A wet few weeks ...
By hywel
After a very wet June my garden is looking wild and overgrown, because the rain has stopped me doing anything in it for a long time.
However, there is a lot of colour to be seen in between the downpours :o)
Here are some flowers for you to see …
A lovely orange poppy :-
Diarama :-
Filipendula ulmaria :-
An unknown clematis :-
Potato flower :-
Verbascum :-
A new plant I bought recently … Anthericum liliago (St Bernard’s Lily) :-
Nice red Pelargoniums in a pot :-
A few hanging baskets :-
The begonia in the hanging basket is lovely, Here’s a closeup :-
Some roses …
Francine Austin :-
Handel :-
Unknown red rose :-
Gentle Hermione :-
Crown Princess Margereta :-
New Dawn :-
American Pillar :-
Rose Gaujard :-
Rose Gaujard and Sambucus niger – a nice colour combination :-
Sambucus niger on its own :-
Some more shrubs …
Hydrangea peteolaris :-
Parahebe :-
Hypericum :-
A pretty little Ribes :-
Overgrown garden views …
In the rain …
A dreary day …
I hope the weather will improve soon – it is so cold and I want to get on with tidying the garden.
I’m also sorry I haven’t been around much lately. Maybe I’ll catch up soon :o)
1 Jul, 2016
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It's all looking so lovely Hywel,even though you feel it's overgrown,I like it very much..I love the Filipendula,and the Anthericum..White is a favourite colour of mine in the garden,Your Roses have stood up to the wet weather very well too..I too haven't been around for a while either ,so we are both back on the same day :o) I hope you and Beryl are in better health now..take care xx
1 Jul, 2016
Some lovely plants, Hywel.....many of mine, including my Fillipendula are nowhere near flowering yet. We are also getting rain most days, pretty depressing.
That Verbascum is stunning....I've always had a soft spot for them.
I wondered if the Clematis was Dr Ruppel?
1 Jul, 2016
Lovely garden pictures - as ever Hywel, lovely to see your garden again, Your roses are just gorgeous, do hope this wet weather gives way to sunshine soon. :o)
1 Jul, 2016
looking good Hywel , everyone literally in the same boat with the weather !!
2 Jul, 2016
Thank you all :o)
Klahanie, Bloomer - B has now started to have some treatment for her legs so hopefully things will improve soon. It has been a difficult year.
Paul - Thanks for the name. The clematis does look like Dr Rupel but I don't think it is. I've got that one in a different place, and I never buy two of the same thing.
Thank you Neena and Gnarly G - it doesn't look too bad this morning, but who knows what it will do later on lol :o)
2 Jul, 2016
Hello Hywel
Your garden looks beautiful despite the rainy conditions we have been having.
2 Jul, 2016
Hello Hywel - lovely flowers - your garden is looking good - I like that St Bernards Lily - is it easy to grow ? and I especially like your roses - have a lovely week - Jane
2 Jul, 2016
Lovely plants
Did you grow any Fuchsias from seed out of about fifty seedlings I had about twelve survived and are now just reaching the flowering stage can’t wait to see what they are like.
2 Jul, 2016
Wow looking fantastic Hywel
2 Jul, 2016
Great close-up photos. Love the roses. Can't grow any in our soil apart from one which we rescued from our daughter's garden. For some reason that blooms really well.
It's been raining in the Sunny South also ; not the weather for gardening!
2 Jul, 2016
That's good news about Beryl,Hywel..and at least it's a start..fingers crossed it will help her a lot..and you too .xx
2 Jul, 2016
Your garden is always a pleasure to see Hywel. I think of you when I look at my New Dawn rose :-)
I have a red rose like yours too which is unknown, a climber.
I also bought a cotoneaster cornubia a few years ago after seeing yours and this year its loaded with flowers, I cant wait to see the berries to follow.
2 Jul, 2016
You have some lovely flowers there Hywel. Tried to pick a favourite but it was too hard. Its surprising how good they look after all the rain. We've had a lot of wind too, especially yesterday.
I'm thrilled today because Celia Smedley has her first flower - even better than I was hoping for! Hope your fuchsias are doing well - no photos this time?
Good wishes to both of you.
2 Jul, 2016
Thanks for all your comments :o)
Hi Jane, I don't know how easy the lily is to grow. I only bought it last week :) If it's still alive next year I'll let you know lol
Peterathome no I didn't get round to growing fuchsias from seed. Beryl hasn't been very well and I haven't had much time for the garden. I hope I can try next year.
I am pleased to hear of your success with them. I hope you'll show photos when they flower :)
Hi Steragram. There are so many Fuchsias that I thought I'd put them in a blog of their own later on :)
2 Jul, 2016
Your garden, though overgrown, looks really great, Hywel! :-))
Here, in Spain, it's extremely hot & dry! Just the opposite of the weather in the UK!
I've written a blog on why we are away - we are not on holiday but looking after my wife's mother.
2 Jul, 2016
Thank you :)
3 Jul, 2016
Superb pictures and lovely views. Your idea of overgrown doesn't quite equate with mine which is full of nettles, goose-grass and fat-hen! Some slightly rampant shrubs and plants would be a treat. Why can't the wild rabbits that inhabit my garden eat those? And not (together with the slugs) my Dahlias, African marigolds (decimated) and just about everything else I am trying to nuture!! Thing is - if I weed the flower beds will it just leave the rabbits NOTHING else to eat apart from my plants?
3 Jul, 2016
Last year our garden struggled and it was a also a difficult time for us. Our gardens seem to reflect our lives somehow.
Your garden is looking very lovely to me. Your verbascum is a blend of some very pretty colours and that last begonia is beautiful. Hopefully we are in for a dry week and we can 'attack' once again!
3 Jul, 2016
Thank you both for your interesting comments :)
3 Jul, 2016
I think you're right, Hywel........perhaps Dr Rupel has a lighter (cream/white) centre.
4 Jul, 2016
Lovely roses, Hywel. They seem to have flowered well despite the rain. You've certainly got lots of lovely plants.
I do hope we'll all get some summer soon!
4 Jul, 2016
Gorgeous blooms and if that's your garden when it's "wild" I'd like to see it when it's tamed! I think everyone has suffered with the weather this year, I sometimes feel like getting a flat!!
It seems to be a bad year for pests. The slugs and snails are having a party every night despite me using Nemeslug AND pellets. My petunias and Dahlias are currently being mercilessly attacked by earwigs. The lawn is like a sponge and even the greenhouse is flooding. Apart from that everythings fine!!
5 Jul, 2016
Thank you all for reading my blog and your comments :)
5 Jul, 2016
Lovely to see your garden again Hywel ... I honestly think I like just about all your flowers ... here's hoping you have a more stress-free time ahead. Take care :o))
7 Jul, 2016
Thank you Shirley :)
10 Jul, 2016
TheCat: I have lived in a flat in the UK for the last 16 years. We have a balcony and, if you look through some of my photos, you will see what can be done with a balcony!
14 Jul, 2016
How did I miss this?........what a wonderful selection of plants you have Hywel.......love your roses, as for the overgrown parts where were they? did you forget to include them?.. always a treat to see your garden........ weather set to improve....so I hear!!
14 Jul, 2016
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You have so many different plants and colours in your garden Hywel....love your roses. Hope that all is well.
1 Jul, 2016