Hi mates still here.
By franktf4
Hi GoY freinds, My garden is a total mess, all because of one easy task that kept on getting bigger and bigger. I had a small water feature that I wanted out, so I could have a little bit more planting space, mainly for veg.The first thing that went wrong was water was getting to the side off my shed, this needed to be repaired. that took a over a week to do. Not because it was difficuilt to do,but because of my mobility problems. Well basically that was the problem with all off the tasks I have set myself to do before it gets to cold.Second task was to clean all of the glass by taking them out and cleaning the green dirty bits on the joints.This was made harder because of extra weight around my midrif, I was a lot slimmer the last time I did that job.The space between the fence and G/H was a lot less. I’ve only finished the one side of the G/H, I’ll do the path side later.The third task was to line the G/H with bubble wrap, that was easier the last time I did that. When the G/H is full everything gets in the way .(5 days have passed since I put this part on my blog. Thank goodness for saved drafts.)
The bulk of the bubble wrap is now in place.The garden is still untidy, but I do a bit of clearing away now and again to try to keep it a little easier to walk around without tripping over something. I have taken a few photos ,even the untidy bits. I will show them when I have some tidier parts to add to the photos and make a before and after blog. Although I didn’t start photos from the begining. I do have something to show you. This photo was taken 4 days ago and one flower has started to fade. Its in my G/H I’m not sure if its suposed to still be in bloom for this time of year. I hope it will not stop it growing next year.
After I see this I look at my warm bed, and since I took this photo I have made a double wrapped ridged lid for it to keep in the heat even more.
Just before I go I’ve had another idea. To keep my standard fuschias a little more protected I have found a use for empty kitchen and toilet roll tubes.
They pass over the top few leaves easily.
I’ll try not to leave it so long before talking to you all Frank
24 Nov, 2009
Previous post: I'll be with it again soon
Next post: Things seem to be getting in the way.
It all looks very good frank
24 Nov, 2009
ooks like the leaning tower of piza there frank! lots growing there
24 Nov, 2009
Wow, you've done a lot of work...
great photos...
I hope you'll be able to tackle tasks at a steadier pace now. :o)
24 Nov, 2009
Well done Frank. Take it steady !
24 Nov, 2009
Gosh - those lilies look gorgeous Frank. Mine finished ages ago, have you had them in your greenhouse all the time? Do you leave them in there all winter? It looks as if you have been very busy, good idea that - the kitchen rolls. Well done. It doesn't matter if the garden is messy, you've done the jobs that matter.
24 Nov, 2009
Yeah....little and often is the key Frank......take care xx
24 Nov, 2009
Using the toilet roll tubes is a good idea. Maybe I'll copy you
24 Nov, 2009
Wondered where you had got to Frank.
You 've certainly have been busy again and coming up with more good ideas :~)))
24 Nov, 2009
nice to see you frank, wondered where you were, can see you have been busy, lots going on in your GH, love the lilys, and great idea for standards, you could always cut them off if the leaves bush out to much, enjoyed seeing your babies in the GH, lots for next year :o))
24 Nov, 2009
Lovely lilies they should come back next year good idea with the kitchen roll holders and you have been busy and yes when you cant move like before it seems 10 times harder and more tireing.
24 Nov, 2009
What a wonderful Arum lily! Mine is on the stream bank - it's the hardiest one, and it came through last winter fine. I was wondering if yours stays in the greenhouse, too!
It all looks so organised in there. :-)))
25 Nov, 2009
You have been very busy and seem so organised. Is your greenhouse heated? That Arum looks fantastic. I too wonder whether it lives in there.
I like the way you say the space between the greenhouse and the fence has got smaller!
I am full of admiration for you keeping things so shipshape. All the little plants properly labelled and tidy. My arum looks pathetic next to your's.
25 Nov, 2009
Hi all, The lilly was only put in theG/H 3or4 weeks ago. When I bought it the man said keep it protected in the winter, but he was not a gardener, he sold koi.He also told me to keep the roots in water but I think thats wrong for the winter. Its about 5ft tall, some leaves are turning and only the 4 flower stems have grown taller since being in the G/H. The G/H. is not heated yet although there is gas laid on in there. Its surprising how the bubble wrap keeps it warmer without heat. I might heat it for added protection in late winter and early spring when I have seedlings to protect.Idid only show you the tidy part of the G/H.mostly its a mess.But in my defence I am in there every day doing some job or other.
I came across another good buy yesterday £1 for 30 yellow tulips, I had 2 bags. I don't usually put tulips or daffs or any spring flowers in because I seem to want the space before they have finished flowering. My mind has been turning over all day trying to come up with a solution. Then it came to me, what if I planted them in pots, and then buried the pots. Then if they haven't finnished flowering I can lift the whole lot and they can still grow and prepare themselves for next year. Then a better idea struck me, do the same but with planting baskets that you would use for pond planting. I've got loads of them. I seem to have carried on a bit . See you all later Frank
25 Nov, 2009
It's all looking good Frank, what an industrious man you are!. Don't worry, with all this work you'll soon get your sylph- like figure back and loose the midriff;-))
28 Nov, 2009
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- Things seem to be getting in the way.
9 Dec, 2009
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you have been busy. and a good selection of plants there too.
24 Nov, 2009