March, a mixed bag weather wise.
By kate123
I’d been pottering yesterday and today. Both days have had Spring sunshine. However today the wind is picking up and it’s really quite chilly. This month, the weather has been a real mix. Only the other day, driving to Kirton Lindsey, the rain was so heavy, I couldn’t see the car or road ahead!! It’s a 50 limit, think we were doing 25 to 30. My wipers were moving at top speed. The roads were flooded badly.
Other days, we’ve had fog, sunshine, wind, warmth, cold…the whole kit and caboodle.
Front patch of grass given a top cut and then I mowed our little lawn in the back.
It’s looking ropey. OH had over eagerly applied topsoil late last year. I guess it’s only March.
I took several pics, Eve joined me yesterday, but not today. She dislikes the "wind monster’. I do believe she thinks the wind will carry her off to ‘Oz’
I’m so disappointed with my bulbs. Most have been nibbled and don’t look like they’ll bloom. I’ve others that have shot up, hopefully they’ll flower when they are due, later in the season.
Maybe my mojo ( like Ange) will recover! I’m feeling positive that once the warmer weather arrives and the flurry of butterflies, bees and dragonflies arrive, I’ll be out there, til dusk most evenings.
Hellebores persisting.
The 2 Rosemary shrubs are finally blooming.
Always my first Acer to put on it’s Spring leaf jacket
Last Daffodil, a couple of Cyclamen blooms and my first Chionodoxa.
One of 2 Aucuba.
Skimmia, Berberis flower buds and petite Pieris blooms.
My only tulip, the others including this one well and truly nibbled
The rockery waking up..
Bought this morning from the supermarket..inspired by Carol Klein on GW.
23 Mar, 2024
Previous post: Some Spring blooms in a Lincolnshire garden.
Next post: World Kidney Day
Thanks so much, Ange. Your comments are lovely. I’ll have to pop to the shed later and check the label on the plant you asked about, sorry!
Thanks for the feedback about the eryngium too! I’m just worried about bulb planting now, after many being nibbled this winter/spring..fingers crossed!
24 Mar, 2024
You still have lots of colour Kate, so don't despair!
Some of my white daffs were eaten and found the culprits were snails.
I have missed all the good weather with having a virus which doesn't want to go away!
I am missing my garden!
Hopefully April will be more settled and not " April showers!"
24 Mar, 2024
I love your photos. Like you and many others I have also had lots of bulbs eaten by slugs, and rodents. Some really nice ones totally eaten out grr.
Your garden is certainly waking up though and I am not surprised Eve doesn't like the wind.
24 Mar, 2024
Kate don't worry about yout lawn, it will improve immensely, the topsoil might make it look ropey now but it will have done a power of good long term which is what you want, some gardeners rake over it and add new seed when that happens..
You have a lovely selection of plants and shrubs, plenty of nice colour , tell me, how has your bung and the planting coped with the torrential rains we've been having ?
Luckily I bought and planted lots of new daffs last autumn so although some were munched it isnt so noticable, I honestly do not remember losing the flowers like that in the past, crocus and primrose are usually the ones that get eaten here but thats by the naughty birds.....Lovely blog and photo's Kate ...
24 Mar, 2024
We all desperately need warmth now Kate. It’s been a very long winter. I had put my warm coat away, but it’s back out again. Lots of lovely plants there. What is the creeping one ..penultimate pic please? Very nice!
24 Mar, 2024
Thank you, Rose! Snails!! You could be right regarding my garden too - we usually have a lot of slugs and snails! I’ve seen a few teeny tiny little ones too…
I do hope you’re feeling better, Rose? Viruses are such nasty things, they affect you from head to toe often. Really takes it toll. Hopefully you’re on the mend now?
Yes, I do hope it’s not showery next month!!!! We’ve had April showers already, in January, February and March!!
25 Mar, 2024
Thanks so much, Eileen! Sorry to hear you’re suffering bulb nibbling too. Rose mentioned snails, which I think she’s right there. You mention rodents. We do have mice or one mouse, I hope - visiting the nut feeder. Plus a rat albeit rarely…so, I guess could be all of these!
Eve is definitely more of a home cat!!! She only ventures out for several minutes to have a curious meander..
25 Mar, 2024
Many thanks, Sue! I appreciate your message - I was worrying. It actually looks slightly better since I cut it the other day. Thanks for the tips too.
Thanks for liking the pics, pleased you like the plants. Fortunately, the bund has been fine. It’s watered the plants up there well and luckily no pooling at the bottom! Very lucky indeed.
It’s good to hear you still have lots of lovely daffs thriving and blooming! You’re right though, a lot of us have had wildlife nibbling our bulbs more than the usual..wonder of the persisting rain has had some connection? Thanks again Sue, hope you’re keeping well!
25 Mar, 2024
Karen, I’m so hoping April brings some heat to the’s so chilly. I brought my warm coat back out again a few days ago. Thanks for liking the blog pics, I found the label on the plant you asked about - Lysimachia “Midnight Sun”.
25 Mar, 2024
Thank you! It will go on my list! I had my hair cut short last week and I’m really feeling the cold!
25 Mar, 2024
Thanks Kate! I think it is the tiny snails that can do the damage.
26 Mar, 2024
Early last year I moved the contents of my greenhouse onto the ground outside in readiness for blitzing it, but my hips didn't let me finish the job. My hip replacement op was in the Autumn so this Spring I have finished the job, but to my horror I have found my compost bags full of slug and/or snail eggs! I agree with Rose, this Winter's wet weather seems to have suited the slugs and snails, they are emerging in large numbers and banqueting in our gardens! Any I find are sent flying over the hedge onto the public footpath in the hope that if they survive their flight they will journey on away from my garden, lol.
What a great range of plants you have flowering in your garden, Kate, Spring is well under way there!
30 Mar, 2024
you garden is always colourful and great to look at, March started so badly I like every year give up on point of gardening, however it always comes through . I would like to get a spotted laurel now seeing one, beautiful plants Kate
30 Mar, 2024
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A kaleidoscope of gentle colours there, Kate. What is the creeping red and green leaved plant at the bottom of your alpines photo, please? The eryngium should work well for you. I have a few in the borders that I picked up in the supermarket. The bees adore them.
23 Mar, 2024