My Garden in July
By hywel
The recent rainy weather has made everything become overgrown in my garden …
The entrance to my cactus house is blocked by a very tall Fuchsia and Clematis and I haven’t been able to get in there for a long time.
The Clematis is called Venosa Violacea :-
The Fuchsia is Peter Pan :-
A rose called Mischief is also blocking the way :-
I think I will soon have to hack my way through there because even cacti need watering in the summer.
On the trellis around my cactus house also grows this lovely blue Clematis but I haven’t got it’s name :-
And this Lonicera is also there :-
I’ve been trying to tidy the garden whenever I got a chance.
It doesn’t look too bad after being cut back a bit :o)
Some of it still needs to be worked on, but it’s colourful none the less :)
There’s a path through there somewhere !
Some nice colourful pots … :-
My Astilbes have been good this year – they like the rain !
Here’s my new Hemerochallis – it’s called Frans Hals …
This one is called Laura Pooh :(
Bella gets into this cold frame where there are two panes missing.
I’ll be mending it soon and then I hope I’ll be able to put some plants in there,
but I think I’ll have to leave a space for Bella :)
31 Jul, 2016
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Next post: Holly Tree
I don't think I've ever seen that first Clematis before, Hywel. A bit different, very nice.
31 Jul, 2016
It's looking fabulous much colour..?
31 Jul, 2016
My garden is getting overgrown too. I was looking at it yesterday and then I thought about how it will look in January once the cold burns everything flat...I will trim it up a bit but not too much. By the way, your garden is my gold standard.
31 Jul, 2016
Wish we had some rain Hywel, everything is bone dry here. Rain is forecast for the coming 2 days though. I did smile at the mental image of you hacking your way through to get to the Cacti! Your Astilbes are lovely and everything looks so lush.
Bella is looking beautiful as ever ... :o)
31 Jul, 2016
We could expect no less from you Hywel wonderful display.
31 Jul, 2016
All looking super Hywel as ever :o) your blocked entrance looks so pretty hope your Cacti manage for a while longer it would be a shame to cut your way in! Bella is in charge of that cold frame she looks really cosy there =^..^= x
31 Jul, 2016
So pretty, Hywel. I am really envious.
It seems to me that everything is growing like mad this year. The hedges ; the verges; the trees; the shrubs.: they've all taken off.
We have to have our hedges trimmed in August and we also need to contact Southern Electricity people about the trees making their way towards, and even on, their wires. Not sure who pays for the work but it's necessary. Not as pretty as your fuchsias and clematis.
31 Jul, 2016
As usual it looks very pretty, ours looks like a jungle compared to yours, and thats not the jungly part, if you have some rain to spare send some over please....
31 Jul, 2016
The pale blue clematis is beautiful. I hope you can blast your way into the cactus house without inflicting too much damage on the plants - or on yourself...
Your garden is as pretty as ever - wish I had your eye for planting. Have you been clipping the standard holly?
We've had to trim our beech hedge this week, much too early, but it was spreading our across the drive - hope it doesn't grow much before autumn.
Bella's obviously in charge of the cold frame
31 Jul, 2016
What a stunning mixed display blocking your catus house. I think yourgarden looks better than ever Hywel such a variety of colour to.
31 Jul, 2016
Looks wonderful Hywel. You have some very beautiful and healthy plants. No rain for months here on Vancouver Island in Western Canada. Hemerochallis Frans Hals is beautiful and so is your blue clematis.
Lovely to see your garden again.
1 Aug, 2016
Thanks for your comments :)
Steragram, I just stick anything anywhere and hope for the best. There's no plan.
I pruned the Holly tree drastically a few months ago. I'll show you some photos.
Don't listen to the weather forecast Diane. We never get what they say ... although it is a bit wetter than the midlands :)
1 Aug, 2016
Oh dear Hywel, that's what I do too but it doesn't work nearly as well as it does for you....
1 Aug, 2016
It all looks lovely Hywel, my garden was very over grown with all the rain, just come in from cutting it all back,looking a lot better I am glad to say.
1 Aug, 2016
Beautiful flowers Hywel - so much colour - it has been a really good season for the Astilbe - I love them all that frothy bloom - lovely picture of Bella - Jane
1 Aug, 2016
Your garden is a credit to you Hywel..every year,it always looks so beautiful,with so much colour..I love the way you say you just stick anything anywhere.. and it seems to work for you too. Bella doesn't seem to have any complaints either :o) x
1 Aug, 2016
So lovely Hywel, I only pop in and out at the moment too...
Thought of you yesterday though, we're up in south scotlsnd and went to a "honesty" garden, big house, no one about and they trust you to pay, even for plants. ....its a different world, a shed , open with the makings of tea and coffee.....and a pricelist!
I digress!
In part of the walled garden were fuchsias, so many snd so different, not in pots , all planted out.....a glorious pink bush bigger than me next to one with huge flowers, the other side another bush with the tiniest leaves and flowers ever.....
Quite amazing ?
2 Aug, 2016
It looks glorious, Hywel!
2 Aug, 2016
Thanks for all your comments.
Those Fuchsias sound wonderful Pam :)
2 Aug, 2016
I do like walled gardens, the trees and shrubs look so well.....the Scotch Thistles must hsve been 8 or 10 feet tall!
3 Aug, 2016
Loving everything in your garden Hywel, such wonderful colours everywhere.
3 Aug, 2016
Thanks for all your comments :)
7 Aug, 2016
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I always think of you Hywel when the weather forecast shows rain over Wales which is most of the time. Trouble is it uses itself up before it gets to the Midlands. We here are struggling to keep our plants alive. A shower puts 2 gallons in the water butt which is used up keeping the Tomatoes and Peppers vertical in the greenhouse.
So you are very, very lucky !
Your garden is a pleasure to admire. Thank you for the
31 Jul, 2016