By irish
24 Sep, 2009
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I wished him all the best at lunchtime......I don't suppose another tonight would hurt.
24 Sep, 2009
free pint of Guinness for everyone in the pubs in City centre this evening. my daughter is just home from college for the day and she said the city is teeming with folk lol
24 Sep, 2009
Awww that's great Irish :)) "Happy Birthday Arthur!" xxx Hope the celebrations go down well....:)))
24 Sep, 2009
To Martha.. ;-)
24 Sep, 2009
~ My husband says the Guinness is nicer in Dublin and not the same over here? We did bring some back along with Jamesons special reserve 18 yr old Whiskey which he is keeping for a special occasion!
24 Sep, 2009
Cheers :o)
24 Sep, 2009
Free Guinness in Dublin and the City centres packed ?
Lol Eileen ..mine wasnt free but Slante to you .
Somewhere I still have my towel from the bottle of Guinness supporters club had to send labels from the bottles to get it ...took me oh what seemed like at least several rounds to collect them ..
24 Sep, 2009
I am partial to a glass of velvet, hmmmm.
Happy Birthday Arthur and what a great gesture to give a free pint.
Ray - shall we pop over to Dublin?
I dont see any adverts for Murphy's nowadays.
24 Sep, 2009
Happy Birthday and Cheers Arthur for the lovely black velvet nectar
24 Sep, 2009
Aye Dawn with all that free Guinness Eileen could recognise us ..we d be the 2 standing up for a while ..
24 Sep, 2009
Happy birthday, Arthur. Only tasted it once when I had blood problems (many years ago) and I have always thought of it as 'medicine' ever since :)
24 Sep, 2009
Good excuse Gee, ha ha. Macceson was meant to do blood good too, what ever happened to that?
He, hee Ray, just thought, remember your photo of Cyril enjoyed a pint of the stuff.
24 Sep, 2009
Cheers everyone.
24 Sep, 2009
Medicine Gee? Most medicines say dont consume with alcohol dont they but I like the advice that once you start a course should always finish it.
Aye Dawn and not seen him since lol .. perhaps he got a taste for it and headed off to Dublin ?
24 Sep, 2009
sorry guys i was out walking the dogs.
lol awwww BB did you no get a free Guinness.
they do say that Arlene that the Guinness here is different than the export
24 Sep, 2009
Free ? Yorkshire ? Eileen just tried to put that in search engine doesnt compute lol
24 Sep, 2009
Eileen, Were you walking the dogs or were you really out enjoying your free pint, lol.
24 Sep, 2009
I blame my Granny. When I was little, she used to give me a tiny glass mug of half Guinness, half milk....it was wonderful! Guinness Milk Shake.....don't knock it till you've tried it!
It's definitely stronger, smoother, and has a mightier kick in Dublin. I once had half a pint ( no milk! ) at Dublin airport, got lost and missed my plane.
Many, Many Happy Returns, Arthur!
24 Sep, 2009
lol BB ah poor you , a loyal customer of Guinness an all
24 Sep, 2009
you,ve seen the ads Usernut lol.
yep dawn, i really was out walking the dogs, beautiful evening here
24 Sep, 2009
Hooray for Arthur.
Your definitely off my Christmas card list Dawn. Now you running around with that scoundrell Bonkers and supping ale withou inviting me.
24 Sep, 2009
Cyril has obviously gone off to Eileen in Dublin for the better tasting stuff, he may return when the free pints dry up.
Eileen, nice to hear you've enjoyed a beautiful evening, without visiting the pub, lol.
24 Sep, 2009
Aye Eileen used to have a chart for all the different names of Guinness combinations Black russian Black velvet Calcutta cup etc ..and even with an Irish mother still didnt qualify aw well now how many free pints would I need to justify the ferry trip ?
Oh Toto I been talking to Dawn for a long time did I protest when you sending her off to Anne Summers ? Tried to see the bigger picture and thought your need for a nurse greater than mine ..fill that shed with Guinness and we ll come to you lol
24 Sep, 2009
TOTO - so sorry, come on, not too late, we can all meet on the ferry :-)
24 Sep, 2009
Remember the Murphy's adverts?
24 Sep, 2009
~good!A lovely happy evening in Dublin to one and all! ~lots of cloud building here ,we haven't had rain for about two weeks now and everything is bone dry but it might just break and fill my water butts tonight , hopefully!
