Why do people destroy other peoples hard work?
By great
In the early hours of the morning; a burgular came over my fence – breaking it I might add!! Jumped on top of the compost bin and trampled all over my newly made wildlife area, crushing the plants under foot. Climbed over the six foot fence into next doors nettles, crating a path! There are foot prints all over my wildlife area. I am so very cross. People these days have no respect for other peoples hard work!! I’m fumming. Sometimes I wonder why I bother!!!!!!
My daughter suggested planting a thorny rose bush, but if the burgular can walk through nettles and brambles I dont think roses will stop him. The worse thing is my youngest daughter saw who it was. Now I am worried to leave her alone.
Why do people destroy our lives and all our hard work?
Oh how I miss my german shepperd dog
22 May, 2010
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Beause we have had for the past I don't know how long laws which allow them to get away with it, just a slap on the hand, sorry to hear this Great as I know you work hard on your wild part and garden to get it right.
If that was me, I would go and distroy his stuff. I have had some lads trample my log edging down, out my front, so I went out side and told them my family will be comming along to their mum and dads garden to do the same, one quickly put it back in while others was trying to threaten me, about comming from a rough area, until, I started to name people harder than them in their own area, then enlightened him that I too use to live in that area, then imformed him of who I was related to. My edging was placed in tact with an appology.
22 May, 2010
I feel for you, i would feel pretty cheesed off too. I hope you are able to lift your spirit and make it better than ever. The beautiful weather dhould help raise those dampened spirits.
22 May, 2010
Oh great, I am so sorry to hear of your plight, rotters !! Now put it all behind you and keep going, your lovely garden needs you and the birds and creatures will not mind if things are a little trodden down, your plants will spring back with all the TLC you give them. Take care now and carry on ragrdless.
ps. sprinkle a few tacks on the ground !!!!!
22 May, 2010
So sad, sorry to hear this Great. Sadly today if scum want to break in they will, no matter how many obsticles you create. I know it's no comfort but at least you and your family came to no harm. Material can be replaced, i suppose it could have been much worse! Stay safe, Tiger.
22 May, 2010
lol Grandmage tacks shapened little sticks stuck in the ground works wonders, don't for get you put them their for your plants to climb up. Shhh
22 May, 2010
Thanks everyone I knew you would all make me feel better! I cant believe this has happened. But my wildlife needs me, so grandmage I will "carry on regardless" as this is and will always be my motto. thank you x
22 May, 2010
Good for you Great hope your garden turns out wonderfully.
22 May, 2010
Thanks 6 pence. I have, actually put cain sticks into bare spaces in the garden. Not sure how much good it will do but at least Ive done something!
22 May, 2010
Yes make sure they are short as then their feet will know what for lol,not in eye level, you must say they are for you plants if any one hurts them selves as you can get done for it. This is how the vietnam has detered any one concurring their country, taught by my mum lol.
22 May, 2010
Cheers x
22 May, 2010
Oh i am so so sorry to hear that.
Some people have no respect at all.
Yes i think your daughter is right a really thorny hedge is just what you need. You keep you chin up and don't give up if you do then they have won. get back out there and make it like nothing happened. I know you can do this the love of gardening will keep you going. Keep you chin up. Anne
22 May, 2010
What a horrid thing to happen.
I would go with the Berberis myself at least it would look good as well as hurting!
Is it time to replace your dog...
22 May, 2010
Thats awful so sorry to hear this. How about some security lights that come on when there is someone about?
22 May, 2010
Sustain yourself with this thought....
1) He was probably drunk
2) Drunks don't feel bramble tears or nettle stings
3) When they sober up in the morning THEY DAMN WELL DO!........................
22 May, 2010
Love it, expats.
22 May, 2010
I'm sorry to read about your trouble. I hope you can salvage some of the plants. Maybe you'll be able to think of a deterrent of some sort, but I hope it will not happen again.
22 May, 2010
Sorry you've been so upset by this,these people have nothing of value in their lives so cannot value the effort you've made.
Could you move the compost bin and put a thorny plant there ? Pyracantha is a good one !
22 May, 2010
Yes Aster, Pyracantha provides good food for the birds, Great.
22 May, 2010
Sorry to read about this intrusion onto your property...
I hope your daughter is okay. xxx
23 May, 2010
Thanks everyone for your comments
Expats he wasn't drunk this is what he does......Its his work - as hes never had a job!!!! (yes I know him, he lives 2 doors away!!!!)
Hywel thank you, just looked at the plants this morning after I gave them a good watering last night, they are trying to stand themselves upright again!
DRc the lights next door have in there garden seems to aid the burgular, it lights up his way, he doesnt seem scared of anythhing!
