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One year ago today.......


The longest and hardest year of my life, Derek and I were a couple for over 60yrs I lost my other half that day and I’ve never felt so lost or so lonely in my entire life…

Below is the tree my daughters bought for for me last year,its really lovely, was a mass of deep red flowers a few weeks back…….

We planted a Rowan last November on his grave, its also doing well…..

.We like to spend time there and Harriet and Pepper can come with us so its become our main place to go for a walk at the weekend…

We are allowed to also plant native flowers on his grave so we have primroses, violets, cowslips, bluebells and any weeds that like to spread themselves around at random, its really lovely over there and Derek would like it, although we chose what is known as the wooded area he is next to the meadow which will soon be a mass of red poppies…The railway line runs just at the back so when his Flying Scotsman and other famous trains are visiting Nene Valley Railway Museum they will pass by on route to Peterborough, we are keeping an eye out for this years Special Events Calendar so we’ll be able to see them as well…..

Do you remember I planted the oasis football with succulents, well it has come safely through the winter, I’m going to add more succulents to it, no need to buy any there are lots of babes that need to be separated from the parent plants in my g’house…..

I will keep you posted as to its progress….

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Sending you heartfelt sympathy Sue, and a virtual hug. It is so hard for you, but you are doing well to be so positive. x

5 May, 2024


Oh Sue, it doesn't seem possible that a year has passed. You have chosen his final resting place so well, he would be so proud of you. Thinking of you. xx

6 May, 2024


Sue, I'm sending you a virtual hug 🫂 too. Can't believe it's been a year since you lost your soul mate.
You've posted a lovely photo of your handsome Derek.
I have liked reading your blog with the memories dedicated to him and the beautiful things planted to remember him by.
I'm thinking of you at this time xx

6 May, 2024


Oh Sue, my heart goes out to you! I cried when I read your blog.
It is hard and I still feel exactly the same the day my Rick died.
It is strange but you can feel lonely even if surrounded by family or friends.
You had 60 wonderful years together and lots of memories you can think back to.
You have a lovely place where you and all your family can go to remember him and I am sure he will always be there with you.
A lovely picture of Derek.
Sending you lots of hugs and always in my thoughts. xxx

6 May, 2024


The year has flown by and many more will do the same but the feelings of loss and grief never ease, they are always there in the background.
Sending love and positive vibes to you Sue xxx

6 May, 2024


what a special place for you to visit and hopefully gain comfort knowing you are close to him. Love and thoughts to you.

6 May, 2024


I’m so sorry that you lost Derek. Best to think of all the happy times that you spent together, 60years is a good long time. Some people spend that length of time on their own & never marry but that I realise is not a comfort to you at this moment. Thinking of you & sending best wishes. I hope that it will get a bit easier for you in time. X X.

6 May, 2024


Thankyou for all of your lovely comments, they are a great comfort to me, I was unsure about posting this blog as I didn't want to appear maudlin but then I thought " Don't be daft Sue, you've known and shared with all these friends for a lot of years"... I'm glad I did now....xx

8 May, 2024


So sorry I was late in responding Sue..
Such a lovely photo of Derek...
A year already, your garden must have been a great help to you over this time.Keep at it!!

10 May, 2024


Hi Sue, it's so strange not having the person that you shared most of your life with not here with you, its nearly nine months now for me and the feeling of loss never seems to go away, I don't know about you, but I just find it a bit more bearable, then you just get a rotten day, but normally a good bawl sorts it out, as Hywell said in my last blog we will never stop missing them and we just move forward as best as we can xx

10 May, 2024


I agree with you Davey!

12 May, 2024


Hello Davey, sometimes it seems like yesterday, you are so right about having a bawling session, I had to have tablets to calm me down when I first lost him and they just froze me, I couldn't cry at all, not even when we were laying him to rest on the day of the funeral, that lasted right up until end of September, then it hit me, now lots of things set me off but thats better than being all knotted up...

13 May, 2024

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