24 Sep, 2009
i am soooooo good Dawn arnt i Dawn lol
Tom Jones started off the celebrations this evening and is now on a pub crawl lol
24 Sep, 2009
You are actually angelic Eileen, lol.
Tom Jones, wow, did you hear that Arlene. Ray, Toto and I better be quick and get on that ferry :-)
24 Sep, 2009
aye Arlene , its really dry here, noticed that this evening down at the canal, the water level was way down .
24 Sep, 2009
make it quick Dawn lol
24 Sep, 2009
Its not unusual ..pack your extra knickers lol
24 Sep, 2009
Has anyone seen any Guiness ads today on tv? Apparently they're going to re-run the ads going back to the 1950s. Cheers Arthur! Cheers Irish!
24 Sep, 2009
Ha ha Ray, anyway, what knickers :-;
24 Sep, 2009
No Fluff, I've not seen the ads :-(
24 Sep, 2009
the old ads are great , they have ran a few of them here over the last few weeks
24 Sep, 2009
The ones in your handbag you need to throw at him apparently Dawn you too naughty lol .. threw back my Y fronts ..
Aye remember the toucan ? Often wondered what on earth has a toucan got to do with Guinness ? Till went out for a session on the stuff and ended up with a large bill ..
24 Sep, 2009
Ha ha Ray, I'll have to go and buy some then, lol.
So he didnt want your Y fronts, ha ha.
You are so witty tonight, large bill, he hee.
Yes, "If one can, toucan".
24 Sep, 2009
Ooohh I remember the "Toucan" :)) My Dad worked for a local brewery, and once, brought me home a bedside lamp....it had a pottery toucan holding the lamp bulb, and if I remember correctly, the following verse around the base...
"How grand to be a Toucan...Just think what Toucan do....if they can say as you can....Guinness is good for you!" Or something like that...
Cheers Arthur xx
24 Sep, 2009
'Toucans in their nests agree/Guiness is good for you/Try some today/& see what one or toucan do'...I think that was it BB? But your joke is better Lol!!
24 Sep, 2009
Cheers , the guinness is deff. better over there Eileen ..
Dawn ... giving away your secrets !! ..LOL.
Are you sure they're not drinking the canal dry Eileen an easy mistake to make if they've had a few to many ??
By the way , what time is that Ferry ? see you later :o)
24 Sep, 2009
lol i know they used to bring the Guinness around the country by canal Amy but ive yet to find a barrel lol
24 Sep, 2009
There were seals,horse and cart.kangaroo etc as well as the toucan~those lamps are worth a fortune in mint condition!~ we absolutely loved the ads in the Guinness Storehouse by Gilroy~remember the bloke with the girder on his shoulder?my son is a great admirer and we have got three flying toucans in a frame and various other bits collected over the years including watches and clocks etc~which channel is runing the ads we would love to see them~love the Rutger Hauer ones!
24 Sep, 2009
Oh Crazy di hope you still have it this old Guinness stuff highly collectable ..aye Amy she has a wicked streak cant imagine what all this doing to poor Toto.. think that ad with the white horses in the surf just beautiful.
24 Sep, 2009
Eileen .. I think you are holding out on us !! I remember you putting a photo on of all those barrels ,, come on , where are you hiding them ???
24 Sep, 2009
Not being a drinker, I can't comment on Guinness, but I do know that my husband said it tasted much better over in Ireland, Eileen! Does anyone know why??
24 Sep, 2009
~couldn't resist this~
In 1759 Arthur Guinness first began to brew his eponymous Irish stout, and probably sometime in 1760, people started making lies up about it.
Like shamrocks, freckles and bar fights, Guinness has become an icon of the emerald isle, known around the world for its impenetrable colour, its complex pouring ritual, and its ability to balance well on a toucan's beak. It's also known for the wild rumours associated with it, from the common barfly's claim that it tastes better in Dublin to conspiracy theories about its macabre "secret ingredients".
Well, just in time for St. Patrick's Day, Asylum is going to put these rumours to bed, once and for all.
Myth Number 1: Guinness is heavy in calories ... False
Guinness weighs in with 170 calories per pint. Some sources say as much as 200 calories. That's virtually no difference compared to any other beer -- unless you have more than one. But who does that? ;)
Myth Number 2: Guinness is supposed to be warm ... False
Guinness reports it's draught is best served at 42.8 degrees F. Your average fridge is about 38 F, just a tad too cool. Unfortunately, most beer pumps in bars are even colder. Regardless, 43 degrees is neither warm, nor room temperature. Order them ahead of time and let them warm up a minute while you finish your first pint. Problem solved!
