*** My Snowdrop Garden Area ***
By jacque
When i moved into my Home 2years this April i Knew what i wanted from My Garden as soon as i saw it ! Lots Of Natural Areas For Myself & Wildlife :) Hope U enjoy The Photos u will now see Taken today 18/2/09
All The Branches/Sticks you see iv left around for Little Birds like Blue Tits&Finches 2 Hang onto when looking around for any Danger when Feeding from the Old Apple Tree& it reminds me where My Short Grass Paths are :)
18 Feb, 2009
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Glad u like it SK :) Not Heard About Hoggy since i Last rang Them SK but they did say itl be a Long While b4 he comes home cos he was so small bless him &had to be big enough 2 be set free again :),
18 Feb, 2009
Jacque ~
This is very pretty and natural-looking :o)
18 Feb, 2009
You have a lovely garden, Jacque, and I'm sure the wild life appreciate it. Lovely lot of snowdrops too, great photos.
18 Feb, 2009
Thanx TT/Gee :) I left All Those Apple Tree Branches & Sticks for Little Birds like Blue Tits&Finches who Visit me for Food they love Sitting/Climbling&Hopping on them :) Great 2 watch :)
18 Feb, 2009
Fantastic. It's wonderful the way you are consider the birds and animals. In these days they need all the help they can get as it seems to me that people are moving away from the natural world, favouring ready, man made entertertainment. Such a shame but as long as there are people like you and other members of GOY nature will stand a chance. Good luck with Hoggy and your wildlife friendly garden.
18 Feb, 2009
Isn,t it wonderful to see it coming to life with the plants you have chosen a real wild life haven , it looks very natural and pretty .
I can,t wait to see the grass seed you have bought when it matures :o)
18 Feb, 2009
Thanx Toto theres so much u can put in2 Wild/Natural Gardens :) Iv so many more Plans to do 4 this yr hope ul like those as much :) Dont4get 2 add your Garden Photos Toto im looking Forward to them :)
18 Feb, 2009
O im so Excited about all that Meadow Mix Amy ,Iv also brought some Clover/Corncockle Seeds 2 Sow 2 :) Iv been potting Up The Nite-Stocks today in Greenhouse MMMMMmmmmmmmmmm so much happening now I Love It :D
18 Feb, 2009
Great snowdrops Jacque! A lot are happening here too, all the bulbs I planted last year are pushing through. At the bottom of the garden was ankle deep in water for days I was a bit concerned of my plants there, the water has gone they seem relieved. The fish are getting excited too it is nice to be able to see them about, as they have been down the bottom for the last few months. I have been told that I have all sorts of wild life activities going on in the garden at night. I have builders around at the moment, they went for a walk to explore the garden when the snow was very thick on the ground, they said they have counted lots of different footprints in the snow, that I definitely have badgers. I would not have been able to identify all the prints
I am very excited. But do badgers eat plants? LOL.
18 Feb, 2009
Beautiful pictures, Jacque, I like that sort of landscape.
18 Feb, 2009
How Brill Is That Michaella A Badger In Your Garden Fantastic !!! Jane/Ray "Bonkers" will love to hear about this,I Dont know if they Eat Plants :) lol .Glad u like The Pics & My Garden Bulbaholic itl soon Have the Daffs & Tulips Following maybe u could see some of the Daff Leafs in the 1st two Photos ? :)
18 Feb, 2009
Ooh....your garden is looking lovely Jacque...I love all the natural areas and those pics of the snowdrops close up.......stunning!!
18 Feb, 2009
Thanx Janey :) I was Thinking Maybe it looks to Messy with all the Branches ect laying around? but i like that look so im leaving it how it is now :)
18 Feb, 2009
That's a great idea for the wildlife Jacque..it looks great!
18 Feb, 2009
hello jacque,
your woodland area looks beautiful some Hellibores would mix in well with your snowdrops,,there are several colours, and various sizes.
i was reading a bit by Monty Don in the mail magazine,there are more than three hundred and fifty varietisof snowdrops, and the green markings on the inner petals,is said to glow in ultroviolet light,which entices pollinators like the queen bumblebees as this light is visible to them
18 Feb, 2009
Thanx 4 all the brill Info Casey Over 350 Varieties is a Lot ! I didnt know about the Green Glowing either :) Im glad u like My Snowdrop Area ,I do have some Hellbore Plants but their Planted beside My Pond :)
18 Feb, 2009
Lovely photos Jacque...so natural...love your idea in leaving the fallen branches for the birds,and the insects will benefit too.
Michaella...we have a visiting badger....dont think they eat plants,but looks like theyve been digging up the peanuts which our squirrels hid !! They are known to love peanuts,so maybe you could put some extra out for them !
18 Feb, 2009
Great 2 here the Branches will benefit Insects 2 BB :)
18 Feb, 2009
Like your photos Jacque, brill wildlife garden.
18 Feb, 2009
Im so Plezd with hows its coming on Clarice & icant wait 2 see what the Garden will look like Come Summer when My New Meadow Will Be In Bloom :)
18 Feb, 2009
It will be very pretty Jacque!
I like snowdrops - you know that already! So I enjoyed seeing yours - thanks. :-)
Badgers don't eat plants - BUT they dig around in the grass for worms and grubs and sadly, make a real MESS!
18 Feb, 2009
Hi Spritz Glad u enjoyed this Blog &Pics :) Think il have to Put Some of the Spare Apple Tree Twigs&Branches in The Meadow Area or Summer will go & lay on all my hard work !
