Doris had a go but I sorted it....
By lincslass
Hope you didn’t suffer too much in the wind, she had a go around here but thankfully not too much damage and nothing in my garden that couldn’t be fixed.
I left it laying there until the next morning, when I picked it up there were only two little pieces to replace on the house, I leave the roof of the house loose as its easier when it comes to cleaning, think that is what saved it from more damage as it had landed away from the the table and stand …..
Temporary fencing to stop Brynner escaping, a job for after we have replaced the felt on the shed, that was scattered around the garden..
I know the arch needs replacing but as you can see Doris had a go at starting the job for me, I refuse to take the arch down until the Clematis has flowered, its late this year and is only just beginning to show its buds….
In the morning the trellis from the back and side of the fishpond was also laying across the garden….
I have a Clematis that was fastened and growing up the trellis, obviously it was snapped off completely but there is one stem approx nine inches remaining, I’m hoping it will shoot from the base, fingers xx. The trellis was placed there when the grandchildren were babies to stop them getting anywhere near the pond, it also stopped the dogs from getting near the birdtable, it will be so much easier now to keep it tidy I am tempted to not replace it and redesign the back of the bed instead….
The next two pics were taken early Thurs as the wind was just getting rough, I forgot to take pics Friday morning but the pond was covered with all pine needles and branches, no water visible, the lawn and raised bed was all branches, willow fronds and the felt from the shed, the door off the bottom greenhouse was also over the garden, thankfully it had not broken, just blown off its hinges…
It took me four hours solid working at it but I managed and restored it to a reasonable state….
Door back where it belongs..
We had a lot of moss again this year, as you can see, I need to reseed again but the good thing to come out of all the scraping and suchlike is the fact that its nearly prepared…..
Brynner just checking to see if I have done a good job, would like to point out that he was no help whatsoever…
Two panes of glass also got cracked in the top g’house, haven’t a clue how come they never blew out, I have patched it up for now with my magic tape until hubby can fetch two new pieces, a job for a very calm and warmer day…
It was hard work but I actually enjoyed myself and my pixie is serene and smiling still….
26 Feb, 2017
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That looked like a lot of tiding up to do, but your garden is looking good from the patio in the last picture. You are ready for Spring now.
I was surprised how much moss was in my lawn, I scarified it a couple of days ago, although I had treated it last Autumn with moss killer. I aso cut the grass.
27 Feb, 2017
You really took a battering from Doris,didn't you? but as you say,it could have been a lot worse...and in one way it helped you make a start on what you had planned to do in some areas,..We were very lucky here,as it more like a Gale than a storm..You have done a great job,and can feel justified in sitting back and feeling a bit smug . well done :o)
27 Feb, 2017
oh lincslass I was driving in Notts & Lincs on Thursday and it wasn't at all nice. The humber bridge was scary. glad no real harm was done and that clematis should recover well so fingers crossed.
got a good start on the grass ready for reseeding. well done.
27 Feb, 2017
Thankyou Paul, compared to some we got off lightly, you are right though we do not want one like that again, not used to it over here...
27 Feb, 2017
Siris its been so wet the last two winters I seem to fight a losing battle, its so shady down there for most of the year, also we are on a slope which makes it worse, having Brynner doesn't help either, my own fault for getting rid of the dogrun, never mind I am stockpiling lawnfeed, sand and grass seed, for when its time to try and sort yet again....
27 Feb, 2017
Hi Sandra, its good to see you, no loss of anything major which is a blessing when one thinks of the lady who died because of it..
It was a good job I cleared it away on Friday as its rained every day since, very cold as well, we are having some right weird weather aren't we, been out today putting in a new filter for the pond, we managed some of the work in between downpours but afraid it reached the stage where we had to continue, another job sorted though so we are both pleased with that....
27 Feb, 2017
Seaburn driving in that wind was scary,no way would I have crossed that bridge that day, it was bad enough where we were, hubby and I both work for a local taxi firm taking children to special schools, between Stamford and Bourne was the worst part, tree branches falling and gusts trying to blow us off the road at times, it was coming straight across the Fens, nothing to stop it until back in our town, then we had to carry on into Northants, very dicey on the A1, I was glad to return back home... I am hoping the Clematis will be ok and yesr thanks to Doris the lawn is prepared well in advance, lol.....