Learn the truth about what's inside of it, who pours the best pint of Guinness and plenty more, all after the jump.
Myth Number 3: 'Guinness for Strength' ... Undetermined
The famous 'Guinness is good for you' and similar advertisements from the 1930s were a great marketing ploy, but just keep in mind it came about in the 1930s, when you could still claim your product did anything and not get in trouble with the law. We happen to think a pint of Guinness is the most important meal ofhe day, but have no scientific evidence to back that up. If Guinness does give you a boost it's probably more in the "liquid courage" category.
Myth Number 4: The flavour of Guinness stems from nefarious sources ... False
The more outrageous stories about Guinness include the ones about how dead rats were found at the bottom of the vats in the St James' Gate brewery in Ireland, thus explaining the unique taste. Other stories have circulated that Guinness is actually filtered through lamb's blood to get its taste. This one is classic barroom BS at its finest. The basics of Guinness are barley, hops, yeast, and water. The creamy taste of the head is a result of nitrogen bubbles released during the pouring process.
Myth Number 5: The St. James's Gate brewery produces different kinds of Guinness for various markets ... Kinda
Guinness is available in 100 countries and is brewed in nearly 50 of them, using locally sourced ingredients like water. Therefore, one could argue (and we know you will) that any Guinness brewed outside Dublin is materially different. Incidentally, the top five selling markets for Guinness are Great Britain, Ireland, the US, Nigeria and Cameroon. (We were surprised by those two as well).
Myth Number 6: Water from the River Liffey in Dublin goes into Guinness ... False
While the St. James's Gate brewery sits next to the river, the water used to make Guinness come from the Wicklow mountains to the south, or from local sources in other countries.
Myth Number 7: Guinness in a can is different from draught Guinness ... Confusing
Guinness is available in draught, Extra Stout, and Foreign Extra. Draught comes in cans, bottles, and, well, draught. Extra Stout comes only in bottles and Foreign Extra comes in bottles, cans, and an Extra Smooth variety. Then there's Extra Cold and all sorts of other stuff. Got all that? Good.
Myth Number 8: Strict vegetarians can't drink Guinness ... True
The production of the stout involves the use of isinglass, a by-product of the fishing industry derived from dead fish. Isinglass is used as a fining agent for settling out suspended matter in the beer vat, and while it's kept at the bottom of the tank, some isinglass may end up in the final product. So if you're the type who avoids gelatin and whey in your diet, you're out of luck.
Myth Number 9: Guinness is black ... False
Look closer and you'll see that Guinness actually has a ruby red color, due to how the malted barley is roasted. Hint: this one is a easy way to win £5 from your friends.
Myth Number 10: The Guinness Book of World Records was started by a Guinness executive to settle bar arguments.... True.
In 1951 Sir Hugh Beaver, the managing director of the Guinness Brewery, got into an argument at a shooting gallery about which was the fastest game bird in Europe -- the golden plover or the grouse. Apparently he realised at this moment that a book designed to settle these arguments could be a hit, and so the book was born. It went on to sell more than 100 million copies worldwide.
Monday 27 April
By Jody
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I'd like to disagree with your statements that the Guinness is Good for you was just a marketing ploy. The Wicklow Waters were used because of their unique trait of a very high iron content, which is why in the earlier days they would give mothers a pint after childbirth, for the blood loss, as well as prescribe it to nursing mothers suffering from fatigue.
This is also why Guinness truly is better in Dublin, though it is delicious everywhere, unfortunately the Wicklow water cannot be reproduced, and therefore it is quite distinct. Go to the Guinness Storehouse, have some fresh guinness from the brewery in their tasting lab, and tell me that isn't mother's milk. PS...I don't even like beer.
24 Sep, 2009
~answers your question Barbara ~it's the water!
24 Sep, 2009
Hubby was once served one in an 'Irish' bar in Somerset & the bar-girl did a shamrock with the nozzle of the pump in the froth...(I'm not using the right terminology here am I?!)...I was well impressed!
24 Sep, 2009
I have a pic on here taken in the round bar at the top of the Storehouse where you get your free pint when you take the tour ~the bar staff were all very accomplished at doing shamrocks on the top!
The mirrored tables gave some really funny photos!