18 Feb, 2009
I think your right Spritz when you say that badgers don't eat plants but they do eat plant tubers and bulbs although their main diet is earthworms. I read a book some time ago which described some of the badgers habits. Apparently a badger was followed across a foreshore where terns were nesting. When the badger came to a nest which had chicks, he killed them but did not necessarily eat them. It also ate the eggs that it found. I used to go to a friends house that backed onto a wood and each night he would feed the badgers with potatoes , bread kitchen scraps etc. Unfortunately he was not a true nature lover and the novelty soon wore off. I'm glad that I no longer see him.
18 Feb, 2009
Simply fabulous Jacque. Thanks for sharing the photos. XX
18 Feb, 2009
Snowdrops certainly do look lovely growing in the grass. I must have planted 200 or more since I moved to this house(in the borders not the grass) but the mice eat them and I've only got about 10 left.
18 Feb, 2009
Your Welcome Grenville/Alan :) Poor You Paul 10 left from 200 thats Sad :( No worrys of seeing/finding any Mice around my garden/house as Febe My Little Cat would catch it & play with it until Dead poor thing then bring it home for Mummy "ME" Eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwww Lovely Febe :) lol Im sure she means well ?
18 Feb, 2009
Brilliant Jacque. Snowdrops look great :-) Try not to worry about thinking your branches look messy, the wildlife will love you for it!! The natural effect looks great, ;-) x
18 Feb, 2009
lovely natural looking area jacque.
18 Feb, 2009
Hi Dawn thanx for the Lovely Comment :) Im going2leave the Branches there as it also stops Summer treading all over The Flowers that are coming up :) Im sure she dont mean 2 bless her :) LOL,Im going 2 plant Wild Red Poppy in this area this summer so watch this space :)
18 Feb, 2009
Know what you mean Jacque, dogs dont seem to respect plants, lol. Red poppies will look great, are you growing them from seed in your trays and then planting out?
18 Feb, 2009
Thanx Eileen i do love sitting On The Bench i made & looking @ this area @ the Moment ,The Little Birds seem to love it down here Eatting&Hopping about :)
18 Feb, 2009
Yes Dawn i started some off in September in Trays & also Raked Lots Of Seeds into the Loose Soil were The Daffs are coming up as there was`nt any grass there like there is now! Hope itl work ? :)
18 Feb, 2009
Hello ladies may I join in ! Jacque..sounds like you have lots of lovely plans for your garden this year and as Dawn says the branches are great for wildlife !
18 Feb, 2009
Hi Jane/Ray your garden is also Wildlife friendly isnt it:)
18 Feb, 2009
Jane here Jacque...yes,and it will always remain so ! : )
18 Feb, 2009
Glad to here that Jane as youv so much Wildlife that Loves&enjoys all your garden :) Im Off now so sleep Tight Jane/Ray chat again soon XXX
18 Feb, 2009
Night night Jacque...sleep tight...........xxx
18 Feb, 2009
Looking good Jacque.....
18 Feb, 2009
Love your snowdrops a bringer of spring!
18 Feb, 2009
Thanx Lin/Dotty :)
19 Feb, 2009
Beautiful photos Jacque. Your garden is like a woodland glade :o) It must be a joy to go out there.
19 Feb, 2009
lovely natural woodland setting , like it lots..............steve
19 Feb, 2009
Lovely snowdrops... your garden is going to be lovely Jacque.... I love to see the wildlife in the garden...
19 Feb, 2009
I love Walkng around this Area Hywel 1st thing in the Mornings after iv just fed the Birds, Summer comes with me Sniffing as we go :)Glad u like My Garden Steve/Holly its nice 2 share what i see :)
19 Feb, 2009
That looks great Jacque. Lovely snowdrops. Thanks for sharing. :o)
20 Feb, 2009
Thanx Gilli your welcome :)
20 Feb, 2009
A pleasure to look at Jacque.
Gail x
20 Feb, 2009
fab photos! lucky you having those snowdrops.
20 Feb, 2009
Plezed u enjoyed the Photos Gail , I Planted all these Snowdrops 2 Yrs this April GMaxine in Groups of 4 & theres a good 7/8 in each Bunch this Yr, Im thinking of Spliting the Bigger Bunches 2 Place in the Bare Areas i want them2grow in, Its best 2 move /Split them when their in Flower that way theyl Flower again next yr , This is how i got these by Spliting From My friends Garden the same way :)
20 Feb, 2009
Oh My Goodness, Jacque! One of my favouritest flowers, getting better with each pic! This is a wonderful area to have in your garden - love it ! - X
22 Feb, 2009
Thanx David its come along nicely has`nt it :) Iv Split some of the Big Bunches now 2 make this Snowdrop Area even bigger ;) il post more pics when the Daffs r open:)
22 Feb, 2009
Well done Jacque. It's great to see your lovely pictures. When I moved last year I thought I had taken a clump of my favourite snowdrops, which are beautiful long-stemmed variety... but they don't seem to have come up. Anyway, your pictures have encouraged me to plant some more...
Must take some pictures too so I remember where they are.
23 Feb, 2009
Thanx Yogi gald u like the Photos :) They say Snowdrops hate being moved & can stay Sulking up to 3yrs!! :( so keep your eyes Open Yogi im sure theyl pop up& say hi 1 Spring ;)
23 Feb, 2009
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Galanthus Nivalis (Common Snowdrop Bulbs)
£2.49 at Crocus -
Anemone Sylvestris (Snowdrop Anemony, Snowdrop Windflower)
£7.99 at Crocus -
Galanthus Nivalis (Snowdrop In The Green)
£8.99 at Crocus -
Snowdrops 50 Bulbs
£10.99 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Galanthus Nivalis
£5.95 at Unwins
thats beautiful Jacque and so natural am sure you get lots of wildlife, did you hear any more about that hedgehog you rescued?
18 Feb, 2009