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End of June border.
By Janey

30 Jun, 2010
Comments on this photo
lovely janey ;o) a real cottage garden
30 Jun, 2010
lovely janey
30 Jun, 2010
Just bursting with colour...lovely Janey !
30 Jun, 2010
Lovely border, full of colour.
30 Jun, 2010
Thanks everyone......this last week of sun really has brought the flowers out hasn't it...:o))
30 Jun, 2010
That sais 'Summer' . It's beautiful.
1 Jul, 2010
A lovely summer border;0)
1 Jul, 2010
Just perfect Janey
2 Jul, 2010
Such a beautiful area Janey....perfect..
3 Jul, 2010
Thanks for all the lovely comments...:o) I'm really pleased with the Alyssum in the's all self set from last year.........
3 Jul, 2010
Lovely border Janey .....
4 Jul, 2010
lovely pretty
5 Jul, 2010
A lovely Cottage Garden border Janey :o)
11 Jul, 2010
gorgeous planting :P It looks so well tied together and natural and i am quite jelous... :) *adds to favourites*
16 Jul, 2010
Wow, what a beautiful combination. Well done!
28 Jul, 2010
Thank you Bellflower....welcome yo Goy!
28 Jul, 2010
This is lovely planting Janey, is that fox and cubs bottom right, or something else? I like the way the shasta daisy above picks up the orange and blends it nicely with the blues. Very good!
19 Feb, 2011
Why thank you Karen! Where did you dig this one out from...Lol! Now, bottom right, well they're Marigolds, and maybe some Tagetes there. I'd forgotten about those Campanulas, they creep everywhere, but aren't they pretty....:o))
19 Feb, 2011
lol! I was looking through 'border ideas' in goypedia to try to cheer myself up!
20 Feb, 2011
Hope it's done that for you ....:o) I get such a thrill out of gardening books too, my boy in Oz sent me the RHS Encyclopaedia of Gardening last year.... love it, even though it's very heavy to handle. My all time fave one is Gardening in Small Places by Lance Hattat, I bought about 15 years has some great designs to inspire you and lovely gardens to venture through....they all seem to have wonderful backdrops, which is what I would like....:o(
20 Feb, 2011
Oh, I may have to look that one up, it sounds wonderful. Yes, I agree, gardening books are great. I also have the RHS ENcyclopedia of Gardening and the ENcyclopedia of garden plants...both very heavy! I love my clematis books as well of course...and yes, I think those of us who have trees or fields or hills behind our gardens are very blessed indeed! You do have that wonderful warm wall though Janey, and your beautiful cottage too! :)
20 Feb, 2011
Lovely planting - I'm starting to get excited about summer coming looking at that! Sadly it's still a long way off though...
6 Mar, 2011
Hello Annie...welcome to GoY! Thanks for your kind comment, I wish it looked like this now too....Lol. Another few weeks and we'll be on our's still so cold here in Lincs, everything in the garden seems to be holding it's breath, waiting for the sun, a bit like us really....:o)
6 Mar, 2011
Just lovely! What are the pale purple tall-ish bell-shaped flowers?
25 Apr, 2011
Hi Joga....they're Campanula latifolia, they grow to about 2.5 ft, and spread like wild-fire!
26 Apr, 2011
Oh, thanks! They are gorgeous! I've got to get some of those. :)
2 May, 2011
A beautiful border bursting with colour,just lovely !
23 May, 2011
Thanks Whdebor......pleased you like it....
23 May, 2011
Oook, I've just bought some seeds for c. latifolia... do the insects like it? I'm so glad people keep comenting on this, its very pretty and I quite like being brought back to it :P
29 May, 2011
Hi Jennyfer, yes bees love to crawl inside the bells, like they do Foxgloves...beware though, it is quite a thug once established, I've been pulling it out, here there and everywhere.
29 May, 2011
Heehee, I will bear that in mind, thankyou :) However I do like anything that makes the bees happy... :P
1 Jun, 2011
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Lovely border too.
30 Jun, 2010