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Niagara Falls Frozen
By Lilcrawford

11 Feb, 2012
Thought this may be of interest to some, and NO, I did not take the photo. :)
Comments on this photo
Um, I don't remember.... ;)
Don't know but must have been REALLY cold for quite a spell.
12 Feb, 2012
12 Feb, 2012
Never thought that was possible, wow!
12 Feb, 2012
12 Feb, 2012
Hi Lil. Great pic ..
I realise you didn't take the photo, but is that you in the pic, wearing the long dress ? ;o)
12 Feb, 2012
It's incredible to see something so huge and powerfull in that state, lol.
12 Feb, 2012
woulodnt think something so powerfull could freeze Lil,amazing really, :o))
12 Feb, 2012
And the expected zinger is delivered by a very unexpected source, Terratoonie!!!! Somehow stings more when delivered by someone unexpected ;)
12 Feb, 2012
LOL. Just looked up "zinger" on internet. Thanks for adding such a great word to my vocabulary :o) x
12 Feb, 2012
Really TT?????
Happy to help ;)
12 Feb, 2012
Can't wait to learn tomorrow's word ;o)
12 Feb, 2012
Added to GoYpedia Waterfalls :o)
15 Feb, 2012
Just goes to show what the big freeze can do..
1 Mar, 2012
that'd be something worth seeing!
28 Feb, 2014
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heck - how cold was it then!!!
12 Feb, 2012