Sunny Sunday in Dec..
By lincslass
It was lovely today quite mild in fact so I took a wander around outside, the bottom of the garden was brown with wet, soggy leaves and you could not tell there is s`posed to be a lawn down there, I can`t stand that mess any longer, so back up to the house for my wellies and the keys for the shed, I then set to it with my grass rake, after about half an hour and not making much leeway drastic measures are called for, I`m sure my family and the neighbours think I`m mad as out came the lawnmower, lol. I raised the blades so as too not tear up the grass and " Hey Presto Susie has got a green lawn " I feel so much better now…
I spent a while having a general tidy up and thinking of Bj`s snowdrops decided to have a closer look amongst my beds, delighted to see the Hellebores are already budding up, that is a real treat for me as it took years to find a patch in the garden that they liked….
Even though I have a lousy cold, compliments of my flu injection, I really enjoyed my time in the garden…..
16 Dec, 2012
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We are classed as high risk Terra, the doc insists and even rang us up at home, I have no patience with colds and much prefer to work things out of my system, I feel sure the fresh air did me a power of good, it improved my mood anyway..
I was really chuffed to see the buds, like a kid, lol...
16 Dec, 2012
you did well sue with your awfull cold to be out there, hope your soon feeling better :o)) x
16 Dec, 2012
Well done you - if not so wet and I think the frost is due back in the week - 2 full days of thaw here - hip hip hooray!! - I would be doing mine too.
Hope your cold goes away soon!
16 Dec, 2012
It's been a beautiful sunny day here too, will have done you good to get some fresh air..and your garden will be looking good now.I have a cold as well,so we went out to have a breather,and a walk,but not in the garden ..Luckily I've never had a reaction to the flu jab and I am high risk too,,but would prefer a cold ,to the full blown version..
16 Dec, 2012
I'm pleased your lawn is green again Sue :o) and about the Hellibore buds. It's nice to see them coming through so soon.
I hope your cold will be better soon. I should think the fresh air you had today has done you good :o)
16 Dec, 2012
Sue, I too have suffered for weeks (sorry but it's true!) after my flu jab and I know how you feel!
The little finds in your garden lift the spirits and remind us that there is a lot to look forward to.
Take care and get well soon.
16 Dec, 2012
Hope you're feeling better soon Sue :o)
17 Dec, 2012
Hope you feel better soon Sue - My Mum also had flu after the injection . Your hellebores are looking brilliant. Also had a garden tidy up last week , soon gets horrid and soggy in the awful winter season
17 Dec, 2012
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Hi Sue ..
I hope you feel better soon ...
I don't go near flu jabs after reacting severely to an inoculation as a child.
Nice to see signs of new life in your garden :o)))
16 Dec, 2012