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First snowdrop
By Spritzhenry

15 Jan, 2011
What a pleasure to find this in flower today.
Comments on this photo
I now have the Halleluia Chorus going on in my head!!! How wonderful! That means that in about 2 weeks we will have them up here! :))
15 Jan, 2011
thats clever of you karen ~ is it one week to the midlands and another up to scotland?
15 Jan, 2011
It`s lovely to see snowdrops but it has reminded me that there are so sigh of mine yet, I hope I haven`t lost them.
15 Jan, 2011
they might be further on than you think ~ i had to look carefully for mine ~ they were hidden under the leaves.
15 Jan, 2011
Beat me by about 2 days,i am only about 30 miles north of Spritz
15 Jan, 2011
and i may be about 60 miles north of you brian?
15 Jan, 2011
Lovely Spritz. I'm well to the south and still waiting for mine.There are buds but they're not open yet.
15 Jan, 2011
Not long then, folks! :-)
15 Jan, 2011
Im tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you hooo hoo hoo! I shall be VERY lucky if I see any here!
15 Jan, 2011
Why, Tetra? You're not very far from here, are you.
15 Jan, 2011
I have never managed to snowdrop in my life..tell a lie 1!..
and that never reappeared. In both houses, all places in the garden, bulbs or in the green, all with grit and compost below to facilitate draining. Under trees, not under name it I flunked it!
15 Jan, 2011
Are you a gardener who can't resist disturbing the soil like me Tetrarch? Always planting something and uprooting the bulbs?
15 Jan, 2011
Yes I do!! thats why Im planting some bulbs in pots this year. However, I have always avoided disturbing the snowdrops..I put them where I have ferns and hellebores or other not so sunny places that interfere with herbaceous plants.
15 Jan, 2011's a mystery then! I've got some that my mum sent me last year, under a tree so they are relatively safe from me.....We shall see if they appear, but like you, I've never had any success with them in the past. I always go looking for them in other gardens though.
15 Jan, 2011
I keep hoping Karen but last year I bought about 50 in the or die time! If these dont flower I shant bother again. Just enjoy other peoples as you do.
15 Jan, 2011
Yes, it gets disheartening. I'm the same with Hamamellis too. I've had two or three in pots and they have never survived. I buy them in pots, in flower and they just die on me. I have acid soil and yet they just won't grow.....I've given up now, it's too tragic...especially as they cost about £30 a go!
15 Jan, 2011
What a pretty sight that is......
15 Jan, 2011
Yes, Karen, mine a couple acers and a rhodo..big plants..VERY expensive pastime. Its worse when you buy a small plant and it succeeds, like my dissectum..£12.99 at B & Q, then £25+ on large plants that die! Trouble is when you get older, you need it more instant..I keep thinking I want it beautiful now..not when Im no longer here!!
15 Jan, 2011
lovely ... mine are poping up tooo , planted as bulbs , so very pleased they up !!!
16 Jan, 2011
I saw my first clump of snowdrops yesterday at Kew,I have put them on my blog. They really cheered me up after a difficult few weeks.All we need now is the first daffodil !
16 Jan, 2011
Lucky you Rbt..havent made it there yet..this year hopefully..but a bit of a trek for us..Painswick is nearer!
Must go look at your pictures.
16 Jan, 2011
It's so nice to see the first one Barbara , mine are in bud I also have a crocus and an Aconite in bud It's beginning to look more like spring could be on the way :o)
16 Jan, 2011
Looking forward to mine coming back this year.
16 Jan, 2011
No sign of mine, I too planted in the green last year but Im waiting hopefully;0)
16 Jan, 2011
I wish all you prospective 'snowdroppers' the best of luck with them - they're such a pleasure to see as they emerge, cold or no cold, year after year.
I'm waiting for 'any' more bulbs to flower, Amy, I really don't mind what they are! :-)))
16 Jan, 2011
Spritz my first one opened today in the sun and crocus are showing all over plants not flowers.
