Fingal County Council's New Policy
By irish
where i live in Dublin our council has come up with a new policy.
they sowed wild flower seeds and didnt cut the local grass areas. they let the wild flowers grow and then gave it a short cut in the hope of encouraging more wild flowers to seed.
the photos are taken across from my house.
the grass that has been cut is outside the local school and church.
11 Jun, 2010
More blog posts by irish
That's a lovely idea, Irish. It looks wonderful. : o ) )
11 Jun, 2010
thanks Florbunda, i think its great too although it seems the co.council are getting loads of complaints from people saying their kids cant play here and that it is bring in rats lol cant win can you
11 Jun, 2010
its lovely walking over there now with the dogs Shirley
11 Jun, 2010
Look out for those Rats, Irish ... lol
11 Jun, 2010
lol will do Shirley, esp the 2 legged kind
11 Jun, 2010
It all looks lovely Irish, so natural and pretty.
11 Jun, 2010
I think it's lovely Eileen , Rats will only go where there is food so unless they are throwing rubbish food down there shouldn't be any rats , at least that's what the rat man told me .. ......
11 Jun, 2010
Nice to see the wild flowers being reintroduced Eileen.. :o)
11 Jun, 2010
what a lovely idea.........
11 Jun, 2010
I think it looks lovely.
11 Jun, 2010
oh Eileen~ this is absolutely great!~we need more flowers for our bees and every little helps.
Last weekend we were at the Llys Nini site looking after Dexie and they have quite a lot of land and one of the fields was completely yellow with buttercups as far as the eye can see.~there was some clover and daisies etc but the overall impression was a sea of gold~
This computer went completely bottoms up and my son had to wipe the hardrive and reinstall the operating system~lost about 11.000 emails,last six months photos and bookmarks but because he had backed up the photos he has been able to put them all back on~we think.~the last six months are still held on cards so hopefully they can be reinstalled soon.
Anyway may be able to put some of the LLys Nini photos on..fairly soon.~I hope to persuade them to have a hive or twoof bees but they have to be so pc where the public's health and safety is concerned~ although most of the public wouldn't mind bees I am sure as we are going to be well up the creek without a paddle without them!
11 Jun, 2010
Must admit Iove to see areas like this but also know children need an area for ball games, do the children not have their own play areas for ball games where you live Irish?.....
11 Jun, 2010
Great idea your council had, Irish & some great photos of the wild flowers!
Sorry to hear about your computer, Arlene, I lost my computer at the beginning of the year but because I'd installed a 2nd HDD & kept all my photos on it I was able to transfer the HDD to my wife's old computer & have all my photos again!
About the bees, have you seen my latest blog on bees?
11 Jun, 2010
great isea and lovely wild flowers eileen, think all councils should do this, especially as they lecture us on recyling and looking after enviroment so much
11 Jun, 2010
Super idea Eileen good on your Council it looks lovely, great pictures too Eileen, I'm sure more Councils will follow suit
11 Jun, 2010
This is something that has been done in a few of the States over across the water, although it depends on the county on whether or not they mow. but early spring looks very nice along the highways.
12 Jun, 2010
thanks everyone.
Lincslass there is a large public park just mins from here.
ah Arlene i hope your pc is sorted out soon
12 Jun, 2010
In which case there is no need for people to moan but as you say they`ll never suit everybody. Takes me back to my courting days and summer nights, lol........
14 Jun, 2010
They do that over here on the interstate - poppies and coreopsis and cosmos. It looks beautiful, but people complain about it too, saying it's a big waste of money. It hasn't been done this spring, but the state is pretty much broke so perhaps that's the reason.
Every time we manage to get one of those beautification projects the same gripes come in: rats, bugs, ticks and snakes. Really, I think some of these people would prefer to have everything just cemented over.
16 Jun, 2010
What a terrific idea, and one that shows more imagination than is common among local authorities. Such wild flower areas do need mowing, of course, but only at intervals, otherwise they become manky. But at least from the local authorities point of view, it saves on the frequency of maintenance, a key consideration now that we're all going to have to tighten our belts! Meantime, you and your neighbours have a lovely natural area to enjoy.
17 Jun, 2010
happy days Linclass yeah lol
17 Jun, 2010
yep Lauram , some folk just like to have a right good moan about anything.
Kowhai, the council were around this week to mow part of this area, it still looks great to me
17 Jun, 2010
update on this subject.
:-( seems the council have gotten into trouble with not cutting the grass, some local councillors haves aid they will force the council to reverse this new policy .
there is a meeting next month about it , so will have to wait till then to see what the outcome will be.
21 Jun, 2010
I like the idea Irish, and with your little dog if there are any rats he will soon sort them out. Where I live in East sussex my house backs onto a field and beond that there is another field that they let grow wild - so sorry to say Irish but I do have the best of both worlds -a field for the kids to play and a field to encourage the wildlife. And yes my cats do bring in little field mice and such like - the other week they brought in a magpie and now we have the other magpie calling for its mate! Anyway Irish enjoy you walks watching the butterflies :-)
29 Jun, 2010
thanks Katkins
29 Jun, 2010
Our council do this as well ,but only the meadows in the wood,s I love it there,s always loads of butterflys and bees there enjoying all the wild flowers...Nice blog Eileen....
30 Jun, 2010
thanks Janette,
i love it like this
30 Jun, 2010
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This looks lovely, Irish! So good to see wild flowers being left to reseed~what a great policy to bring in. Great photos too :~))
11 Jun, 2010