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Nice Blue Blooms Still
By Greenthumb

21 Dec, 2009
The variegated AV is still blooming though not alot of them. Really pleasing, the contrasts in this one.
Comments on this photo
This would be pleasing even without the blossoms. It really pops with them, GT
21 Dec, 2009
This is a favorite of mine. Least often to bloom, but yes, wonderful to look at even out of bloom. Needs divided, I'm excitedly awaiting having two. :-)
22 Dec, 2009
Wow! I've never seen an African Violet with such variegation. It's an incredible variety!
26 Dec, 2009
Oh it is a true beauty! That blue is so perfect, isn't it? misty blue!
26 Dec, 2009
I must say, the flash made it more exotic than it really is. lol. Its truly that nice strong AV purple, but still a wonderful shade against these leaves. I'll be dividing it soon. I'll have enough to spread around. :-) And I'm dreaming up shipping ideas.
26 Dec, 2009
Nice shot kiddo.
28 Dec, 2009
~lovely colouring!
28 Dec, 2009
Thanks Doon and Arlene. This one is such a pleasure.
29 Dec, 2009
Very nice, have never seen a variegated AV before.
7 Jan, 2010
Thank you AG. This is the only I've seen really. I'm so glad its doing well. Will be divided into 2 this spring.
8 Jan, 2010
Lovely I have never seen one of these before
21 Jan, 2010
Becoming a treasure quickly. A year round delight in color. I'm glad you like it Rkalyan, thank you.
23 Jan, 2010
Photo 8 of 303
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Featured on: house plants african violets
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I love this, so pretty.
21 Dec, 2009