slugs anyone?
By irish
ive just been out in the garden and already ive collected 22 slugs and a couple of snails. if anyone would like some please send me a message and i will post them on to you. free of charge, ill even pay the postage.
little known fact, but they make great pets,, they need very little exercise and food for them can be home grown.
let your child be the first to have a slug pet,, they will be the envy of every child in the neighbourhood.
Christmas orders are been taken now , so avoid the rush and order today .
3 Aug, 2008
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youve just invented the first snail mail irish, i'll put my feelers out and see if i can get you some orders.
3 Aug, 2008
lol ok folk we are all on our way to becoming millionaires
3 Aug, 2008
Or you could sell them to tourists Irish, and paint "A Present From Dublin" on their shells ! lol
3 Aug, 2008
Wonderful idea, Blodyn! Much better than sticks of rock or ceramic ornaments. Advert could say ' Moving souvenir - one you will never forget'. lol.
3 Aug, 2008
lmao brilliant idea Blodyn, wouldnt suprise me if someone did buy one.
you can be our advertising management spritz lol
3 Aug, 2008
reminds me of when my children were little my eldest daughter gemma decided that she would keep some snails as pets, she named them peter and paul. one day we were all busy in the garden when a cry rang out! we calmed gemma down enough to find out what was wrong she yelled that my youngest daughter who was about two at the time was eating peter, she was quite happily crunching away and had green slime running down her chin. I have been known to tell this story to new boyfriends much to the girls embarrassment
3 Aug, 2008
lol brilliant story newtogardening
3 Aug, 2008
3 Aug, 2008
22 - puh!!! The day before I opened my garden last year I collected 107. And more on the morning of the opening.
3 Aug, 2008
my god? you serious about that amount andrew?
3 Aug, 2008
Now I think Blodyns idea of setting up a cottage industry and painting the snail shells is a great idea. Just think of all the coats of arms for each country and county that could be represented from all the members on 'Grows on you', and...... to follow..... snail races to raise money for more plants for the garden so that the snails can attack again!
It never ends does it!
4 Aug, 2008
lol now your talking Grenville, endless amount of things we could do with the snails, and lets face it theres no end to the amount of them lol.
4 Aug, 2008
i take them out of the bucket , and give them a good talking to Marquerite lol when that doesnt work i divide them up between the bird table and the shed roof lol
4 Aug, 2008
What a pity we don't eat them - there are so many of them in the world. Imagine them all heaped up together!
4 Aug, 2008
there would certainly be no food shortage if we did eat them Celandine
4 Aug, 2008
Has everyone gone Mad we are talking about slugs you know them horrible slimey plant eating vermine that everyone hates............Get the salt out an watch the buggers EXPLODE.................lmho.
Best Wishes
Kev :) :) :)
4 Aug, 2008
Yes, I am serious Irish. I counted them - 107 in one evening. Can anyone beat that?
4 Aug, 2008
wow andrew, i think you win
5 Aug, 2008
lol kev,,,, just make sure the salt goes on the snail and not on the soil, cos i was told its bad for it
5 Aug, 2008
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What a great idea, Irish! I think I'll pinch your brainwave and offer them at the gate on a table with a tin for money. If I put them in a lidded container they won't be able to escape. We may well make our fortune!!!!
3 Aug, 2008