Some good, others not..
By lincslass
After very changeable weather the last few days things are now moving on in the garden.
The Hostas are showing and have been moved out into the open..
The Lilies have also decided its time for attention so they have all been checked over and topped up, hoping to stay clear of the dreaded beetle..
As we all know its busy time in the greenhouse and I’ve already ran out of room in one and started in number two and thats after telling myself I was not going over the top this year..
After all that wind the garden especially the bottom half was looking more like autumn, leaves and branches everywhere but a run over with the mower and the hoover and we are back to tidy for a while…..
On a sad note we still haven’t found Harry, we’ve looked everywhere, posted flyers, checked the vets and also put him on the Lost and Found Pets pages, now Ollie our black cat has come home with a horrific injury to his head, looks as though something or someone has taken a huge bite out of him, its easily 3ins in diameter, luckily it has not gouged his eye out, Harry and Ollie were often together and its worrying us, a fox has been seen in the neighbours garden, one time it was eating a chicken that it had obviously taken from someones garden, it was back last week and I can,t help wondering if its the reason for Ollies injury or just coincidence..
22 Apr, 2013
Previous post: BUSY, BUSY, BUSY....
Next post: Moon madness
You have a lovely big gdn Linclass. I wish I had room for a greenhouse, tho' I guess the bigger the plot, the more work! I do hope you find Harry. When did he go missing? hope Ollie makes a speedy recovery. Foxes don't as a rule attack adult cats, they're usually afraid of them, but of course it's always possible to have a rogue one that does I suppose.
23 Apr, 2013
looks like you've got a lovely garden, it looks good now but i bet its magnificent in summer. About your cats, i think a fox could have done this to Ollie, i had the same thing happen to one of my cats,nnot sure if it was a fox or badger though but definitely not done by another cat, the injuries were too servere, I keep my cats in at night time now.
23 Apr, 2013
Hi Lincs.
Sorry to hear about Harry & Ollie.
Did the vet not say what might have caused Ollie's wounds?
Your garden is looking good, by the way.
23 Apr, 2013
Hi Lincs'
So sorry to hear about both the cats. I do hope Ollie turns up soon, none the worse for wear, apart from perhaps a fright. I have know foxes attack in this way, but usually to protect its cubs, which it may feel have been threatened.
As for the garden, it's all beginning to look more as it should, at this time of year. Fingers crossed for a 'blooming' good summer :0
23 Apr, 2013
Your garden is looking lovely. I too am sorry to hear of Ollies injury. Fingers crossed Harry may just have been terrorised and is in hiding. We had given up six weeks after losing Pluto our first cat. The kids came in and said he was across the road in the wood. OH managed to get a hold of him but he jumped out of his arms and ran back in to the wood when a car passed by as they were waiting to cross. He was hungry but not starved but we were so glad to have him home again. We have no idea where he had been. I hope Ollie is going to be okay.
23 Apr, 2013
Thanks all, Ollie apart from coming for food will not let us get near enough to pick him up which proves how scared he is, he had also not appeared for a few days last week so we feared the worst especially in view of the fact that Harry still wasn't around, we haven't been able to get him to the vets yet, Ollie is very independent, never has liked being indoors and has two homes, although he is really ours he decided years ago that he liked our neighbours four doors up the road and we have been sharing him, his decision.
We are hoping Harry has only been scared off and will still turn up, the good thing is that we haven't heard of any accidents or any signs of one on our local roads.....
23 Apr, 2013
So sorry Lincs, such a worry for you x
23 Apr, 2013
so sorry not found Harry sue and poor ollie wounded, seems very strange indeed, i wonder if it did have anything to do with a fox, we have one going through the street at night and i worry for capser.
i bet you dont want ollie to go out again now :o(
23 Apr, 2013
That's bad news Lincs , I hope poor Ollie recovers without to much trauma what a shame they can't speak , we have had a large ginger cat visiting us it seems to like our garden and is using it to sunbath ,it's very friendly and rubs itself round our legs .and has even sat on our kness in the garden ..
Sorry I forgot to say how well your garden looks it will be over flowing with colour when you set out all your new plants :o)
23 Apr, 2013
Your garden is looking great! Sorry to read about poor Ollies injuries. I hope they heal pretty soon and he gets over his ordeal whatever it has been. Such a shame that Harry hasn't turned up yet. You must be terribly worried.... I know I would be!
23 Apr, 2013
I like your garden very much Lincs and so sorry about the cats..Its very worrying.....
