – When snow were snow…
Snow is different nowadays, it’s the wrong sort. This wrong sort stops public transport in its tracks; It is genetically-modified snow. A new supersnow.
But it does look good.
The Hazel looks good too, a shame that the scent is lacking. I bought it when it was in flower and it had a good scent then. This was its first year in the ground, perhaps it will pick-up.
This can be a horrible month for weather. 2012 was cold for the first half then warm for the second; and dry for the most part.
Thus it was that these jewels appeared… I love crocus and can always make room for more, and I will.
Walking the dog is an added bonus. It decides things; on some days I would stay in, forego the benefits of a walk and have a cup of tea instead. The dog has other ideas, he wants out; No excuses.
I never regret the walks that ensue, sometimes one comes across vistas such as this… Five minutes, heading north-east, the forest begins to thin and gives way to farmland beyond. There are two routes; The long way is to the end of the forestry track then double back taking the upper path: The other way is to drift off to the left of the track and climb the hill following the vehicular access. Either way, the tracks will merge at around this point.
Going out the other way, fir trees dominate. I much prefer this for dog safety.
I like to let him (doggie) run free, he is a whippet after all, he deserves a run. With him being a friendly sort, I attach his lead whenever I spot another walker to prevent his youthful exuberance swamping other canines who may not appreciate his joy. The deciduous sections of forest are littered with debris that can injure an errant dog. The modern method is to leave all those dropped branches and twigs; Let the debris from thinning out the forest remain for the natural wildlife. Which is fine, but you try explaining that to a dog.
We quite like visitors, always keen to show off the virtues of forest life. So I have to wonder as to why we invariably take people out of the forest and into the hinterland to show them the joys of this place. Tintern Abbey. It should need no introduction, and for myself I simply introduce it as.. magical.
If you like to see a wide horizon then I can reccomend the view from here… This is Lydney docks. These ancient stones – recently quarried – are a new, Millenium monument for a future age. Gazing across the Severn estuary, the horizon stretches across eye level and provides a wide sky.
Meanwhile, other visitors are welcomed without reservation. This young Jay dropped in from time to time during the latter stages of summer. A delight to see such shy creatures, the first hint of movement and they are gone.
Looking north over the hedge and across the valley.
The Swallows began to gather early and within the first week of the month had vanished. Can’t say I blame them; The month was a washout. The one (top) seems to be pointing and saying, ’That’s the way we go’.
And he would be right, that way is south.
Some days can be endless. Such was this day. We (dog and I) had ventured forth some hours earlier though it only seemed as but a few moments. It was one of those days.
Another walk on another day. Further evidence of the edge of the forest being close by.
As this is being written the month is not yet over. Nevertheless, pics have been taken – cue endless amounts of photos featuring trees; – So, not to disappoint.., As mentioned, walking the dog is beneficial in many ways.
A very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year to one and all.
20 Dec, 2012
Previous post: Proof that Santa exists.
Next post: Early days
Very happy Christmas to you too, I really liked your calendar blog, lovely pictures.
20 Dec, 2012
Delightful...A lovely place to go walking.Seasons greetings to you and yours too..
20 Dec, 2012
You do take amazing photos - thank you for a 'calendar' like this. :-) Happy Christmas!
20 Dec, 2012
this was wonderful, I loved the photos and the narration.
merry christmas.
20 Dec, 2012
Thank you for a look at your part of the world. Your photographs are so peaceful. Happy Christmas
20 Dec, 2012
What a wonderful blog, is that forest the forest of Dean Fractal Cat. My mum use to play in Tintern Abbey. what a wonderful walk for the dog picture please of doggy . A very Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year.
20 Dec, 2012
Lovely Blog. What beautiful woods. I know how you feel over whippet exuberance!! My folks have two!! Their last lot (x3) were walked in the woods where cyclists and runners were...they got a nip or two...very naughty! The two new ones are better behaved but have been known to fun off leaving my folks waiting for half an hour!
Happy Christmas!!
20 Dec, 2012
All beautiful Photos and Tintern Abbey does look magical. Merry Christmas :o))
20 Dec, 2012
A lovely set of photos.
Happy Christmas and all the best to you for 2013.
20 Dec, 2012
I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed your blog - well written and gorgeous pics!
Happy Christmas!
20 Dec, 2012
that baby jay is my favourite ~ what a little treasure!
20 Dec, 2012
My favourites are the first two - but they are all lovely, especially the trees. We had a jay in the garden today - a rare visitor. Happy christmas, everyone.
20 Dec, 2012
Thank you all for the kind remarks, you are all very kind.
Yes, I live in the Forest of Dean. Near Coleford, which in turn is not far from Cinderford. Tintern is a shortish (20mins), draive away.
I think my favourite pic is the Jay. Not because it is a good pic; It isn't, but it was taken through the kitchen window and is the best (in focus) of about six that I took. But I was so excited to see a Jay so close..!
I like trees, you may have noticed.. :)
Thanks again
21 Dec, 2012
Lovely blog, Not seen Tintern Abbey for quite a few years even though its not that far away.
Have I missed the dog!,what sort is it .
21 Dec, 2012
Thank you Fractalcat know Cinderford very well and Dry Brook. My mum use to stay a lot in the Forest of Dean where a Captain lived in the big Red Brick house.
22 Dec, 2012
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A lovely blog, thank you. Especially the last picture, amazing how the sun lightens up our lives.
Saved to enjoy later on.
20 Dec, 2012