Falling in to autumn, mojo missing.
By kate123
I’ve been so busy with work in the last 2 or 3 months, I’ve not had much time for the garden.
OH has taken on the back lawn/small grassed area. He’s been nurturing it and was planning on purchasing a roller..but has done some research. He’s decided on top dressing instead.
I’ve been trying to repair the little area of grass out front…getting there slowly. When I get the chance to water, trim and feed etc.
I’ve trimmed the hedging and made sure the drive and pathways are clear.
I’ve been catching up when I can, although not as often as I’d like.
OH trimmed the Chilean Potato Vine last weekend, a plant I’d be happy to chop down, but, he likes it’s flowering longevity.
I’ve not many flowering shrubs at present. In fact, I feel a little despondent when it comes to gardening at present. It’s not been at the forefront of my mind recently. I’ve lost my mojo a bit.
Hopefully I’ll get it back soon. Work has been very busy, I’ve been working a lot of overtime..fortunately OH has taken the time to help out.
Fingers crossed now things will be back to normal at work and I can get back to the passion of gardening. Fortunately the temperature has been warm the past few days..just need the sunshine too.
Finally on Sunday afternoon..sunshine.
Chilean Potato Vine chopped.
Cyclamen, early show.
Salvia, lots of sporadic flowers. Best all year.
Holly berries – very little leaf show surprisingly.
Tree fern frond unfurling still.
Little rose on the rockery. Its actual quite an orange hue in reality.
Campanula reflowering.
Shrubby rose, bought last year.
Lavender in front, still flowering, albeit not as floriferous as in summer!!
Sleepy Sedum from Shirley, getting ready to bloom. A cutting gifted.
Older rose growing up and over. More raspberry reddish pink in reality.
Sedum on the rockery.
The teeny tiny patch in front of our front garden..I’ve brought it back this summer. Last year it was very patchy and dry.
8 Oct, 2023
Previous post: Lovely few days in the Lake District.
Next post: Out and about in October.
Kate, I think all gardeners have times like that, I know I certainly lost my enthusiasm for gardening not that long ago. My OH was really worried as it's unlike me, ha, ha!
Your Salvia, is it 'Hot Lips', looks gorgeous and I envy the bright red Holly berries as mine are a dirty looking orange for some reason. Try not to work so hard, you need to make time for yourself, as I'm sure you well know!
8 Oct, 2023
Lovely to see so much colour at this time of year Kate! When our gardens start to fade, I suspect a slight lack of enthusiasm is very common, and after all you were feeling unwell for a while. Take things easy and your mojo will soon return. It must have been satisfying improving the patch of grass in the front 🙂.
8 Oct, 2023
With all the work you do it is no wonder the garden gets left. I regularly loose my mojo but it will come back. If like me probably when you least expect it.
You have lots of colour in the garden to enjoy.
8 Oct, 2023
Some lovely flowers there Kate. I like the older Rose & the little Sedum. I hope your work load eases soon. As others have said, you can’t be everywhere at once, you’ll get back to chilling out in the garden again. We are having some hot sunny weather here in Surrey, so everything still in full bloom. I’ve cut back my potato vine also. I like it, as it does go on flowering for ages, so I’m backing your OH there :-)
8 Oct, 2023
your hard work paid off Kate . I have no time or love for gardening really now but other hobbies are there . Your garden does look very lovely
8 Oct, 2023
My goodness, I see what you mean about the potato vine - it's a monster! Your plants and garden are a credit to you. I empathise about your loss of enthusiasm. As the others have said, you've had a poorly spell followed by lots of demanding work. I have no such excuse but have felt really disillusioned with my patch this year, too, to the point where I long for someone else to do all the work or would happily move. Hence the reason for all the recent upheaval here. I hope the enjoyment will return for us all.
8 Oct, 2023
I know what you mean about your mojo going!
I am the same at the moment but for different reasons to yours.
It's 6 months today since Rick died and although I am slowly coming to terms with it, it is still hard, but looking on the bright side, I did have a full day in the garden yesterday for the first time.
I have just been going in now and then, but I actually enjoyed that.
You have lots of love flowers still in your garden.
What is the name of the rose just above the sedum? It's gorgeous!
And that little lawn is so cute!
9 Oct, 2023
That's Sue, I do appreciate your message. I must say I was feeling stressed right up until this past weekend...
The plant you queried is Red Creeping Sedum I think. I'll have to double check.
9 Oct, 2023
Thank you, Shirley. It sounds like we all go through a bit of despondency regarding our gardens at times.. I think this is a first for me. I guess I'll feel fed up again many times in the coming years! OH has fortunately taken over the lawn care! He's happy mowing, trimming and feeding etc.
Thank you for liking the Holly berries, it's an odd one as it's leaf growth has been sparse for the few years, but the berries are always in abundance. I think the salvia is cherry lips?