This area was for Magic my dog and that's why it hurts so much!
My daughter has a 'mouth' on her. Im frightened she will challenge him. She has a very clear sense of right and wrong. Its a shame he hasent!!! Im frightened of her getting hurt.
23 May, 2010
Is he young or middle-aged? Are all the family scum like him? Maybe a quiet word with another family member explaining what you are trying to do in your garden and in memory of who.
Also, I would be totally inclined to pop a basic CCTV camera up on the house wall to capture any future nonsense on camera. Thye police will take some action if you have damning evidence.
This guy is a total.a$*?!$*e and but giving in to his immature and idiotic ways just makes him the winner. DON'T allow it Great for you are GREATer than him and you can and will continue with your garden. Chin up girl....have some radishes with hash browns and brown sauce......well, I don't know, just copying your daughter!!
Think about the CCTV as well.
23 May, 2010
His whole family are scum. I'll Pm you later. No one gets the better of me, ive gone through too much in life for this bar....d to win over me!!!!!
23 May, 2010
Okay. Just take care :0)
23 May, 2010
I can't write what I thought when I read this as it would be flagged! I'm so sorry to hear about this Great, especially as we all know how much work you have put into your garden. Ohh it makes me so mad to think some folk have no respect for other people's property! Chin up lass, I'm sure you will bounce back....xx
23 May, 2010
Thanks Dylandog. Ive been working on the wildlife area today. I moved a few things around and tidied up the area. I haven't lost heart. It will take more than this. I can't say what I said when I saw the mess in the morning! Lets just say BLeep, bleep, bleep
23 May, 2010
I am sorry to hear of your problems. I have experienced living too close to someone like that and I know how horrible it is.
Just a thought but I have seen something sold in Bettaware that is supposed to stop people being able to get over your fence because it makes it too painful to pull on their hands - like strips of spikes. Not spiky enough to cut but enough to hurt. I've been planning to get some to put on my wall to force the local kids to come and ask when they want their football back!
23 May, 2010
I'm sorry Great its horrible when it happens - I live on a housing estate and out of the 66 houses I would like to get rid of 5!! I spoke to a policeman who gave me a great idea for my garden wall that the local louts used to take delight in sitting on and that was to decorate it with shells set in concrete on top of the wall - when the shells get broken they are as sharp as glass but nothing can be done if anyone hurts themselves as you've "decorated" your wall! Argos does a good basic CCTV and yes if its a council or housing association they have to do something about it so if you know round about when he does something then you can plug it into a recorder on long play for about 8 hours. They should have an anti-social behaviour group that would deal with this - if not housing association give the tape to the police to deal with. Please keep your chin up people like that are really not worth it - they will get their comeuppance one day!!
24 May, 2010
Thanks for the tip Ssrahlou77 the fence he broke is a very small one, would be frightened of one of the kids leaning back and getting hurt.
Genuisscuffy If I had space to put shells on the thin council fence I would!! the trouble is I see this man in his garden every day, hes 2 doors down. I am worried about retaliation!!! But hopefully what goes around will come around.
24 May, 2010
Anti vandal paint works a treat.
It's black and like tar as it never dries.
Not good if you have young kids but maybe enough to make them think twice about clambering over your fence.
I would say to replace the fence with 6ft fence panels but it's difficult if you don't own your own property.
I am so sorry this has happened to you hun.
I used to live on a council estate and some of the yobs their made our lives a living hell. Thankfully we were in a position to move.
Ended up giving up our council home and moving into prvate rent.
Hope that one day the a@@wipe will move or get a decent job.
29 May, 2010
one side of the fence is only waist height the other is 6 foot. Its council owned. Dont think hes ever had a job!! thanks blooming
29 May, 2010
you should plant a nice big rottvieler in the garden that could work lol.
30 May, 2010
lol. Dont think the kids will take kindly to another dog it too soon after we lost Magic. But I do know what you mean. When I had a dog I felt safe. When the kids are happier I will get another dog. Still can't get used to her not being there in the mornings wagging her tail.
30 May, 2010
ow you cant ever replace a dog but i find getting another is a great healer and a new start but everyone to there own i guess . i have got a few dogs lol. id have loads if i could .
30 May, 2010
Another avitar!!!!!! Nosey I cant keep up with you lol nice though
30 May, 2010
I've just had a chat with the neighbours apparently he came over my bcak fence last night!!!! The cheek of it. He came over one day last week as well. The students said they had a chat with him and asked him not to climb over the fences as it was destroying plants and breaking the fences down.
