Bunny´s day in my garden
By katarina
As I said, from time to time one of my rabbits has its Day in the Garden.
I do not mean neither a toy…
…nor decoration (this one is China symbol of Rabbit)…
…but a real fluffy Toffy…
Today she checked all her favourite places.
Here she likes to have a nap. Will see later…
Kat, you don´t see me, do you?
Hm, what is this?
…and here there are some more…
Kat, let´s run to your terrace…
…where are you? Are you limping? Ok. Will wait for you.
Who the hell is this? Kat, is it dangerous? No? Ok,
Hm…you have herbs here…I love them!
…and this little dog is frozen, or what has happened to him?
Kat, I want to have a nap now. Let me be, OK?
Bye, bye, Goyers.
9 Apr, 2012
Previous post: At the beginning there was a garden...
Next post: Winter damage to rhododendrons
She was the smallest from 8 bunnies I had last year. I sold all of them, but this one was not wanted. Too small. But very vital :)
9 Apr, 2012
Awww very good Kat, i do have a soft spot for bunnies, as a kid i took mine for walks in the park on a dogs lead.... great blog..
9 Apr, 2012
Did you? :) I saw people in towns here doing the same, but I think rabbit is just too dynamic, much more then dog, so they need a lot of free space. How did you spend Easter with your girls? Do you have any customs for kids during this day?
9 Apr, 2012
very true Kat they do need loads of space but we had a big garden so he could run about... only custom with us is the kids get loads of chocolate eggs & rabbits plus lunches that are far to big to eat.... how was yours? do you have any customs?
9 Apr, 2012
aw the easter bunny ~ that is just lovely ~ thanks katarina.
9 Apr, 2012
OH, dont set me off, really would like another rabbit, my favorite are the black and white dutch.
Does she come in the house,mine use to get in the dogs basket and she would get out (jack russell) as well, most jack russell's would kill a rabbit
9 Apr, 2012
what a great blog and photo's, I love it,
9 Apr, 2012
SL-we had quite drastic customs - women are beaten with willow wattles and are soused with cold water, mostly in the morning. Those more recent and cultivated men use perfumes instead of water and roses instead of willow wattles :)
Women are expected to give to men chocolate eggs, or painted eggs, some alcohol and sometimes symbolic money. Police is measuring alcohol in breath to all drivers that day, lol.
Sharnford, this is sort of dwarf rabbit, unfortunately I do not know its English name. Our erdelterrier doesn´t do anything to the rabbits or cats.
9 Apr, 2012
That's a lovely blog..
wonderful pics and captions.
Well done :o)
9 Apr, 2012
Thank you, Terra :)
9 Apr, 2012
Lovely blog Kat, enjoyed it and the pics that went with it!
9 Apr, 2012
Thank you, Sheilar :)
9 Apr, 2012
lol great Blog love it well done :))
9 Apr, 2012
Hi Mark :) Thanks.
9 Apr, 2012
wow Kat, yes the police measure the drivers breath more here too :-))
9 Apr, 2012
Oh a lovely blog, I use to let my rabbits keep me company in the garden, it was easy when I only had one dog to run around but wouldn`t be fair to have one now as the poor little thing would have to be kept in a pen....
9 Apr, 2012
How sweet - lovely to see an Easter bunny :)
9 Apr, 2012
Great blog Kat, I really enjoyed it. Toffy is gorgeous but does she eat any of your plants? I had a rabbit who used to run free in the garden and just loved to munch on my best plants, not so keen on weeds though! Are all of your cats friendly with her?
9 Apr, 2012
Toffee (this nickname was created just for this show, her real name is Blueberry in Slovak) likes leaves of azaleas and Euonymus fortunei and she is not interested in weeds, like yours :) Few lower leaves of Euonymus doesn´t matter to me, as it is like small trimming, but azaleas trimming makes me angry, as she often re-shapes them, lol. Otherwise she is absolutely unharmful. She even doesn´t make holes, like her mother. She makes rallyes across the garden, observes cats, wild ducks and me. When she is fed up with all, she galumphs to me and show me her back. I usually grab her behind the ears :)
Our cats are afarid of her, so they ran as fast as possible. They probably know what is her bad habit -examination with teeth :)
10 Apr, 2012
Now that is a particularly cuddly and attractive looking rabbit...
10 Apr, 2012
Yes, she is :) Hello Bamboo, :)
10 Apr, 2012
Yes Kat, I do remember our rabbit had a particular fondness for drastic pruning of my azaleas!
11 Apr, 2012
:) Yes, drastic pruning is correct expression, lol.
11 Apr, 2012
So gorgeous
14 Apr, 2012
Thank you, Crissue. It is the only creature who waits for me, shows me her sympathy and doesn´t want nothing for repay :)
14 Apr, 2012
Just love... eh Kat...I have a supprise for you, look on my pics...:o)))
15 Apr, 2012
I am running there, Crissue :) :) Is it something with fur?
15 Apr, 2012
Yes Kat, of course...thanks for your tips...
15 Apr, 2012
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Excellent! Happy bunnie!
9 Apr, 2012