escaping to the garden
By kmccue07
Life stresses getting heavy right now. Adult children making wrong choices but I have to keep my nose out!! They will have to deal with consequences. so took some pictures of some of my plants to add to the garden tab. I had taken some pictures on the weekend of things I had done, but never wrote the blog so here it is…better late than never lol.
I added a hummingbird feeder to my collection of feeders.
Oh!! NO!! I can’t see the birds that land on the feeder with the millet. So an adjustment was made…now that is better! This is the view I see out my window while I’m at my computer.
New rain barrel set up. :)
The 3 tier wire basket that I used for sewing notions 20 years ago and has been empty for the past 10…I found a new use for it :)
I purchased a Fuchsia…my first which takes one off the want list started after joining GOY. tomorrow I’ll probably add 3 more lol.
The double clamatis is now opening :)
This is a single and double bloom side by side.
this is just the double blooms
Added another bird picture to my collection. :)
White crowned sparrow.
Hoping to get a picture of the Lark sparrow that I seen a couple of weeks ago.
Gardening and nature is quite the stress reliever for me.
Happy gardening all.
15 May, 2009
Previous post: the rewards of a gardener
Next post: Weekend Garden Party Roll call
bless your heart, it is very hard to try and sit back and watch when you know somoen you love is making a booboo. you are doing the right think by doing nothing and being there for them when they need you.
what a beautiful relaxation area you have nice and spacious from what I can see, and very good the three tier hanging basket
x x x
15 May, 2009
I agree with Mookins, its hard to sit back and watch them make mistakes and say nothing....We have to just be there to pick up the pieces when it all bites them on the bum....Thats what parents do I have learnt. But so glad you find sanctuary in the garden, I always do....Have a beautiful day.....
15 May, 2009
i agree , we can just be there to help and guide them.
part of growing up is that they make mistakes and learn from them.
enjoy your garden KM, its beautiful
15 May, 2009
I'm another one who agrees with all the above comments - having my own grown children who make choices that would not be my choices! We just have to be there, be supportive when needed and spend lots and lots and lots of time in our gardens!!!
15 May, 2009
I agree with you all. But love your 3tier baskets, and the photos of the sparows never seen them before, keep gardening & enjoy it.
15 May, 2009
Oh, yes, how I can identify with you... they don't like what they call 'interference', so you just have to watch and hope and pray.
My garden is also a solace and a sanctuary where I can put all the worries to the back of my mind.
Lovely photos - keep posting! :-)
15 May, 2009
It looks lovely
15 May, 2009
Another agreement from me also. I have 2 and sometimes it can be difficult to keep quiet!
I just love your 3 tier basket, my hanging baskets look to be a total flop this year, maybe I will keep a look out for one like that at the yard sales and try again next year.
Also love the sparrow pic very nice!
15 May, 2009
It's great to know that other people find their garden a stress buster - my husband just doesn't understand.
I have 2 kids too and a grandson (even though I think I'm too young to be a Gran!!!). I thought the oldest would have learned by my mistakes but it's not been the case. I am learning to sometimes just be there when she needs to let off steam and not to get myself too upset by the ups and downs.
Your clematis looks lovely and I liked the bird pics. I can't wait to go home and take some photos in my garden and add them to my profile.
15 May, 2009
I have all this to look forward to :( my dilemmas are crayons or paint - Spongebob or spiderman - I say this tongue in cheek - life is stressful and I look forward to coming home on an evening and having a grand old potter in my garden - the stress of the day disappears somewhat - your garden is beautiful
15 May, 2009
It starts young these days Angie, I have an a 11 year old who seems to have the world on her shoulders poor thing. We sit in the garden and she tells me about whos been horrible to her at school. then we have a potter around get the guinea pigs out and its all forgotten.
15 May, 2009
My garden is definitely my stress reliever in fact I would be lost without it,I,m a mum and grandmother so am in agreement with all even though it hurts sometimes to stand back and feel helpless,love the pics of the birds......
15 May, 2009
thanks all for the notes of agreement. Unfortunately I have to be at a tough love stage and not help pick up the pieces...he's not learning from his mistakes if mom makes it not hurt so bad. And of course that is the hardest part. Soooo... my garden will be seeing a lot of me...What mr weed??? what did you do to make me so mad???LOL
15 May, 2009
I too would be lost without my garden gardening books, magazines..... i have a 15 year old daughter and we are at loggerheads some days i disappear in the garden (or upstairs with a gardening book/mag if weather too bad) and drift away.....
16 May, 2009
forgot to ask whats the name of the Clematis please? they are a favourite of mine
16 May, 2009
I wish I could tell you the names :( bought too long ago and I do not remember. :(
16 May, 2009
Mother nature knows how to heal a stressed parent and as you see there are plenty of us! I think I would have lost the plot along time ago if it was not for my garden. …. Mind you my children think I have any way…..lost the plot that is ! Keep smiling we’re here for you x :0)
17 May, 2009
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I agree with you, the garden is the best place to be at times like these. My garden is my sanctuary. I feel it has healing powers. Have a good day.
15 May, 2009