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World Kidney Day


By kate123


I know it’s not gardening related, but I wanted to share this with you.
The other week, we had our event in a hotel near to the hospital. We had lots and lots of people attend who are going to be starting dialysis in the very near future.
People of all ages, who needed information, support and reassurance.
I was on my own from 1pm til 4pm..non stop. My throat dried up at one point! There was quite a queue of people waiting to ask about peritoneal dialysis.
My PD colleagues arrived just gone 4pm.
There were tables set for transplant nurses, haemodialysis nurses, dieticians, anaemia nurses, pre dialysis and of course some consultants were there.
It was a successful day, and I felt really proud that the feedback showed most interest in PD as a treatment option.
I met some really lovely people on the day, people who just needed as much information as possible to make an informed decision.
The cake was cut at the end by one of our professors, and a group pic was taken.
Apologies my hair looked was such a windy day!!! I was feeling quite hot too, I’d my big baggy cardi on and I was next to a radiator!

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nice one Kate, a superb job that you and your colleagues do for the community, nowt wrong with the odd hair out of place :) :)

26 Mar, 2024


Well done Kate, for helping so many people. What a great idea for the community … 🙂.

26 Mar, 2024


Looks like a long, hard afternoon but obviously well worth the effort.

26 Mar, 2024


Aw thanks, Davie, thats really kind of you. I felt it was such a worthwhile day. I just hope I managed to help people feel less anxious and reduce some fears too.
It was blowing a gale as I walked from the carpark, I had no time to tidy myself before I went in ☺️

26 Mar, 2024


Many thanks, Sheila, I appreciate your kind message. 🤗

26 Mar, 2024


You're spot on, Ange, I can't remember the pics being taken or much of what else was going on!
A transplant nurse I share an office with said, everytime she looked over, my mouth was constantly moving!
Before I left, I managed to try some food made by our Renal dieticians..very nice too.

26 Mar, 2024


Fantastic to see you in action Kate. You are a hero in my eyes. And it’s only the light shining on your beautiful hair.

26 Mar, 2024


Aw thank you, Karen, that's so kind. I do love my job, it's very rewarding. I do often wish I had a magic wand at times I meet a lot of special people out there.

27 Mar, 2024


Well done Kate, it does sound like a long day, but I bet it was very rewarding, and a big thank you to you and your colleagues from me for all the hard work you do.

27 Mar, 2024


Thank you for sharing Kate. Sounds like it was a very tiring but also a rewarding day. Great work from you & your colleagues.

27 Mar, 2024


Callie, that’s very kind of you, many thanks! It was very rewarding, I just hope I managed to help people by allaying some fears and anxieties. Thanks again.

27 Mar, 2024


Thanks so much, Josee! I appreciate your lovely message. I managed to get there on time, but of a rush from the Southbank, but made it on time! The queue was forming on arrival. I just hope I reassured everyone.

27 Mar, 2024


Aw that’s so very kind of you, Klahanie, thanks so much!
One of my friends is a Transplant nurse, she was there with a couple of other Transplant nurses. Their table was near to mine. We had a chat afterwards and felt the day had been successful. People often mistake us for each other! So, she came up with the name, Twinny, several years ago.
Her hair bun is much bigger than mine though!

27 Mar, 2024


That's great Kate , I find it all interesting , I had stones 16 years ago so always drink lots nowadays. You look super , Maria plasters her hair down most the time lol

30 Mar, 2024

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