By franl155
I’ve got three sbrubs in berry in the back garden, think one of them is a Firethorn, but no idea what the others are
white berries, not easy to see, as I was doing a contotrion to get this close!
firethorn? certainly thorny!
absolutely no idea what this might be!
found some pics of them taken on 7th November 2013, when they still had foliage:
16 Feb, 2014
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Yes I agree with Karen on all three, be very exciting waiting to see what colour the rose turns out to be....
16 Feb, 2014
My firethorn (pyracantha)is evergreen, I think they all are, it has long vicious thorns, Berberis are very thorny too and are semi evergreen.....lovely coloured leaves and flowers , the thorns are finer and devils to remove from sore fingers
such fun watching your new garden wake up Fran
17 Feb, 2014
I agree with all the above,Fran..and the snowberries are poisonous to humans..so don't make a pie with them ! Lol.
As Pam says,cover yourself well,if you decide to prune..my arms looked like an attack by the Musketeers,last summer,even through a thick cardigan..
I hope you have settled in well,and looking forward to seeing what appears in your garden :o)
17 Feb, 2014
thank you all/ Snowberry was the only white one I knew of (and only since reading about it someone's blog!) but didn't want to say so in case - there could be a hundred white-berried shrubs for all I konw!
there's a lot of the middle plant up and down the street, I think it's part of the "defensive planting" scheme.
rose? oh, i do hope so!! i love roses, but have only grown them in pots (or tried to, I should say)
17 Feb, 2014
What an exciting time for you, Fran. It will be interesting to see what else pops up throughout the year!
17 Feb, 2014
the bulbs in the front garden are getting taller - one's showing a bit of yellow, so I assumeit's a daff or narcissus, but no idea what else might be there - some of hte bulbs were on the soil surface, so I dug them back in, but they didn't all look the same tyope
17 Feb, 2014
Yes things are stirring. Mostly our temps were stuck at 5 degrees for weeks on end. So the grass has stayed short The is pure moss in one place, a rather pretty green. Lots of bulbs on the go, like yours. Some of them my onion enemy too, shortly to be dug out when they have revealed themselves. I think Shrewsbury will be 2 to three weeks behind London area too Fran
18 Feb, 2014
spring might not have actually sprung yet, but it certainly seems to be coiling up ready for the off!
I went outside yesterday, it was sunny and not too cold; checked my plants from the old place (keep forgetting to do that) and noticed some more flowers peeping out around the beds; took some pics, which I'll be posting later.
Will you keep the moss, Dorjac? lol I can understand you not wanting to keep the onion!!
The weaterh forecast today was for rain, but not as we've been getting it - they said "normal rain" which will be a relief!
20 Feb, 2014
I agree with the others above who identified the berry bushes for you, Fran. :-))
A few years ago some "experimental" houses were built down the road in our street. They are supposed to be the most environmentally friendly built houses you could hope for. Without saying anything more about I just wanted to say they have 100s of these Snowberry bushes. I'd never really noticed them before. But then they have only been planted for about 3 years so maybe last summer was a good summer for them & they were able to set lots of berries. I must get a photo of them before the new leaves start to appear on the bushes.
20 Feb, 2014
oh, please do, Balcony! I Googled Snowberry, and most of the links seemed to be about how to get rid of this "pest" - meybe they need firm control to keep them in line
21 Feb, 2014
I don't know if it is a pest but a great many of these bushes were planted & I admired them this winter. Even though they are in my street they are further down & in the direction I rarely go in. When I leave my place it's to cross the road directly in front or else go right. I never have a need to turn left & go down the street, there's nowhere of particular interest for me in that direction.
As we were looking after our daughter's dog for a night last week I walked with her down that way & that was when I noticed how well the berries looked!
Nevertheless I will go down that way, after all it's only a 2 minute walk! I'll take a few photos & upload them so you can see them.
Around here there are many Firethorns as well, some have orange berries other have yellow ones. They are fabulous to see smothered in tiny flowers during June & their berries light up the winter!
There are also many Herringbone Contoneasters around here, too. There are a couple of them in the church gardens. These also look good in June when covered in flowers. They look especially good in winter when they are covered in frost or snow! they their Herringbone shape is most appreciated!
22 Feb, 2014
you make it sound like going for a walk in that direction would be a good idea! but I know what you mean - habit is strong, and once you find your best way from A to B you usually stick to it - I've found myself almost at home with no idea how I got there, my mind was miles away, luckily my feet have built-in satnav!
If you could get some pics of what you describe, Balcony, I'd love to see them.
22 Feb, 2014
Sorry I forgot all about the photos of the Snowberry bushes! I'll see if I can get some tomorrow.
24 Feb, 2014
lol ok, as and when and if and when. The last of my snowberries has gone, don't know how long the "season" lasts - might be a bit longer for you Southerners!!
24 Feb, 2014
I've uploaded the promised photos to my photos so you should be able to see.
I think I got to them just in time as well because lots of the berries were looking more like "mudberries" than Snowberries! Lots of them had fallen on the ground below & around the bushes. It doesn't look like the birds are very interested in eating them!
In one of the photos, the last of the three I uploaded you will see the "Green" environmentally friendly houses that were build a couple of years ago. These houses also have water-butts preinstalled & green roofs, they have been planted with small plants like Sempervivens that will resist the harsh conditions of a rooftop!
I imagine that the materials they were built with are also "E-friendly". They were also built with solar panels & other energy efficient devises. I've no idea what they are like to live in or if the y really are as "environmentally friendly" as their propaganda makes out!
26 Feb, 2014
thanks, Balcony, heading to your pics right away!
28 Feb, 2014
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The only white berries I know are on the snowberry bush Fran. It has very special meaning for me, as when I was about five I taught my best friend how to stamp on the berries and make them pop. I'll never forget the delight on her face! See....all my best memories are connected with plants! :))
The middle photo looks ever so much like cotoneaster horizontal is to me, and the last one looks like a rose, with the roundest hips ever! :))
16 Feb, 2014