By lincslass
I’ ve had a good day in the garden, its been a tad chilly but nothing a good gardening jumper couldn’t fix.
Potato’s all planted in this area…
A half row of beetroot and spring onions in this space behind my greenhouse ( I intend to move the rose elsewhere, just haven’t figured out where to put it yet but must get it done, lol) when I have moved it I’ll be able to pop the rest of my seeds in, doing them in easy stages, at least they’ll be staggered, thats my excuse and I ’m sticking to it…
New rhubarb, only been in 4 days and already doing well, I spent years getting rid of a huge crown from under my apple tree only to be asked this year by my daughter if we could have some more as its delicious, (owt for a quiet life is one of my motto’s she wants raspberries as well!!!! lol.
Dicentra’s saying hello in the garden and the pot..
Peony glowing against the fence…
Aquillegia’s popping up all over but this one is miles ahead of the rest..
After a very slow start things are now moving on in the g’house, in view of the weather its probably a good thing though as I could have ended up with leggy seedlings through lack of light…..
Its not all green I do have some colour as well…
13 Apr, 2013
Previous post: Fancy a Walk Mum !!!!!!
Next post: Some good, others not..
is that ajuga in there too - lovely plants !!! always been impressed with them
13 Apr, 2013
Its surprising how dry it all was Paul so I'm glad its raining, they'll all gallop along now, just don't want it like last year, yes I like ajuga and its a lovely shade of blue when in flower as well.
13 Apr, 2013
Things are popping up Lincs. it is so nice to see and at least you have been able to plant up some veg! It is still far too cold down here to do anything yet........oh we do need a warm spell. Sorry you have lost Harry, that is sad.
13 Apr, 2013
Your plants are coming along well Lincs, so sorry that Harry is missing I hope you find him safe and well soon.
13 Apr, 2013
Your garden is looking great. I'm sorry Harry has vanished. I do hope you get him back.
13 Apr, 2013
Another great blog, Lincs.
Busy, busy, busy is paying off...well done you!
14 Apr, 2013
oh yes the ajuga flowers are gorgeous :))
14 Apr, 2013
All looking good Lincs, springs better late than never....
Hope you find out where Harrys been for the winter x
14 Apr, 2013
excellent blog, you have been very busy planting your vegetables, well done:-)
14 Apr, 2013
I'm so sorry to hear about Harry. I hope you find him. He's lovely. Is he an elderly cat ?
It's such a worry with pets but I find it impossible to live without a cat.
Sorry not to comment on your plants but my mind is full of CAT at the moment - much more important than a few leaves.
14 Apr, 2013
Hi Sue ...
I hope you find Harry safe and well ...
... very soon ... xxx
14 Apr, 2013
Great blog Lincs.....Im so sorry to hear about Harry, who is indeed gorgeous...I hope he turns up...
14 Apr, 2013
So sorry to hear about Harry,Sue..hope you find him soon..
lots going on in your garden,and looking great..I did the same as you yesterday..so lovely to get things done..:o)
14 Apr, 2013
Blowing up a gale today, not cold but still a bit rough for gardening so had a lazy day, lol..
Thankyou all Harry is 10yrs old and does belong to my daughter, he seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth, we have been around lots of times, he is not a wanderer normally and has been neutered, we are wondering if he has been in an accident that has not been reported..........
Hywel you have no need to apologize to me, I fully understand and know what you mean, when we lost Malik I was devastated, we all were even Morgan, I was adamant that I didn't want another pet but home wasn't the same and I needed another pal of my own, Brynner has never replaced my boy and we didn't expect him to, he is important and loved for himself, but he is a great comfort who now knows my secrets and keeps me company.... Even after all this time I often have Malik Moments........
14 Apr, 2013
all looking good sue, sorrya bout Harry, have you posted on My Moggy.com
i hate them going missing and the not knowing where, maybe in someones garage or shed, oh dear xxx
14 Apr, 2013
Looks like you have been working hard and the garden is rewarding you. Sorry Harry is missing he looks so lovely sitting on his seat.
14 Apr, 2013
All looking great and I'm hoping Harry is returned safe and sound. I'd be going out of my mind with worry!
14 Apr, 2013
Nice to see the spring at last isn't it Lincs, I love those anemones and drumstick primulas. I suppose it's because we don't get those shades so often in the spring. I do hope there is good news about Harry soon, he really is beautiful:-)
15 Apr, 2013
So, Sue , spring has sprung at last ! lol ! I love the water feature ! Your borders look great and how come your Delphiniums don't get eaten ! You have a lot going on in your green house too. Its sad about your cat, though. I hope he turns up. I would be worried if our two disappeared. Thanks for sharing.
15 Apr, 2013
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looking great - and what a difference from just 2 weeks ago. our bleeding heart died off but coming back, and we have a huge bulb that maybe a peony - god knows now lol - glad plants are coming through well
13 Apr, 2013