NOT CTS?????????????
By jacque
For all my GOY FRIENDS who know about the Trouble iv had with my hands these last few months i want to tell u iv had the Nerve Tests done 2 day @ Hospital & been given the All Clear Of CPT, Iv Swollen Ligaments in my hands causing the Pain? Theyl never Heal Completely &il have 2 wear Wrist supports which will help,Iv also 2 take Anti-inflam Tabs 2 take down the swelling & also told not 2 use my Hands 4 to Long a periods&rest them in between chores/Jobs i do with them as the Swelling will worsen if i dont, Thanx so much4 all your Lovely Caring Thoughts/Words uv all given in the Last few Months 2help give me corage&faith XXX
15 Sep, 2008
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Hello Jacque, Doctors are wonderful guessers taking what we tell them (what our symtoms are) and applying it with the knowledge of years of schooling and similar cases, then coming up with a treatment that worked on the same symtoms for patient A. Sometimes it works for you (patient B) and sometimes not. Here's hoping that the treatment recommended for you works for you. I pray that it will.
15 Sep, 2008
Great news, Jacque! I am so pleased for you. Welcome back, by the way. We've missed you! I hope you had a lovely holiday. From the photos you posted, I think you did... ;-)
15 Sep, 2008
Good to hear it can be controlled Jacque , you mustn,t do to much , especialy digging ,etc .or any heavy work take time to let the inflamation go down , take care of yourself .
15 Sep, 2008
Hi Jacque
Welcome home, and hope you had a great holiday. Hope they can help you to feel more comfortable soon. We both send our love and best wishes,
Grenville and Alan xxx
15 Sep, 2008
welcome home jacque :-)
15 Sep, 2008
Well not a cure by any means but better than CTS - so this good news? Welcome home again hope the warm weather gave your hands some relief , youre going to need lots of expensive foreign holidays to keep them in good shape.!
15 Sep, 2008
Great to hear from you Jacque. It was quiet without you. I'm praying that the treatment is really effective and you see a major improvement soon. It sounds like you need to be really careful not to do too much at once. Bless you.
15 Sep, 2008
Thanx 4 the Lovely Welcome Back every1 :) & im well pleased iv not got 2have that Awful Opp :) Its great2catch up on GOY i have missed u all :) XXX
15 Sep, 2008
Jacque ~ so nice to see your photo on the comments again.
I hope that by taking things easy your hands will not be too painful and you can carry on with a reasonably normal lifestyle.
When you returned from your holiday, did you get a big welcome from the baby snails ? LOL
15 Sep, 2008
Now that would of been a Photo 2take with all their Little Smileing Gummy Faces Pokeing out the pond 2 say HI MUM lol dont u think TT LMAO :D
15 Sep, 2008
I'm so glad it isn't as bad as you thought Jacque. It must be a load off your mind now. :o)
15 Sep, 2008
Yes im feeling much better knowing iv not2have a Opp Hywel i really was dreading it being CTS as My Dr 1st thought ! :D
15 Sep, 2008
Jacque, hope your not in too much pain, and that you can still do a lot in the garden.
16 Sep, 2008
welcome back jacque, hol pic's look great.
16 Sep, 2008
Hands feeling much better2day Daff iv been taking some Anti-Inflam Tabs i already had 4 my Back Ache ! Got those on Hoil cost £15along with pain killers2 :) i was Snorkling 4 about2hrs which was Naughty of me as i get trouble with my lower back since i popped a Verti in my Spin 14yr ago getting into my car , Dr told me not to do Breast Stroke or Dry My Hair up side down as iv put it out 4 times doin that :( Well i4get myself dont i lol :)
16 Sep, 2008
Hello Jacque...pleased your feeling better today. Sometimes knowing what is wrong with us helps us feel a bit better rather than the 'wondering what it is'. See you are taking anti-inflammatory tablets. Just to let you know I started on herbal anti-inflam tabs 2 weeks ago and have found a great improvement. Different condition to you but inflammation. My preferred choice for something long term rather than putting chemicals in my body. Also using a connective tissue/joint rub with green lipped mussel. Thought you may like to know in case you want another option.
And like you, there's things I shouldn't do and forget then pay the price!
Going to look at your hol pics now and be very jealous!
16 Sep, 2008
Love the Herbal Tabs Idea & Joint Rub2thanx 4 that PottyGardener :)
16 Sep, 2008
Good news Jacque.
16 Sep, 2008
welcome back, thanks for bringing the sunshine home with you, very thoughtfull i must
my wife suffers with lower back pain from a ruptured disc (6 years ago) she has to do excercises every day.
sounds like you will need to get a gardener for those bigger jobs around the garden, glad it's not cts.........steve
16 Sep, 2008
Nice to have you back Jacque, you were certainly missed!
17 Sep, 2008
AAAAAAaawwwwwwww thanx 4 such kind words Nancym,Was i missed 4 the Good or Bad ??? LOL
17 Sep, 2008
Welcome home Jacque! It's great to hear you again. Hope your wrists are better soon . : )
19 Sep, 2008
The good of course!
20 Sep, 2008
Hi Jacque, sorry to hear about your aches and pains. I have just recovered from the hand surgery I had in July. (Today, I got my graduation papers from the therapist!) I plan on getting back into the garden today. I recommend avoiding the surgeon's knife if at all possible. Take care of yourself :-)
22 Sep, 2008
O poor u Sarah65:( hope ur feeling better soon ,I dont think my Dr knows whats goin on with my hands2be honest :( been2see him2day &the Hospital tests have`nt reached him yet?He seems 2think its the Start of CTS?&its Fluid on my wrists now? :( Im so unhappy not really knowing what the real prob is ! iv 2take Water Reation tabs now,Been given nothing 4pain so im rubbing in Deep Heat&Taking Pain Killers @mo :( What amess !
22 Sep, 2008
Bless you Jacque you're a strong woman! So glad you're back, and we missed you for the GOOD! :)
25 Sep, 2008
Hi Pollyann its great2b back & my hands are feeling much better now :) Must b the Tabs&me being good buy not doing2much@one time :)
25 Sep, 2008
jacque, can you hold a cake? lol
25 Sep, 2008
O yes CCCccccccccccccccccaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeee is ok Lyd But only small cake :(
25 Sep, 2008
glad your hands aren't as bad as you thought jaque, and its nice to see you back in GOY after your holiday, look after your self and get someone else to do the heavy digging etc. for you
28 Sep, 2008
Ooh, poor Jacque. My Mum has Renauds and I sometimes wonder if I am getting it I am very sympathetic to you.
PMSL at the holding a cake comment! (Or, a glass of wine ! Would have to be through a straw if not...) I suppose you will just have to eat several small cakes.
30 Sep, 2008
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14 Aug, 2008
Hi Jacque, I praise God for your medical result. Glad things can be controlled, as long as you do what the docs ordered!
15 Sep, 2008