Still a bit of colour
Even though we have have had a lot of rain which has beaten down some of the plants, there is still some colour in the garden. Small patches, not an overall blaze, but if you look it is there!
Beautiful splash of white at the back of the pond, forgotten what they are, unless they are a Kaffir Lily?
The Bizzie-Lizzies are still flowering strongly and the Salvias and even the Canna is putting out another flower.
A few Roses still flowering, and the Dahlias. I would have taken more photos of the Dahlias but we have workmen across the road and an elderly female plodding about in the rain taking photos is a bit strange, so bypassed that! the yellow budded Rose changes colour as it matures and dies.
One of tiny flowering Clematis grown to hide the trunks of the Leylandii, Pheasant Berry and various shrubs add some colour, as does the little blue flower, which I think is a Dicentra.
More blue in the Ageratum and a struggling Salvia, moved from where it was slowly dying.
Sedums now starting to come to their best.
Pretty little lilac flowered rush which lives in the edge of the pond and has flowered for weeks.
Fuschias of various sorts, the tiny flowered Hawkshead and one even smaller flowered.
At the end of the bungalow the Virgina creeper is starting to change colour into the glorious red it will become. It grows up the roof as far as the chimney and drips 6 foot or more from the gutters. Doesn’t do much for the running of the gutters but I pull it all off when the leaves drop – and clean out the gutters.
Also at the end, or technically the side of the bungalow, are a collection of plants waiting to go in the garden or onto the field. Can’t be a gardener if you haven’t got something waiting! Self-seeded Nicotiana in a pot.
I took the photo and then they have to be cropped to make them the right size to upload here. Looking at it there was a bucket standing with some water in it and inside a shape!
So dashed outside to rescue (if still alive) the frog, which turned out to be a baby toad. He was still alive and probably grateful to get out of the bucket. Two things to make a note of – don’t leave buckets that can fill with water and drown something, the other don’t dash out in your slippers when it’s been pouring with rain!
Last photo is of the massive holes and runs of the Voles in the grass. I took a huge barrow load of earth and filled some last week. It lasted overnight, in the morning the holes were back! Might try sand next time, it won’t hold the shape so well if it’s dry.
25 Sep, 2019
Previous post: Too much!
Next post: Not what I expected
I really liked this blog, Honeysuckle. I think I might have to move my Kaffir Lilies as they have not flowered yet. We live in hope.
26 Sep, 2019
I love the white kaffir lilies which look so pretty by the pond. The fuschias are very delicate and dainty.
Lovely pictures of your garden.
Our Virginia creeper, which I really like, has stopped the 4th wall of our house being painted!!! It looked too nice to disturb it!
Hopefully it will get done eventually!
26 Sep, 2019
It was good Kate that I decided to write the blog for GOY. If I hadn't taken the photo and had to crop it, he may well have been in there until he drowned as he couldn't get out. Another reason to write a blog for GOY!
26 Sep, 2019
They really give a splash of brightness to the back of pond, from the kitchen window Linda. Kept looking at them from a distance and thinking "they can't be daffodils yet". I always forget what I plant and where, so that worked well.
26 Sep, 2019
The Fuschias are in full flower, I like the little dainty, fairy ones, but my daughter's OH loves the big blowsy ones. I find that the smaller ones put up with more of my neglect than the bigger flowered ones!
I do worry sometimes about the Virginia creeper, does it do any harm, should I pull it all off etc., but it is so pretty and where it drips down it's all a bit magical. Certainly brightens up a blank wall whatever the time of year. Now you say you have one covering the wall Wildrose, I can stop worrying.
26 Sep, 2019
Interesting photos, you have a nice variety of plants and some lovely autumn colour in your garden.
The little blue flower you think is a Dicentra is actually a Corydalis flexuosa. There are several varieties of them.
The lilac flowered rush which lives at the edge of the pond reminds me of Tulbaghia. Does it have an onion smell ?
I like the dark red rose, it looks like velvet ...
I'm glad you saved the toad :)
26 Sep, 2019
I love the flowering rush - do you have a name for it please?
Well you said you had a lot of vole holes, but I never imagined anything as bad as that - must be really difficult to cope with.
What a very good thing you saw the poor little toad in time. He must have been exhausted. Wondering though however he came to fall in?
29 Sep, 2019
Thanks Hywel, you are right of course about the Corydalis, knew it didn't sound quite right when I wrote it, but brain went into neutral.
I also think you are right about the little rush being a Tulbaghia, the leaves when crushed do have a distinctive smell, probably onion-like. Can't get my nose that low to the pond to smell the flowers!
30 Sep, 2019
I think Hywel has named the 'rush' as Tulbaghia, looks and sounds about right. Of course the label has disappeared and hasn't made it into the heap of labels that I have, and again of course it will turn up somewhere! This little plant was bought from an aquatic centre as a marginal, though if you look this up at the RHS it says well drained soil. They did have a few plants that I would never have thought of as marginals so who knows?
The Vole holes and runs are now getting past a joke, under the Monkey Puzzle tree there are more runs than grass and though I like the little beasts (food for the Owls if nothing else) there is not much I can do to deter them. Poisoning is out of the question in case the Owls ate one that was laced with poison.
As for the toad, it's amazing just what can get into where! I found a Vole drowned in one of those plastic deep trugs that had water in the bottom and this bucket that the toad was in is about 40cm deep at least - so how and why, is the question?
30 Sep, 2019
Yes it's strange the Tulbaghia was sold like that. They do need good drainage.
1 Oct, 2019
Those are lovely pics.. you've focussed in on lots of wonderful flowers and plants.
10 Nov, 2019
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Lovely blog Honeysuckle. Lots of pretty flowers still blooming! Much colour still to be had. Loved the little toad, pleased you rescued him!
25 Sep, 2019