16 Jan, 2011
I thought it wouldn't be long, Brian - whose crocus will be past the winning post? ;-))
16 Jan, 2011
Wonderful to see Spritz. Hooray Spring is coming. Mine always come much later, but the crocuses are just beginning to shoot up. I might see flowers by late Feb if we are not covered in snow.
17 Jan, 2011
Have you still got s**w now, Chris?
17 Jan, 2011
Well done, lovely to see, ours are on the way thank goodness.
18 Jan, 2011
It really is a pleasure, isn't it. :-) AND I could still see outside at 5.15 today!
18 Jan, 2011
you could see later than i could spritz ~ have you been eating your carrots?
18 Jan, 2011
19 Jan, 2011
I have sent you a pm.....
19 Jan, 2011
My first snowdrop of the lot I planted in early September came into flower on 9th January, most of the other new ones are blooming now (so called 'Giant snowdrops') - but some of my older ones are someway behind (I think they are of the more usual/smaller variety)
21 Jan, 2011
giant snowdrop sounds interesting ~ not the 'snowflake' variety??
nice sunflower weatherwise
21 Jan, 2011
no snow but lots of frost ... snow drops flowering now , and crocus comeing up toooo wooooo !!!
21 Jan, 2011
It was frosty all day today, Cristina! I couldn't walk on the grass. :-(
21 Jan, 2011
Hi Stickitoffee - its this variety (link: - didn't expect it to flower so well from dry bulbs in its first season. I need to update my pic - thats my sunflower from last summer.
22 Jan, 2011
omg .............that bad !!! really cold too day , and power off in 3 villages as well .... no coffee urgg ......... heating not on !!! night mare , on at lunch time ............
22 Jan, 2011
many thanks weatherwise ~ ive listed it in my favourites. which type of sunflower is it? that centre looks very attractive and a bit different.
22 Jan, 2011
Sticktitoffee - its a variety called Ring of Fire.
22 Jan, 2011
On the subject of first flowers there are several bedraggled wild primroses out in a shady corner of the garden
22 Jan, 2011
mine are trying to come out Bjs ~ some are almost there.
i will remember ring of fire weatherwise ~ did you grow it from seed?
22 Jan, 2011
Yes, I have some primroses in flower, but as you say, bjs, they're bedraggled. Brave little things, aren't they!
Poor you, Cristina. At least it didn't last too long.
22 Jan, 2011
lol had to drive a mile up the rd to get a kettle of water from a frend who has gas cooker ........... in my jamies haha !!! . still i think every ones used to seeing me in them , in the garden haha !! ps got primroses hatching too ............
22 Jan, 2011
sorry cristina i had to smile ~ hope you have got everything working now!
22 Jan, 2011
well i am glad made u smile lol ........... bet you can picture it carnt you lol !!! all on now .;0)))
22 Jan, 2011
You don't really garden in your pyjamas, do you? In this weather? :-O
23 Jan, 2011
haha spriz.............. i do go 4 a quik nosey lol , in summer i get lost in time !!! ;0p
24 Jan, 2011
i do walk round the garden in my slippers!!! i have worn them out.
my snowdrops are finally beginning to come out ~ 9 days later than yours Spritz
24 Jan, 2011
Oh Cristina - I hope you haven't got close neighbours! lol.
Sticki - that's good - they weren't too far behind, then.
I admit to walking outside in my slippers, too - so I bought some slip-on shoes to 'amble' round in.
24 Jan, 2011
thats what i ought to do.
24 Jan, 2011
i have those as well............ but still rock my slippers lol !!! nearest neighbor mile down the rd .......... hence had to drive there to get hot water lol !! but ......... the bus over looks my garden wen it stops oops haha ;0)))
25 Jan, 2011
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Galanthus Nivalis (Common Snowdrop Bulbs)
£2.49 at Crocus -
Galanthus Nivalis (Snowdrop In The Green)
£8.99 at Crocus -
Galanthus Nivalis
£5.95 at Unwins
pure pleasure to see the snowdrops ~ especially the first one ~ i couldnt agree more
mine have surprised me and are already showing the white of the flower
pure and simple ~ a lovely flower
15 Jan, 2011