One night, a girl, was on her, and saw me laddo in her garden, he came up to her back door and sked if he could come in as his dad had locked him out and he had no where to go!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is he stupid. She thinks he was high on crack. OMG it gets worse. They suggested I put barbed wire on my little fence; be like living in a prison camp.
If he is gonna get whats coming to him it better come quick!!
30 May, 2010
believe it or not you cant just have barbed wire or you can get busted . it has to lean in towards your property bye at least 45 degrees .you can however buy this like tar stuff that never dries and apserlutley knyour clothes .the avitar is a sculpture ive been making on a concrete table stand i was given. im going to do a blog on it actualy as ive just finished it lol .
30 May, 2010
Why is the law always on the side of the crimminal??? We people cant seem to protect ourselves or our property absolute maddness!!!!!!
31 May, 2010
it is theoreticly you cant have an sgressive or protective dog in your garden with a gate without a chain on it as it mite get out . them signs you see saying beware or keep out i live here is saying you have an agressive dog . you can only put a picture saying i live here. if you find ya burgler and beat him up theres a chance he could get you busted if you didnt use just reasnable force.same as ya dog if it attacks a burgler and you dont get it of strate away . that black sludge stuff soon puts people of climbing ya fence though .mite asswell put welcome on ya gate please come in lol . personaly if my dog caught a burgler and i thaught my dog mite be put down id let it keep bighting him.not that they would and people just dont bother me with 4 dogs . ive also got some roses with nasty old thorns growing over apropriate walls.
31 May, 2010
I hope things get better for you, Great.
Some people break the law continually and get away with it.... :o(((
31 May, 2010
sods law im afraid but i believe in calmer and they will get whats comming to them dont worry .
31 May, 2010
I very much hope so......
31 May, 2010
yes just keep posative theres always someone with bigger teeth
31 May, 2010
Great go and talk to someone at your council office regarding this and see if the will replace the low fence.
I know when my mum had problems with local kids the council replaced their low fence with a higher one.
It's not fair that anyone should have to put up with what you and your neighbours are.
If that fails ask them if you and your neighbour can replace it yourselves then look in your local free paper. Sometime you can find free/cheap fence panels.
freecycle is also a great place to try.
31 May, 2010
Thank you TT
LOL Nosey. Why did you choose nosey as a name anyway?
Thank you Blooming; its only a matter of time before he's locked up again!!. Ive got a six foot fence the other side of me and he still gets over that!! My daughter calls him spider man!!
31 May, 2010
I have never seen anyone go through Gorse and think of the benefit to wildlife!
there are quite a few online sellers
www.trees-online.co.uk/font-colorreddelivered-19th-augustfont-gorse-shrub-ulex-europaeus-2040cm-free-mainland-delivery-except-scottish-hig... -
31 May, 2010
Thanks Arlene. Never thought of Gorse, always thought it needed a lot of space, dont know wether it would grow here.
1 Jun, 2010
and climbing roses are good great.
im called nosey because im nosey . why do you call yourself great ?
1 Jun, 2010
Did you not read my story Leigh???!!!??? Are you sitting comfortably ?, then I'll begin (LOL) I found this website by accident, just the same way most of us got here. Every time I put in a name it was taken, I kept trying and trying but every name I picked was taken. So after about 10 trys and in frustration I typed in Great and hit (quite hard, if the truth were known) the submit button and the computer excepted, finally!!! the name Great!!
1 Jun, 2010
brilliant i love it lol . i guess people dont like to be known as nosey but it is reality so it excepted it strate away lol . take care bye for now xx .
1 Jun, 2010
Hi Great, I've just caught up with this blog. I hope your problems have been solved by now? I'll look through your other stuff for a happy ending:-)
7 Aug, 2010
Thanks Bornagain. Im afraid the problem still excists. But he will get his come up once!!!!
8 Aug, 2010
9 Aug, 2010
why dont you get some of that black paint rubber stuff made for keeping people out of your garden . its black like the stuff they put on roads and it doesnt ever dry. the thing is its made to mess clothes up and wont come out . im fairly sure it would put him of if every time he climbed your fence he ruined his clothes and left evidence on him of his escerpades . the other thing you could do is put a little trip wire up thats joined to something realy noisy like old tins or something .
9 Aug, 2010
knowing my luck at the moment Nosey, it will be me who gets covered!!! I am just glad its raining heavily here (thank god the garden is parched) he doesnt come out when its raining.
10 Aug, 2010
well hes obviously not just going to go away .
11 Aug, 2010
Recent posts by great
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I'm sending you happy vibes - what a horrid thing to do to you. Dont give up - Berberis is also a good anti-burglar device. Yes they can get through anything but that goes for barb wire too and Berberis will make you feel better!
22 May, 2010