9 Oct, 2023
Aw thank you, Sheila. I think you're right. We all go through a despondent period at times..yes, I forgot I had covid in August! How could I forget! I was quite poorly too.
Hopeful the work situation is now better, people are back at work again!
I'm making the most of my yoga classes, the meditative part is so beneficial recently 🧘🏼♀️
9 Oct, 2023
Thanks Eileen, I appreciate your reassurance. It definitely took a back seat, although it's not a big garden, OH was enjoying the pottering and lawn care! I think you're all spot on regards our mojo!! I felt it had started to come back yesterday..👍
9 Oct, 2023
Thank you, Josee, I'm pleased you like the older rose and the sedum. The rose has flourished over years and spreads up over onto the bund.
Thanks again for your kind wishes. I believe things are back to our normal at work this week..at last. I felt less stressed yesterday, aware that this was the case. I enjoyed the warmer weather and the gardening tasks. OH smiled and was pretty pleased when I mentioned you understood his liking for the Potato Vine! 😊
9 Oct, 2023
Thanks kindly Paul. I'm sorry to hear you really have lost your mojo, big-time! What a shame you've such a fab garden with a lot of imagination and interest.
9 Oct, 2023
Ange, it's a monster indeed! Especially in full leaf. OH loves it!!! While he pruned it, I was out shopping - making sure I returned at the right time, when the task was complete!
I do agree, I think we all feel a bit fed up with the garden at times. I think GoY has been much quieter this past year also. Not sure what everyone else's thoughts are?
Thank your for your message, it's appreciated.
You've been undertaken quite a large project this year, with removing a lot and relocating plants, thinning out where necessary and trying to make it all more manageable and less arduous. How are you feeling about things currently? Do you think you'll consider moving?
9 Oct, 2023
Rose, it must be very difficult for you today. 6 months. Its bound to be very raw for you. I hope your family and friends are close by today, giving you much support. It's going to be very difficult at times building up the motivation to get out in the garden. Popping in and out as you say, can only be a good thing, especially today.. I do hope you are looking after yourself.
Thank you for liking the rose. I can't recall the name. I'll have to look in the shed for the label. I'm dreadful at remember plant names. Thank you for liking the little grassy patch too! 😊
9 Oct, 2023
Kate, thanks for the Cherry Lips I.D., it's a lovely Salvia.
9 Oct, 2023
Still a lovely bit of colour in the garden Kate and think work can envelop everything else sometimes where you just can't be bothered or have time for other things, must admit I am forcing myself to get out and do things in the garden and round the house, otherwise will just end up getting a bit maudling. Still only 10 weeks on Wednesday so very early days and to be honest daytime television drive's you to do something as you can only tolerate so many funerals, life insurance or cancer adverts
9 Oct, 2023
I'm sorry to hear you're not in a gardening mood these days Kate but don't worry, just go with how you feel. I'm sure one day soon you'll feel differently. Sometimes other things in our lives take over.
I'm glad to know you are able to grow a Chilean Potato Vine. It always dies in the winter whenever I've bought one. I had a white one last year but it went the same way as all the others.
Lovely photos from your garden :)
10 Oct, 2023
Thank you Kate! I hope you can find that label!
I am the same with labels, I take them off, put them away and then forget where they are.
10 Oct, 2023
Rose, I used to keep all my plant labels in a shoebox before I listed the plants on the computer. In alphabetical order too, my OCD was showing then!
10 Oct, 2023
You’re welcome,Shirley 🤗
11 Oct, 2023
Thank you, Davey, that’s kind of you. You’re right though, life in general can keep us very busy. Fortunately, this week has been pretty good, back to normal work wise. Stress levels hopefully reducing..
I do hope you’re okay, Davey. It must be difficult to get up and get motivated, I guess you’re pushing yourself to do things to keep yourself going and keep yourself well too?
I have to agree, some tv ads can be quite distressing.
11 Oct, 2023
Thank you, Hywel, I appreciate your message. I think I’m getting back to my usual self as work seems to be less stressful. Just in time for the beautiful autumn garden colour!
We’ve had our Chilean potato vine for so many years! I do like the flowering period but it does grow so fast! It’s sort semi hardy here. Leaves that are left on after pruning seem to stay green through winter.
I’m sorry you’ve lost yours, that’s a real pity.
11 Oct, 2023
Thank you, Klahanie. With everyone’s messages, I feel I’m not alone in having a despondent period recently.
11 Oct, 2023
I am not as organised as you Shirley! lol
20 Oct, 2023
Rose, or is it that I have too much spare time?!!
21 Oct, 2023
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You can 't do everything all the time Kate! Try not to overdo things.Stress never helps. I really do like that red frilly edged sedum - do you have its name please?
8 Oct, 2023