Moving houses..& the end of an era
By joanella
Hi all,
In September an elderly neighbour asked me if i wanted his greenhouse, as he knows we have the allotments..we always have a chat & have compared our cabbage & onions , plants in the past… as he grew most of his veg in his patch in his garden or g/house…of course i said yes..then worried, have i taken on too much.. as i already had 2 g/houses,anyway OH & son took all the glass out & carried the frame to our garden 2mins the end of the garden to the left we have room behind the garage..
It just fit with no room at each side..
Oh decided it had to come out, as the glass had to be put in from the outside..& to slide it back out ,put glass in & try to get it back would have been too much like hard my little g/house on the right was emptied out..
at the same time i gave everything a good clean ..
moved neighbours g/house here where my little one was..(dont look at the ivy on the back fence..its from the flats at the back..i hate it.)
then my little one went here..just got to scrub neighbours one & get the glass back in..which shouldnt take Oh long (she says),,
The sad part of this neighbour & his wife are moving from their house to go into a flat due to ill health (they are in their 80s ) but he has loved his garden & g/houses.. (he had 2, his grandson is having the other one ) was always going to the Garden Centres & gave me advice over the years,what seeds to buy ,who has sales on plants..& i have done the same to him..when we went round to get the g/house i could tell from his garden he cant cope was a shame,i said "it must be hurting you to have to move & leave your garden " he said no he has had enough..but he is taking his hanging clinging on i think. Anyway he said just take whatever you i got pots, heater,bubble wrap (for g/house) terracotta pots he had for years,incinerator bin for allotments..i felt awful taking it but as he would just go to the tip..
2 of these..
glass back in (minus a few panes we broke putting them in..on order from glaziers) & gave it a good scrub..
he brought these round today..i told him he has to stop giving me all these he laughed “why is your other half getting jealous” …" that went a long time ago" i said ..I just cant imagine what it would be like having to “give” away my garden plants & contents…sad time…needless to say we did give him some money for it all…..
That seemed to cheer him up,as he did not expect anything..
these are now my.. shuffled & shifted areas for next years plants..
The new greenhouse will be well used & will always remind me of my elderly neighbour…
1 Nov, 2011
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Looks wonderful - really nice to be able to grow so much - sorry your neighbours had to move for their health :( and would be horrible leaving a garden after so long :))
Greenhouses are grand, my neighbour's just cut her ivy down , it really was taking over , and there's me purposely growing it up the fence :DDDDD
Great blog :))))))))))))))
1 Nov, 2011
1 Nov, 2011
Thanks Tt,I hope they will be ok too,his wife is was hard work moving everything took me about 3 hrs..:o)
1 Nov, 2011
Hi Paul ,I am fed up of chopping the ivy back its breaking the fence..:o(
Hi Costas & thanks..will have to think about next years plants..:o)
1 Nov, 2011
Yes it broke through my neighbours fence too - and is invading on her lawn next door!
1 Nov, 2011
I have it in my border & through trees down one side of the garden...i would go mad if it was invading the lawn..
1 Nov, 2011
I am growing loads of the stuff - and growing so fast - gets worse for my neighbour - also a huge conifer - real big boy and it is pushing her fence over, and they went so funny with her when she mentioned it, very close to the house too
1 Nov, 2011
Have you fallen out with her over it ?..
1 Nov, 2011
no it is not me the neighbours next door to her and 2 doors from me, she is really nice person but is too scared to do anything about it - but it really is a huge tree now
1 Nov, 2011
Love all your greenhouses, hope your neighbours will be happy in their new home.
1 Nov, 2011
The end of one era....but the beginning of another :)
It must be so sad for him giving away all his stuff, it will feel like they are losing their independence.
It's not good when neighbours 'plants' - I use the words plants loosely - invade our cared for spaces.
Can't your neighbour contact the local council re the tree Paul? I'm lucky in the fact that one of my neighbours doesn't mind me cutting back and sorting out the boundary between us.
1 Nov, 2011
Its sad to think your neighbour can`t do his garden any longer but its something that will probably happen to a lot of us in future years, he knows you will make good use of his greenhouse and the other bits you now have.
You can work away for hours no matter what the weather throws at us and are going to be kept busy with three to fill up...
1 Nov, 2011
Oh dear Paul,i feel for her that is bad if the tree is pushing the fence neighbour is really nice..but never does anything in her garden,its a mess so good job our conifers hide it..we keep them at a certain height so they dont get out of control. :o)
Thank you Clarice..I hope so too..