23 Apr, 2013
Lovely garden, but sorry to hear about the cats, hope Harry turns up and Ollie heals quickly.
23 Apr, 2013
Oh dear, shame about the cats.'Tis a bit worrying how foxes seem to be in our gardens all the time these days.
On a brother note, your garden looks very bright and very tidy! The weather's finally cheering up for us all and encouraging the plants to show themselves!!!!
23 Apr, 2013
Cheering up, Paul?
Where are you, the Bahamas? Lol.
3rd night on slug & fox patrol & it's poured every night.
The foxes are easily discouraged & only try 3 or 4 forays, thankfully.
The slugs seem to like the rain & have been out in their hundreds.
Shouldn't grumble, though, as the more I get rid of now the less there'll be later, or is that just wishful thinking? Lol.
24 Apr, 2013
Although the following link is American it does explain the good and bad sides to various methods of controlling your slugs and snails.
24 Apr, 2013
I am delighted to say its definitely cheered up here in fact we could do with some rain but only at night, ( I whispered that bit)...
24 Apr, 2013
Funny you should say that Lin. Last year was the first time we had rain during the day instead of the usual spring rainfall during the night. This year seems to have reverted to overnight rain and that suits me fine.
24 Apr, 2013
Love the layout of your garden Lincs a good balance of beds and lawn, and it looks like lots of spring bulbs.
24 Apr, 2013
Thanks for the USA link, Scotsgran.
Will have a look, later.
Have tried broken eggshells, chilli powder & salt.
None work, so I'll stick to torch & tongs again tonight. Lol.
Tired, at the moment.
Got a few hours kip, after going to bed at 8am, then spent the rest of the day planting bulbs & roots.
The wind had died right back, the sun came out to play, so it seemed too good a chance to miss. Lol.
It'll be dark about 10pm, so I thought it was time to get my daily fix of Goy, before another nightshift.
Oh, nearly forgot, tried the Taylor clem site, too.
Very handy, so thanks for that one as well!
Lincs, I'm sorry for hi-jacking your blog!!!
24 Apr, 2013
It's raining here tonight, Mouldy but has been very nice for 4 of the last 5 days.Caught the sun and everything!! !!
24 Apr, 2013
Thanks Stroller, I lost a lot of the small ones and very few tulips but as you can see its only noticable to me, lol...
You don't have to apologize Mouldy, I would never consider it hijacking, I've always liked the way the blogs can take off on a tangent sometimes, it makes for an enjoyable Goy and never gets boring, over the years we've gone around the houses and back many a time, as to your slug patrol I'd offer you some frogs but they are otherwise occupied at the moment doing what comes naturally, sounds like a motorbike revving up when the sun is shining....
Raining here tonight as well Paul, the garden will be pleased, I asked for it earlier but issued instructions for it to go elsewhere during daylight hours, lol....
24 Apr, 2013
I hope Ollie gets well soon. Sorry to hear Harry still hasn't turned up.
24 Apr, 2013
Frogs would be nice, Lincs, but the foxes would scoff them!
Or the local cats.
How's Ollie doing?
Only had to chase the foxes off once & found only eleven slugs from 10pm (dark) 'til 5:45am (1st light) this morning.
I suspect they're trying to lull me into a false sense of security. Lol.
It's been a very mild night with no wind at all & a light drizzle from about 6:20.
I'm going to plant out my surving babies from the start of next week.
I can't wait! :-)
25 Apr, 2013
Hi, Lincs. Not been here much for a while for various reasons, but read your blog and very sad to hear about Harry's disappearance - really hope he turns up. Also, pray that Ollie will be ok. How traumatic for him, and for you too. Sending hugs your way. X
25 Apr, 2013
Hello T'bear, thankyou still no signs of Harry but I'm pleased to say that Ollie allowed me to stroke him tonight whilst he was eating so thats a very good sign, his little face is a right mess but it is healing thank goodness, its definitely a bite and no way was it done by another cat, much to big........
26 Apr, 2013
It's good sign that Ollie has allowed you contact, Lincs & it's a safe bet that he won't be daft enough to stand his ground, should he ever encounter whatever caused his injury again.
Wisdom of such a bad & frightening experience will keep him safe!
27 Apr, 2013
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Sorry to hear about your cats. I hope Ollie will be all right.
(I do take a peep at the blogs but don't feel like joining in much yet)
23 Apr, 2013