I reckon Eileen has gone out for her free pint!
24 Sep, 2009
Think she on a promise with Tom Jones Arlene , and keeping it quiet..
24 Sep, 2009
~hope she isn't hungover in the morning....but then so will everyone else !
24 Sep, 2009
Think she done well to reply at all bless her ...250 years of Guinness dont think even Spritz can remember that far back ..yes I ve already ducked lol
24 Sep, 2009
~Oooh cheeky! night all!
24 Sep, 2009
Me too before she spots it ..lol night to you x
24 Sep, 2009
Cheers :o))
24 Sep, 2009
lol BB she will have you for that lmao. Happy birthday Arthur
24 Sep, 2009
Cheers, Arthur, and to you, too, Eileen.
Now, my Pelargonium "Black Velvet" seems very appropriate, lol! :-)).
"Black Velvet" was invented as far back as 1861, and is Guiness mixed with champagne. !!!???***** HIC!
24 Sep, 2009
I'm a little late to this Irish but may I add my belated Birthday wishes to Arthur ! I should imagine that 'Dublin's fair city' will be having a big clean up this morning after the great celebrations last night !
My personal favourite is a 'Midnight' ... the delicious black stuff with a little shot of port ! Cheers ! :-))
25 Sep, 2009
I'd just like to add my little bit. Guiness does come in various types. There is Green Harp, Blue Harp and probably more and there is the Gold Harp which is the normal Guiness which is sold in our supermarkets and off licences. Guiness also comes in various strengths from around 4.1% ABV up to 8% ABV.
Sneeky Dawn, the ferry had just sailed as I arrived at the dock.
Yes Bonkers, she is driving me wild. Mind I soon cooled down when I was confronted with the thought of your "Y" Fronts.
25 Sep, 2009
:-) im back lol friad i wasnt out having my free pint .
was a sulky looking teenager looking to use the laptop lol
wow Arlene well done.
i hope all the celebrations went well last night and Dublin city centre is still in one piece if its not then im blaming Tom Jones lol
25 Sep, 2009
~sorry about the problem with the sulky teenager Eileen~I hope he buys you one in compensation!
25 Sep, 2009
yep Arlene, when he is a rich and famous footballer lol.
25 Sep, 2009
Well!! Now then, Bb - didn't you ever hear the old saying about being as young as you feel?? Just because I'm retired does NOT mean I am Methuselah!! (or his wife, I suppose). THERE!! I hope you are suitably told off! Go and stand in the corner, please!
25 Sep, 2009
lol thats told him Barbara.
do you think he will know WHEN to come out of the corner
25 Sep, 2009
Well, having been "caught up" in the celebratory atmosphere, I decided to have my own toast to two "national heroes". Arthur founded Guiness in 1759, same year as Rabbie Burns was born, so went to the chippy, bought a deep-fried haggis supper, and washed it down with a pint of Guiness...pint of Guiness....pint of Guinesss... (why does this keep "repeating?)
25 Sep, 2009
brilliant David , Arthur and Rabbie, who could ask for more :-)
25 Sep, 2009
It's a' in the jeans, hen - as ah've jist dscovert! Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeew! :-))
25 Sep, 2009
Must have been too cheeky Eileen ..she left me there all day yesterday glad I took a few cans ( or should that be tou cans ? ) with me .
Methuselah was supposed to have been over 900 years old .. I had you well under 250 Spritz so quite a compliment really .x
I know ..bit late now to try and sweet talk you
Ps while stood in that corner just realised 17 .59 pm connection duh ..
26 Sep, 2009
lol David
26 Sep, 2009
not you day yesterday was it BB.
tou cans haha, maybe you should ask Guinness for a job.
26 Sep, 2009
Got a sneaky feeling Spritz wont forget that in a hurry lol..
Oh think I d soon be shown the door Eileen unless of course they need an official taster ..yes could cope with quality control.
Not keen on adding things to it but anyone who finds it slightly bitter would love Sues suggestion of Guinness and Port they blend well ..mind you need deep pockets to be adding port ...
26 Sep, 2009
very deep pockets if you are ordering that in a Dublin pub.
well BB if you didnt get the job as official taster then maybe you could tend the hops for them .
do you know Bulmers ( Magners to some ) are holding a competition . winner gets paid by them to be a taster
26 Sep, 2009
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happy 250th to Arthur Eileen!
24 Sep, 2009