Hi Scottish,I know..Ido feel sorry for him losing his garden, its good your neighbour doesn't mind you doing the boundary..bit more work for you though..:o)
1 Nov, 2011
Thanks Lincs, yes i know it will happen for most of mum struggled with hers untill 8 weeks before she passed away..then when she couldnt do anything she would watch the way i would do bits in her garden..i could hear her thinking..Iwouldnt do it like that.Working away for that a good thing or
1 Nov, 2011
job well done joan and kind of them to think of you, sad they are having to leave their home and garden, i would hate to have to go in a flat after having a garden, hope they are happy and maybe they will come and see you at the allotment :o)
1 Nov, 2011
Hi Sandra,i know ..his grandson is having his other g/house so i dont know why he is not having the rest of the stuff (its not as if i needed the pots..we are taking them to the allotments for anyone who wants them )..i would hate to go into a flat too with no garden,i have told him he can come & do bits in my garden..he just laughed..:o)
1 Nov, 2011
good idea taking them to allotment, im sure someone will need them, maybe he is ready to give up gardening joan, but in time im sure he will at least come and see how your doing :o) may even take you up on offer haha
1 Nov, 2011
i think he will come to check on his g/house..he has been round a few times to see how we were doing with it..:o))
1 Nov, 2011
aww at least he knows its got a good home joan, off now so enjoy the rest of your evening, take care ;o) x
1 Nov, 2011
& you..:o) x
1 Nov, 2011
Agree with Sandra it will be put to good use and he knows that Joanella that why he gave it to you:)
1 Nov, 2011
aw thank you Nana will be full to bursting come march/april..i hope :o)
1 Nov, 2011
How nice to have all those things given by someone so dear .... and yet so sad in a way aswell :o(
I love that narrow greenhouse you've got. I've seen one like that and wish I had somewhere to put it for my cacti etc.
Next year you'll be able to make good use of all your greenhouses now...
1 Nov, 2011
I fear the next thing is his car Hywel & that will be a big blow to them both..they are a lovely will soon need something to put all your cacti in..i sense a new film on the horizon....The day the cacti took over..starring Mr
1 Nov, 2011
Wow! What a gift! (Although I note you paid him) To me it would seem like all the 'gardening fairies' in the world had decided to grace me with a gift! What lovely memories you'll have as you use them!
2 Nov, 2011
lol :o) Yes they are doing that already I think .
2 Nov, 2011
What lovely gifts! Lucky you, but sad they are not able to enjoy there garden and house anymore. I hope they will settle into their new home without regrets. Perhaps you can bring them some of your crops next year and tel them they were started in their greenhouse. I'm sure they will be delighted to still have a connection to the garden they loved.
2 Nov, 2011
Musical greenhouses no less! I know when I stop gardening there will be little to leave, I have no greenhouses or any of the associated paraphernalia with taking cuttings, growing seeds etc. I don't even have any permanent plants in pots anymore it's all in the ground. I just have a couple or so planters that I put bulbs in for the Spring display and then Summer annuals. Maybe I'm psychologically winding down already :-))) or I'm lazy.............
2 Nov, 2011
Nariz,it was a lovely thought for him to offer it all to us..& it is appreciated,lol at the gardening fairies..
Angie..that is a great idea thank you,
Troddles, easy gardening eh..sounds good to
2 Nov, 2011
Lots of hard work fitting the greenhouses in, Joan ... it makes more sense to see them in their final position ... space between them now! ... I reckon you're starting up 'Joan's Nursery' little by little ... lol! ... :o)))
2 Nov, 2011
Thanks shirley,lol..i dont think so..with the 2 plots..someone has to plant & sow..OH doesnt,mind you for the first time he has bought 3 packets of seeds..onion,leek & peas from Wilcos so we shall see if they get :o)
2 Nov, 2011
Oh no, maybe he's going in for the competition giant size veg. and hasn't told you yet ... lol!
2 Nov, 2011
It is sad when someone who has always loved growing plants has to finally "throw in the trowel!" (Sorry, couldn't help myself! LOL!)
It was so good of him to give you his GH, he will expect it to be used as much as he used to use it! It's a shame that old age & illness stop him from gardening. At least he knows his things are in good hands, that at least is some consolation.
What will you put in them over the winter months? Will any of them be heated, even if it is with a small paraffin stove to just keep the frost at bay?
3 Nov, 2011
Lol Shirley,:o))
Hi Balcony, lol at the trowel..i think over the winter i will use his g/house with the heater he gave me..i have sweetpeas,a few of my container plants from the garden which i hope will survive & i also have some Egyptian walking onions that i am trying for next year fingers crossed..:o)
4 Nov, 2011
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Well done on rearranging your garden to accommodate the new greenhouse ..
Sad that the nice neighbours have to give up their garden... I'm sure they are pleased that their gardening items have gone to you, where they will be much appreciated ..
I hope your neighbours will be happy in their new home... with their precious hanging baskets... a little reminder of happy years of gardening...
1 Nov, 2011