27 Feb, 2017
Well done on a job well done. It looks great and hard to believe you had so much damage in only a few hours. I had two panes of glass broken in our greenhouse, one on the roof where half fell down making a real mess and the other in the door. I managed to remove the pane above the one missing from the door because it looked like it was just teetering there. We have the glass for the repair but won't attempt it until we are sure of a whole day without wind. The garden hut felt roof landed at the back door having sailed over my new rockery which is just starting to look as if it might succeed, so no damage there. We had a glorious wind free and rain free day today but had to go out. In a way I am hoping March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb because we have lots happening at the end of March.
27 Feb, 2017
Good grief Lincs your garden took a bit of a battering, glad there's been no major damage though. As you say it could have been worse. A colleague of mine lost part of the conservatory roof. The wind took it over the top of the house into the main road, luckily no one got hurt by it and he was home so could run out for it before it went any further.
I don't envy either of you doing all that driving. Must admit the M6 got a tad interesting in places. The worst bit to drive for me was by work, it was bin day. I've never had to dodge wheelie bins before lol. SBG glad you made it off the bridge ok, I can imagine how scary that was once crossed the M4 bridge in strong winds - not fun.
28 Feb, 2017
Hi S'gran, we were lucky as one of the panes in our house was in the roof, luckily I spotted it and used the clear tape to stop it getting any worse, if it had gone completely the wind would have got in and probably blown others out on the opposite side, normally I keep away from the glasshouse when its rough like that, worked quickly as needs must, didn't actually go inside until the wind dropped completely which was on the Friday, I just XXmy fingers and hoped, weirdly enough the other pane was right at the bottom, guess something hit it on its way across the garden.....It was terrible yesterday, heavy rain most of the day, sunshine with an icy start this morning but not looking promising for later, too wet to really do anything though.....
28 Feb, 2017
Thankyou Samjp, I always say that someone is worse off and your colleagues damage would definitely take more fixing, I was thankful that our felt remained in the garden, it could have blown over and lots of vehicles at the back of us, a piece of that hitting a car windscreen could have been expensive. I actually thought it was stupid how many householders had stood the wheelie bins outside their gardens, they were toppled over and many were being blown onto the roads, a case of common sense not prevailing I'm afraid.....
28 Feb, 2017
I was in Oxford on Thursday last and there were times we were nearly blown off our feet. Luckily, on our return home there was no damage whatsoever and all fences etc still standing. I'm sorry to see you had quite a job clearing up. It must have been real hard work. Thank goodness nothing major was damaged, except what can easily be repaired or replaced. I was interested to read you've got frogs moving about in the garden. We haven't got any signs yet, but I live in hopes. When we moved the pond at the end of last year, we 'rescued' 4 frogs, so unless they've found a new home I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Perhaps you could introduce Brynner to TT's Truffle, he seems to be very helpful in the garden and might be able to give Brynner some tips lol!
28 Feb, 2017
It was a nightmare Waddy wasn't it but at the end of the day others suffered a lot worse, very sad in some places. We won't be attempting replacing the felt on the shed or the fencing for across the bottom of the garden until the weather picks up, its been raining every day since and the shed roof has to be dry,also March can be very windy at times and I certainly do not fancy any of those jobs at the moment..
I've tried educating Brynner many times but he has a very short memory and forgets instructions, or he is very crafty and only does what suits him, I think Truffle would get very frustrated with him, lol......
28 Feb, 2017
The drivers by you were lucky the felt stayed in your garden then. My colleagues roof did hit a car (after landing) but luckily everyone was ok.
Unfortunately it was bin day by work and the bin men were out collecting as I was going by. The recently emptied bins were the biggest issues, no weight to hold them down.
Fingers crossed the weather gets better now.
28 Feb, 2017
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I'm glad you didn't suffer much from Doris. Hope you won't see the likes of her again anytime soon. I've had a tornado take a swipe at me a few years back. Thankfully i only lost my garage.
27 Feb, 2017