Filthy Dirty but Happy..
By lincslass
Earlier in the year I was given some strawberry plants for my garden. At the time I had to place them in the only spare bit of ground I had and at first they were doing well.
However they are not happy and I`ve lost some already, I wasn`t expecting a bumper crop as they were new this year but I`ve decided to try them elsewhere, only thing is where to go next..
Thinking cap on and a wander around with my coffee cup in hand to find some space for a new bed..
As you can see this area is wasted, the Honeysuckle has become top heavy, its growing over the shed roof and into the apple tree blocking out the light, its also very bare at the base, the Pampas Grass is in need of attention after being under constant attack by the dogs and the grass stands no chance of growing at the moment..
First I gave the Honeysuckle a haircut, it will grow better now and next year I`ll be able to see the flowers instead of losing them in the apple tree..
Then it was digging time, blooming hard going as that bit of ground hasn`t been dug over for years.
The pavers are now relayed and I`m creamcrackered and very dirty..
A lot neater now, a few bare patches to reseed, I really should repaint the sheds and fix the footpath but thats a job for another time, instead I took a few pics.
Toms and cucumbers coming along.
Plenty of apples and plums, as you can see Morgan likes them, at the moment he`s only checking the grass, whereas last year he raided the tree..
A good days work and it was all done in glorious sunshine. Happy Days, dontcha just love em, lol…
12 Jul, 2011
Previous post: Rainbows and Yellow Skies..
Next post: Sad ending to a Buddleja.
Job very well done.
12 Jul, 2011
Getting there eh? It all takes time..are we all impatient gardeners? Looks great! :)
12 Jul, 2011
I love getting down and dirty, lol :o) only time I am really happy :o) IN THE GARDEN naughty naughty - I know what you were all thinking. lol :o)
12 Jul, 2011
I`m very much of the same mind, although I was good yesterday and did housework first, needn`t have bothered though, its very cold and grey skies today, not a shorts day at all.....
12 Jul, 2011
Same here North of the county. Have been out though and planted some wild flower seeds and some Honesty. Fingers crossed it grows for me.
12 Jul, 2011
nothing quite like a day in the garden is there... well done..
12 Jul, 2011
your cucumbers look great,good to hear you enjoyed your day in the garden..i hope the strawbs pick up for you..cold here today but going to allotment later to dig up some potatoes.
12 Jul, 2011
Yeah Olive lol me too! Espcially in the shed! haha
12 Jul, 2011
Loved your blog Lincslass .Theres nothing like getting into a new project is there. I get bored if i only have weeding to do, and housework !Your soil looks really hard, is it clay soil? I like your frame in the greenhouse . I have not seen one like this before. Hope your strawberries are successful after all your hard work.
12 Jul, 2011
A good job well done Lin. you will be rewarded with some lovely yummy Strawberries next year .. the Toms look good I think I spotted some nice litle plum ones !
12 Jul, 2011
Got a lot done in a day Linclass your garden looks lovely:)
12 Jul, 2011
Looks much better and I bet you feel better too. Could just munch on that lone ripe Hope the weather picks up for you tomorrow so you can wonder round and admire your hard work.
12 Jul, 2011
Well done, have done a great job are allowed a smug self satisfied grin ! :o)
12 Jul, 2011
Rose the frames are mini greenhouses with the shelves taken out and yes our soil is clay and very hard in most of the garden.
Amy there are Roma Plum, Alicante and Gardeners Delight, my fav.
That lone tom is looking more tasty each time I go near Stroller, lol, todays wandering was done swiftly, couldn`t believe how much the temp dropped overnight greenhouse window didn`t even open...
12 Jul, 2011
Isn't it satisfying when you've completed a job. I'm glad you found somewhere for your strawberries. They may crop well for you now.
You've got nice looking tomatoes aswell :o) and I hope Morgan leaves you some plums lol
13 Jul, 2011
Great blog Lincslass...nothing like newly dug soil, especially when its a patch you havent dug for a while. My OH is hooked on digging, he almost resents planting stuff in the ground when he has finished!
It looks so much neater and tidier now its done, trouble is, you notice other areas that need "decorating"!!
14 Jul, 2011
Linclass, your gardens are lovely.I see you have a couple of Labs.We have a choc lab,Ruby.She looks so much like your brown lab.They are such lovely animals...
17 Jul, 2011
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It really gives you a sense of achievement when you see the improvements you have made, doesn't it ?
Well done and Happy Gardening.
12 Jul, 2011