Just what I wanted!
By labdancer51
Its been a good few weeks since my last blog but a lot has been going on. I think I mentioned having to go for tests regarding my painful neck. Well after seeing the doctor he decided to do some very specific blood tests which had me very worried for a while. It turned out alright in the end, in fact I appear to be extremely fit for my age though I do have osteoarthritis. I was prescribed some painkillers which for a number of reasons I`m not taking. I decided to just get on with it and I`m feeling a lot better of late, apart from a cough that I`ve had for at least 3 weeks…but I can live with that.
At long last I found a solar water feature and it happened by accident. We were looking for something to watch on TV and Jim had the remote. As he was flicking through the channels he stopped on QVC….and there it was, what I`d been looking for all this time…..
My very own water feature, I just love it!
I have to keep an eye on Perry who thinks its his own personal drinking fountain. Hopefully he`ll soon go back to drinking from the bird bath instead, or any other receptical that holds water…….as long as its not his drinking bowl….daft dog!
A couple of Saturdays ago I dug up part of the shaded border, threw out a couple of plants and replaced them with Heucheras, Astrantias and ferns, it looks so much better because it needed brightening up, particularly on a dull day (of which we are getting quite a few at the moment!)
I dug out the Sarcoccoa and got rid of it. If I`d had space I would have moved it somewhere else instead. I dug out the other plants from that area and set them aside for replanting. Then I set about turning over the bed and improving it with compost and topsoil.
Now it was ready to be planted and I was ready for the fun bit!
It took me ages to make up my mind but eventually I settled in this combination. I have to admit I`ve moved a few of them again but then a girls entitled to change her mind now and again! I had some Heucheras I bought at Gardeners World Live and some that were already established but needed some more space. Of course they will look much better next year and the soil they are growing in is much improved.
Wall manger, its planted with Heliotrope and its perfume fills the whole area outside my front door.
I`m not so happy with this container, last year it was so much better. The awful summer hasn`t helped, it needs more prolonged sunshine.
Lathyrus `Red Pearl`. I planted it last year and this year its doing really well. Shame it doesn`t have a scent though.
Well thats it from me today, Bye for now. :o)
19 Jul, 2011
Previous post: Gardener`s World Live
Next post: Weddings and Weeding
Oh I do too Drc, We both liked the idea of it being at the front of the border surrounded by plants. The solar panel has a long lead and at first I wanted to put it further away from the fountain but it gets the most sun there. :o)
19 Jul, 2011
Can you let us know how well it works?
19 Jul, 2011
It does work really well up to now. It took a while to put it together as the tubing wasn`t as long as it could have been but after some fiddling about I got there in the end. Its been in since last Wednesday and so far I`m happy with it. Seeing as my dog keeps drinking from it I`m having to fill it up a couple of times a day but I`m sure without his help I`d only have to do it every other day unless it was really hot.
19 Jul, 2011
Lovely water feature Sandra and of course it's for Perry's own personal use! My cat refuses to drink from her bowl, prefers her very own pint glass.....or the bird's water......or even the watering can!
You've been very ruthless with your border and I love your new planting, glad I'm not the only one who moves things around almost immediately.
Glad to hear you've been pronounced fit and well, always a relief even if you do still have your aches and pains!
19 Jul, 2011
Good to hear you're feeling a bit better Sandra ... I did wonder if your neck was still painful ... your water feature would match my blue pots perfectly so don't worry if you find it's gone one day!
Well done on your new look border planting ... very satisfying when they're all in the ground!
Our cat drinks from the birdbath ... never from her bowl ... strange animals ... : o ))
19 Jul, 2011
Love the fountain, love the colour. Some lovely plants you've got.
19 Jul, 2011
Firstly I`m so pleased you are feeling better Sandra and able to enjoy the garden again.
Very swish water feature and nicely placed, Perry is doing exactly what our two do, I have dog bowls everywhere but the boys and the cats prefer the water outside, that includes birdbaths and both waterfeatures, also puddles of which there are many at the moment, lol.
Like your planting in the border, its good to have a change around now and again, I think it helps both the gardens and us and they say a change is as good as a rest, something you probably needed after all that work.
I think both the manger and your pot look good but I know what you mean about needing more sun, my ones in the front are a picture and doing well but the baskets in the back are abysmal to say the least, in fact I`m even considering transplanting them into the garden to see if that helps the plants.
Lovely blog and pics.....
19 Jul, 2011
Glad to hear everything in the Bod is rosy Labdancer, puts your mind at rest!
I have a feeling our pets have more sense than us, tap water can be pretty naff..and water that has spent some time in the open seems to be their preference...
Isnt it funny how you can look and look for something (sometimes you dont know WHAT you are looking for lol) and then, Bingo! it hits you almost by accident. I'd better not show this fountain to my neighbour..it matches her pots exactly!!!
19 Jul, 2011
Pleased to hear you are a lot better Sandra, and I love the new heuchera bed.
20 Jul, 2011
I hope your shoulder isn't too painful now. I'm glad the test results were clear. Your water feature is lovely
22 Jul, 2011
the water fountain is so nice and your garden is lovely
22 Jul, 2011
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- Time to Blog
25 Mar, 2012
- A Walk in the Woods
31 Oct, 2011
- Wedding Photo and Gardening Stuff
13 Oct, 2011
- Weddings and Weeding
15 Sep, 2011
- Gardener`s World Live
22 Jun, 2011
- A good day off
15 Jun, 2011
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Lovely blog. I like the idea that the water feature can be away from the solar part so that it does not all have to sit in the sun.
19 Jul, 2011