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Blue path


By Nickya

Blue path

This is the part of the garden I see from the house. Bottom left are three Helleborus argutifolius (common name Corsican). And that's a new Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba' to the left. With such sandy soil I've had to create a mini bog for the moisture-loving Rodgersia (i.e. a large hole, layered with plastic with a bit of drainage). And to the left of that (outside of the plastic bog) is a new Trachelospermum jasminoides which, despite its usual fairly slow growth, has positively surged up the side of a wall in just four months thanks to my favourite stuff Mycorrhizal Fungi which I added to the roots when planting.

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5 Dec, 2011


:) it's the new blue lime-stone paving that accentuates the colours (plus the help of a new camera). The paving turns black when it rains, which I reckon in summer can make it look a bit wow.

5 Dec, 2011


Agree with Simbad...this is wonderful! Gr8 idea for growing the Rodgersia, and seems to work beautifully, judging by those wonderful leaves. Love the path and its contours. I get the impression of a river here, which ends in a "waterfall", as it looks, in this lovely pic, as if it diasappears over an "edge" at its end. A bit intrigued by the structure at the end of the garden? :-))

5 Dec, 2011


Thanks David. :) That'll be the big wooden device strategically introduced to keep two young boys occupied while their mum indulges in the garden. One day, I'd like to grow a big Yew hedge in front of it so that the kids can have their bit without it infringing on mine. PS - that Rodgersia should fill out considerably next year with an eventual height of 1.2 metres.

5 Dec, 2011


This is absolutely fantastic Nickya....I wait until my garden fills out!!!

6 Dec, 2011


What a beautiful garden.

6 Dec, 2011


I really like that!

6 Dec, 2011


Lovely planting.

6 Dec, 2011


Many Thanks for your reply, Nicky. This definitely sounds like a great plan for the Yew hedge. I have one Rodgersia, which hasn't grown much in 2 years. Would like to try introducing your growing method for this. :-)

6 Dec, 2011


Love the style and planting

The path realy pulls it all together

I have Rodgersia but have done very little past two years max 3 leaves on each plant

7 Dec, 2011

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